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ribena Homewood

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Posts posted by ribena Homewood

  1. I have 4 Jobs... Depends on the Season... But I do them all...

    1. Child Care Giver (No I don't have to change diapers I just get to chase little kids around and teach them how to swim)

    2. Karate Instructor (Yes I am a Sensei, 3rd degree blackbelt, and yes I do teach it)

    3. Life Guard for the beaches in my area (Yes that is California, Yes I am hot, No I am not tan, and no you can't have a picture)

    4. Full time student...

    You copied Trevor.


  2. [5:23] Ron Bleac puts on his gloves.

    [5:23] (COM): ShadowFang Blessed: :D!

    [5:23] Czyrek Essel: omg

    [5:23] Czyrek Essel: me first

    [5:23] Ron Bleac: Wow.

    [5:23] Trinity Heckroth: ...

    [5:23] Ron Bleac: Okay.

    I cracked the hell up.


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