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Zero Itamae

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Everything posted by Zero Itamae

  1. Or you could just use which is tribes 2.
  2. Is it often that a NCO is attached to an officer?
  3. Let's see...the last old game that I completed was probably quake 1 with a friend of mine, completed the whole game on Nightmare in one sitting with him.
  4. Haha wow...Just something about the first image makes me laugh.
  5. The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Dune Annnd thats all I can think of, i'm going to sleep.
  6. Wasn't there some document or something that mentions that there is supposed to be around 5 on the wall at all times?
  7. I'm not an insomniac, I just like staying up late...
  8. ...Thank you Lestat. I just came home from a shitty day at work to see the topic and think "Great...drama and more bullshit." But no, that put a smile on my face.
  9. He didn't seem like too bad of a person when I used to talk to him =o
  10. I'm pretty sure I used to know Igugderashi Yifu a looong time ago, before I had any interest in SL militaries. He used to DJ and stuff, and I saw him on IRC o.o;.
  11. [22:33] Capn Robonaught: Thank you, sir. [22:34] Capn Robonaught: Sir, one moment. [22:34] Capn Robonaught: Squirrels in the walls. [22:35] Capn Robonaught: Ok, taking the exam now.
  12. All the services provided for the visitation and funeral were wonderful, there were a lot of people that came for it. I broke down a good couple of times during it all. One thing I can say that is pretty great is their favorite restaurant that they went to near daily, catered the food for free. El Porto must have donated around 800$ or so worth too.
  13. Leaving today in like, 4 hours instead of monday. And if anyone is interested in reading it, there were a few articles done on my grandfather, it's pretty well written, and shows many of his accomplishments. He was a really great man, and I don't believe i'll ever know someone as kind as him again. Rest in peace Richard Welsh.
  14. Bad flash >:o, doesn't end appropriately.
  15. I'll be going back up to MD for my grandfathers funeral. The dates are really an estimate, I don't know how long i'm going to be up there, but it's most likely going to be Thursday.
  16. Looks kinda like a generic free MMO.
  17. I'm in the same boat as Gulliver, except my friends just don't play SL. (Most.)
  18. Yeah, the ending was atrocious.
  19. I...Can't really think of anything interesting about me. :<

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