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Jayce Iredell

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Everything posted by Jayce Iredell

  1. I reemember playing on an EPIC level server, running a very very modfied, and excellently at that, version of the Nordock server. Everyone there was awesome, good bunch to go out and quest with, or just run around and kill things with. the only down fall with it was the server admins liked to place objects of great value in dark and high level dungeons, or sometims they'd just play games with the inhabitants of the server. Remember running into a prismatic sphere once while just running through a random area I assumed had been cleared. I died instantly of course after being hit with a negative energy blast, good fun.
  2. Now there is a game I haven't played since.... long ago, wow.
  3. I kind of feel sorry for the smaller start up groups like these, though they add a diversity and fresh faces to the combat scene. They also tend to get absorbed easily into the wash of existing groups, along with those comes the diatribes and hate that alot of the older groups have between one another.
  4. They have already saved lives by blocking in places like, Dorien, Ziost, and Titan. Next, they will prevent the spread of HIV in Africa.
  5. Shadowfang Blessed, for taking initiative to lead some raids recently.
  6. Totally going in my profile, and to think I was trying to come up with something new to put there, I will have to thank Julia.
  7. And you all thought Canada was safe, hahaha.
  8. This isn't the MC, we have to deal with this in a assertive but non-aggressive manner in my mind.
  9. D: faking qoutery, this must be purged!
  10. I want to get NWN2, i enjoyed multiplayer on NWN, far more than single.
  11. Recommend making this an article, if we can sirs.
  12. Nothing made me join, I was a newb in SL and figured what else did I have to do? so there you have it.
  13. From my undrstanding the Beta Grid and main grid are not linked, also if it is beta grid then they would probably fix it before launching.
  14. Again I reiterate, for the sake of lulz, lol whut?
  15. Antesignani is two members away from a full squad, with the Optio expected to be gone for about a week or so. The last two positions will likely be filled by whomever finishes his or her trials the fastest. Also it is the 21st of July, Jayce Iredell came to exist on this day, 2 years ago.

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