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Jester Spearmann

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Everything posted by Jester Spearmann

  1. [14:53] Ordo Walky Talky v4 1: (Aryte Vesperia) Most of the furries have their shots.
  2. This is the reason why i hate furries they think shit belongs in off topic sections. sheesh Tch we own SL >:)
  3. Thank's to both Rei & Aryte for this. it helps with a lot of questions that some may have had including myself
  4. Warning Rant follows this message, read at own risk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has come to my attention recently that there seems to be a number of *unwritten rules* floating around most having been by the sounds of it made up on the spot. for instance, The hangar doors on the VV I was told by a Corporal whom shall remain nameless that Legates spearmann told them only officers may open/close the hangar doors. another one that needs clarification is the one on group tags where the handbook says 'ordo specific title' I was pulled up by a duplicarius for wearing main ordo tag on the base while just walking around, not wearing my legion/sublegion tag i was asked to switch to my group tag but pointed out respectfully that the handbook does not say we *must* wear a certain tag. Thirdly is clothing/avatar appearance. I've noted that there seems to be no rules on footwear other than as long as it matches the theme of the armor and has no OMFG huge spiky bits jutting out all over that it was fine. as the issued boots real do no go well with the armor, and for those of us of the furry persuasion there is even less to go on (most of us usually walk around barepawed or use the pawboots from the accessories box. for the Schola cadets this is even worse as the boots do not really fit all that well and alot of the cadets walk around with legs sticking out of the sides or feet poking out the bottoms. and i've seen numerous cadets wearing boots they own (black) and having been told to remove them and use the boots that came with the uniform, to me it seems pointless if someone has spent say 200L on a decent pair of boots only to be told they are not allowed because they arent the issued ones. [/end rant] P.s) This is by no means directed at any one person, this is something that has been stirring in my mind for a few weeks now
  5. [10:25] Sol Cult (COM): Keno, pick up your f'ing box!
  6. Hmm this should be good, I'll get to work on a backstory asap. Thank's for the info on here Jayce :D
  7. I know what it should have been lilium but i was too lay to fix it
  8. Rule 35 should be "If porn of it cannot be found, /b/ will make it." Your version makes no sense. Go to 4chan and get the real list. ;) So i made a few errors, it was a copy & paste from another friends journal
  9. 1.Do not talk about /b/ 2. Do NOT talk about /b/ 3. Anonymous is legion. 4. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget. Corollary - Anonymous knows what you did last summer 5. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster. 6. Anonymous is still able to deliver. 7. There are no real rules about posting. 8. There are no real rules about moderation either
  10. regarding a n00b that asked to join. [7:31] Kristian Kit: we are living in an odd world full of underage blingtards that should get laid some time
  11. Well your not half dragon either :P
  12. You say that like it's a bad thing johann
  13. That is insane Kristian.... I like it :D
  14. We have a secret entrance above the lava pools, gotta run over a few pipes n stuff but the entrance is like epic :3

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