Fox is considered by many to be just a nuisance, he was camped for as I was told, being a copybotter. He is also listed on the Mercury server as a member of the Alpha Marines, which are defunct, but still showed up as hostile. The fact that there were ordo in the spawn can be accounted for by the phase 4 schola class that was in progress. The fact he is complaining makes me laugh, if he thought with a name like "Fox Mulgrave" just coming into a spawn while considered hostile was going to ilicit us to put a leigh around his neck and welcome him to our tropical retreat, he is dead wrong. Titan's rules clearly state if you are hostile (and the mercury server reports Fox as such) and our rules are stated to them as well as ourselves that hostiles get engaged regardless of arms or armor, he clearly is ignorant or just didn't read. When it comes to hostiles that bitch about getting shot the word is "Tough shit", and by the way he talks he sounds like he is full of plenty of said shit.