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Sekonda Huet

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Everything posted by Sekonda Huet

  1. Time frame for possibly hearing from you? If we haven't in say... 24 hrs we're in the clear? :D
  2. Not a suprise. Shame his ego wouldn't accept the offer and his rank was that precious he would throw the Ordo aside. I think he was just waiting for an excuse to leave but never had the courage to leave of his own accord.
  3. Personally, as for Aryte art this has to be my favourite.
  4. Don't bother responding to it Sir. We all think you're awesome. :thumbsup:
  5. Moy was banned? But he was adoreablly pink.
  6. Silence Australia! You have Christmas Day in the Summer! You're already good at being sacrilidgeous!
  7. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ We're his puppies! ^^
  8. :coffee: Yeah... happy day you were put on this earth.
  9. I look like my Avatar so can be very personal with training. :whistle: ;) You're welcome.
  10. I think of you at night.

  11. :smoke: Who said smoking isn't cool? :laser: Imma firin mah lazer! Hee the new emoticons are win. :ice: ? The fuck is that? <.<; :rtfm: Oh shit a kitsy emote!
  12. I had a similar case fitted to my motorcycle for a GPS. Thusly it's probably made of rubber.
  13. That's a very revealing picture of Waffle... Did he give you permission to post that publiclly Jester? :o
  14. I'd like to thank Intus for the new forums and the smooth transition between the two. I had expected it to be a lot more taxing than this but Intus did a great job on it! Thanks! :thumbup: Total misuse of this feature to see if anyone spots it?
  15. I've been a member of the Ordo for a while now, know my ins and outs. I served with Curia so am aware of Formal procedures and have sat in on a few classes. I understand the reason we have the training and would like to be part of the team that continues to educate our new recruits and pick the best of the best to reach the ranks of the Ordo. I enjoy the idea of training, hence my reasons for joining the Adiutors. I'm around most times of the day between 6am SLT to 6pm SLT in and around those times and have a lot of flexibility.
  16. Farewell to thee tiny moustachioed fox.
  17. I got some spare time on the auld paws, good with the paperwork. Happy to lend a hand/paw. Paws~

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