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ribena Homewood

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Everything posted by ribena Homewood

  1. ^ Dunno who this guy is. But I like him regardless. < Is going to France on Saturday. v Will go AFK atleast twice this week!
  2. This is so badass that The Hall of Badasssituade should have its own entire thread!
  3. My computer fell out with me, Crash. We had a good relationship. [media]
  4. I find it hard to understand how anybody would give away 100 Dr. Pepper's.
  5. You're British..? Aryte, promote this guy.
  6. Waffuh wins the desktop of the year award.
  7. Killing snappy takers and all of a sudden deeming them spies is kinda stupid anyway. :X
  8. You made that sound . . very, very bad.
  9. The German race itself wasn't a problem. But it's safe to say they had some badass stuff. >_> This will make a great competition with CoD6... If it offers a better online experience than CoD, they've hacked it.
  10. SCAR-H as a primary weapon and the Five Seven as a sidearm . . and a non-issued (but permitted) neck snapper just in case I find a camper. To me, the SCAR-H somewhat feels more comfortable than all of the other weapons, not to mention it's just sexy. It works great in lag (semi it) and is all around a great gun. And as a sidearm I use the Five Seven, which I usually use more than the SCAR-H, it just gives you a big advantage I think. Oh, and the neck snapper is just awesome.
  11. Why do you claim to be "the body guards of thy Imperator," when as a matter of fact you do the exact same things as everybody else? Specifically, what do your jobs consist of? (Other than stating the obvious)
  12. Anybody up for a knife only round on MW2 (PS3)? :D

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