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ribena Homewood

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Posts posted by ribena Homewood

  1. The Squad/Octet/Cohors/Whatever thing hardly made sense to me in the first place, and then it changed entirley in the two weeks I was out of the group/away from SL, So I'm even more confused, I still don't even know who my Immediate CO is. =_=

    [COHORS B; CENTURY 1] - Victrix

    [Garion Lowenhardt]

    Arc Vyper

    Ashley Yowahoshi

    ATR Vasser

    Akurei Sieyes

    Behemot Branner

    Braeden Maelstrom

    Calegari McMillan

    Cheeso Szydlowska

    Christoph Batra

    Dain Bellic

    Dash Flaks

    Edge Axel

    Epoch Eun

    Eriksson Foxtrot

    Furry Thor

    GuilhermeBaar Hannu

    Gunau Sodwind

    IcedPhoenix Seferis

    Jordan Cannoli

    Josey Bingyi

    Kastrenzo Benelli

    Kirshak Clarity

    Kraton Foxtrot

    Kuria Kondor

    Lion LittleBoots

    Natti Breen

    Preston Smythe

    Salandras Adamant

    Shawn Rexerzon

    Shermie Eames

    Striker Dryke

    Syris Andel

    thatguy Andel

    Trevor Russell

    Tyler Yaseotoko

    Typhon Perun

    Venes Dagger

    Vilkacis Mason

    Vorlon Bikcin

    Wind Fabre

    Zabimato Outlander

  2. ^ people who certify themselves as "lol e;PIC" are scientifically proven to be either a suck up or mentally insane

    < loves Muse and the Beatles. KICK OUT RAP AND POP, BRING BACK SOMETHING LIKE THE BEATLES TO THE MUSIC INDUSTRY. Beatles were the one and only though, so.

    v likes the Beatles


    Rygads: Goddammit, mark my words, I am gonna fix this computer because I am A+ motherfucking certified and this is what I studied to do.

    Me: You haven't haven't taken the A+ test yet so you're not like, certified.

    Rygads: ...Because I am almost A+ motherfucking certified and this is what I studied to do. :teeth:


  4. halping ronny

    “She’s built like a Steakhouse, but she handles like a...?"

    She’s built like a Steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro.

    Whats christmass?

    Christmas is just another day of the year. I do believe it is like a tribute if I may for the birth of Jesus Christ. We exchange gifts because it's a tradition of what the two or three kings did when Jesus was actually born. Instead of getting Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh . . nowadays we get a nifty laptop and money. Oh, and deodrant for men. ALL men get deodrant for Christmas.

  5. :( I wear one all the time in world. Also, it's made out of metal, I think. I think...

    I know that.

    But you'd look a total fangirl in real life going to Walmart wearing the thing. :| There's an airsoft version of it that I'd like for airsofting, but other than that it's a waste of money.

  6. I take Christmas quite seriously and see it as a great time to spend time with my friends and family. My one year of service is going to pop up soon and I just found it necessary to just thank you all. Not just for being a common friend, oh no - I consider you all as a family now.. and damn right I'm going to hug you all until you die of suffocation.. Take it as a Christmas present. But yes, thank you, to everybody, for being there for me and of course others, you're special and deserve a place in my fart.


    Have a wonderful Crimbo and once again - thank you for just being there, you're awesome.


    Omg I can't log into SL. :<


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