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Everything posted by qoheleth

  1. What do you need to know about character creation to join the Ordo cartel?
  2. I don't usually get excited about anything other than MMO I'm currently playing, but I'm feeling the hype here. Who wants to put a PC copy on the member exchange? /wink
  3. Kavia nailed it. Ordo scheduled raids are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Many of us join PUG raids throughout the week. Glory (currency) farming is a thing, you know, how you do. Rumor has it some of us like the peeveepeez, too. Hop on TS to grab a guild invite.
  4. More leveling tips from Reddit: Leveling by Questing is NOT Slow How to Level Efficiently
  5. Don't do it, it's a trap. Disco telegraphs will ruin your brain.
  6. Thanks, Hoedown, this is a great place to start for those of us trying to deciper the new system. Other resources: Basic Rune List - Hoedown linked this above MWM's Basic Rune Introduction - Very basic introduction to the new system Conduction Tesla's DPS Optimal Runing Guide - Easy, class-specific suggestions Enigma's Character Rune Set Builder (CRSB) - Powerful tool, perhaps confusing Engima Class Guides - Updated guides contain rune advice and reasoning
  7. Some more leveling resources: Pictures: Leveling Zone Maps Discussion: Reddit: Efficient Leveling (tl;dr -- only do story quests (not tasks) 1-2 levels above your current level) Addon: EntSpy (or: Perspective)
  8. Update, September 2015: Strongly Recommended: LUI Aura - replaces AuraMastery; lighter footprint, clean interface, GA and DS events already loaded Vince Raid Frames - unit frames; exceptional performance and customization; used for raid assignments VortexMeter - replaces StrikeHardMeter Optional: Defrag - marks Logic boss telegraphs in Datascape Maelstrom Helper - make sure you go to the correct pillar in Datascape Not Now Master Loot - hides the master loot window during combat
  9. qoheleth


    Welcome. Please don't be shy about asking in guild chat for help with attunement steps.
  10. qoheleth

    Windows 10

    These reports of FPS gains are too enticing to ignore. Burning a DVD now.
  11. qoheleth

    Windows 10

    Away from my desktop today, which might be a blessing. You guys can tell me how terrible it is before I have a chance to install it. Win!
  12. The Kickstarter is over (funded!), but you can still contribute to development for rewards at launch and early (alpha, beta, etc.) access. Crowfall These guys regularly release information about ongoing development, including weekly updates and some amusing videos. This is one is good for a laugh.
  13. Requesting an audit (awards and ascension points) for Blue Rose (=Scatman), please. Relevant award threads: 07 June 2015 21 June 2015 05 July 2015 Thank you.
  14. The folks at Enigma (Wildstar's premier raiding guild) have assembled a series of class guides, which can be found here: Enigma Class Guides These guides are of varying quality and states of completion but they're a good resource for most players eager to improve their performance. As always, check the official class forums for updated information.
  15. Wow. That Battlefront video was impressive.
  16. Please use this thread to share any Aura Mastery codes that might be useful to others. --- Field Tech Check {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 4,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "Icon_CraftingUI_Item_Crafting_BottleWine",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -94,['top'] = -465,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Field Tech",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "C",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "Echo Impact",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Cleave",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "i",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Reactive Armor Boost",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = true,[4] = false,},['iconBorder'] = true,} X-89 - Big Bomb {['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 7.0812501907349,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_Boom",['iconSound'] = 197,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -129,['top'] = -350,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Big Bomb X89",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OT",['textString'] = "BIG BOMB ",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "C",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Strain Bomb",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['TimeRemaining'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Duration'] = 0,},['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Flash",['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},[2] = {['timerLength'] = 4,['Type'] = "Icon Color",['EffectDetails'] = {['Color'] = {['a'] = 1,['r'] = 0,['g'] = 1,['b'] = 0.25,},},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = true,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0.91129034757614,[2] = 0.86719560623169,[3] = 0.87546336650848,[4] = 1,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.97580647468567,[2] = 0.047216452658176,[3] = 0.047216452658176,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} X-89 - Small Bomb {['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 9,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_Go",['iconSound'] = 220,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -187,['top'] = 167,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Small Bomb X89",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OT",['textString'] = "SMALL BOMB ",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Corruption Globule",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['TimeRemaining'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Duration'] = 0,},['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Flash",['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},[2] = {['timerLength'] = 2,['Type'] = "Icon Color",['EffectDetails'] = {['Color'] = {['a'] = 1,['r'] = 0,['g'] = 1,['b'] = 0.15625,},},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = true,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0.99193549156189,[2] = 0.95993757247925,[3] = 0.95993757247925,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.89516127109528,[2] = 0.079409450292587,[3] = 0.079409450292587,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Phagetech Prototypes - Break Chains {['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 10,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_No",['iconSound'] = 220,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -224,['top'] = -686,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Malicious Uplink",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header24",['textAnchor'] = "C",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Malicious Uplink",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['TimeRemaining'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Duration'] = 0,},['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.90196079015732,[2] = 0.40000000596046,[3] = 0,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} System Daemons - Power Surge {['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 9,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_Lightning",['iconSound'] = 220,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -212,['top'] = -188,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Power Surge",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterHuge",['textAnchor'] = "OT",['textString'] = "INTERUPT",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterHuge",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "NOW",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Power Surge",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['Target'] = {['Target'] = true,['Player'] = false,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Flash",['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},[2] = {['timerLength'] = 2,['Type'] = "Icon Color",['EffectDetails'] = {['Color'] = {['a'] = 1,['b'] = 0.15625,['g'] = 1,['r'] = 0,},},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = true,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0.99193549156189,[2] = 0.95993757247925,[3] = 0.95993757247925,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.89516127109528,[2] = 0.079409450292587,[3] = 0.079409450292587,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}
  17. Looking forward to catching up with you soon. Do you have our TS info?
  18. I was hoping it would be about my favorite liturgical season.
  19. If you're a collector or a completionist, this might be of use: WildstarCore's Guide to Pets Alternatively, you could spend your non-instanced time on contracts and laser tag. Pew pew.
  20. I agree that this looks promising and that the developers are saying a lot of the right things. I worry that their models for encouraging and iterating "emergent gameplay" will require a large and stable player population, much moreso than "themepark" MMOs.
  21. This list is by no means exhaustive. Interface AuraMastery - combat event tracking BuffFilter - hide unwanted buff icons ForgeUI - modular, minimal UI overhaul Perspective - unit tracking and display (toggle macro) Quality of Life ChatLinks - clickable URLs in game chat EasyReload - reload UI with /rl OrionChallenges - challenge tracker RareTrackerEx - locates rare mobs TapThat - automated completion of "CSIs" Translator - allows cross-faction chat Items and Inventory eToolTip - item stat change summaries on tool tips KuronaBags - "unlimited" bag slots for sorting LinkMeHarder - allows linking of equipped items MagicMail - automated mail tasks Rune Master - plan your rune sets tLoot - improved loot rolling display VinceBuilds - LAS and equipment manager Raiding OhmnaHelper - mark position assignments RaidCore - the DBM of Wildstar StrikeHardMeter - damage/healing/etc. meter WildstarLogger - for use with Crafting and Tradeskills Athena - Tracks coordinate discovery attempts ViragsAutoCircuit - automated circuit board crafting ViragsAutoCoordinate - automated coordinate crafting ViragsMultibuyer - modifies vendor window to allow stack purchases WYBMNRedux - facilitates housing plot harvesting
  22. This guide is dated but still mostly accurate: GUIDE: ATTUNEMENT STEP BY STEP The important changes: - There are now weekly quests for an additional bonus of Elder Gems. You can easily get your Genesis Key in the first week you hit 50. - Credit for Dungeons and World Boss kills is retroactive. Credit for Adventures is not. - Daily quests in Crimson Badlands and the Defile award faction reputation as well.

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