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Trevor Russell

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Everything posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Niiya, the radar still has its uses in raids, even with Vertical Life. I rely on a variety of methods, and find that using all of them in tandem gets me the best results.
  2. I am reminded of my current line of employment. We use radios for communication regularly, and they are quite useful. HOWEVER, as they are used for reporting emergencies, we have to keep them clear. It is better for the channel to be silent then filled with chatter. Just because someone isn't saying something at that instant, we keep it clear in case someone has to go on a rescue, or requires aid. Not all communication is emergency, in fact much of it involves scheduling, asking for a ride, watching the weather, pulling cars out of the sand, et cetera. The easiest rule of thumb: If there is any hostile activity on sim, ask yourself first "Is what I am about to say relevant to the situation, and does it NEED to be said, or can it truly benefit the other defenders?" If the answer is no in there, don't say it, or go to a non-combat channel. HOWEVER, should you be slacking on defensive duties, you will be raged at. Also, to add, officers aren't the only ones who can call for "combat pertinent". Any NCO can as well. I frequently do, and it is something that NCOs should be doing, so that officers can focus on coordinating defense, not keeping people in line with the rules.
  3. It really doesn't have a place here. We aren't a forums community, we are an SL military community that uses forums for one means of communication. We don't need any rep system for motivation, since posting well or poorly will reflect in SL with promotions or Curia sanctions (if you think Curia doesn't care about forums, think again, I used to send Kitsy several links regarding certain bad posters). What's more, it really becomes a popularity contest. I've seen Aryte get +rep'd for posts whose content is "Thanks for the report!" This feature is useful in communities which revolve around Forums, so a rating system would be like a caste system. I have also seen a good rating system used in VBulletin, where you are only alloted a certain number of points for rating others. In otherwords, for every +rep you get, you can + or - rep a certain number of people (not one, or else any good logician or mathematician would know that the total number of points floating around would dissappear to zero, thus defeating it). Instead, here, anyone can +/-rep as many times as they want, leading to rep-bombing, when all of an individuals posts are negative rated.
  4. Go choke on a waffle and get annexed already! ;) OMG, I laughed so hard at this.
  5. Should change the name of this thread from "Lost and Found" to "Zrazor's AC Yiffy Experience Confession" thread. Since I have clothes that also aren't mine, im going to say NO to that. I have a pair of 32x32 loose jeans with some slight thigh perforations, intact cuffs, and a pair of olive grey Union Bay shorts, with a cabernet interior band. Both are comfortable and fit me, so if they go unclaimed, I will keep them D:
  7. NOOBS. Beating Aryte's post count is simple. You simply have to be Magical Trevor! See? For those wondering, this TOTALLY WAS magic, not at all an abuse of admin powers <_<; MAGIC >_>; EDIT: MOVED TO FUCKING OFF TOPIC.
  8. I don't see why we need a poll. Aryte has already said what the regulation is on this. Simply having a poll is questioning his word.
  9. Thus begins the era of forum elitism. Or at least, that's been my experience on other forums which use this system.
  10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah. Sounds like my shirt D: *makes grabby paws*
  11. D:!!!! Steam told me "Sorreh, we can't do dat. We no has feechur for dat." So, I'm stuck being awesome, with 230 achievements Dx
  12. Ironic, considering all the voices that said "nonono, this won't be just another Age of Conan!"
  13. Lestat Umarov: "FUCKING PICKLES!"
  14. might've been mine D:! could you give a better description or pics?
  15. OMG CNN VIDEO LOLOL CLEEK HUR Timestamp: 1:02, Sera walks on to camera at left.
  16. Ave Imperator, Gloria Imperialis.
  17. I would like to recognize all of my Frumentarii compatriots. For doing the dirty work, long tedious hours, often thankless. So much work, one of the few jobs done here that puts so much in and gets usually nothing in return. You do it because you believe in Ordo, in this group. You believe in an ideal, and are willing to dedicate yourself to that ideal, knowing that it is reward enough to have made a difference for the better. For protecting our comrades, the ordo at large, and sometimes, for protecting the Imperator, you, the Frumentarii, are hereby recognized.
  18. Comrades, please keep discussion on topic. I MEAN IT >:O Also, excellent idea, this is an elegant solution to a problem we've had for a long while, namely "well, so and so said not to do this." "I didn't hear him say it, so I will do it anyways." *ensuing administrative drama*
  20. First Impression: Wow! a game with monolithic creatures battling it out, Shadow of the Colossus style. Actuality: /me sighs. This game was a disappointment in less than an hour. Maps are flat mazes, with clear-cut boundaries. Feels like a 90's RTS with 21st century graphics. Basically, take an RTS, except without the army-like capabilities and structures, then take an RPG, except without more than 4 or so special attacks, and there you go. Gameplay is all about fighting, and with limited and clearcut paths, strategy is almost boiled down to "you go left I go right". I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I doubt i want to. People who suceed at games like this take hours to focus on the minutia to get the best "strategy". Translation: WoW. Bottom Line: Waste of 40 bucks.
  21. [11:02] Trevor Russell salutes! [11:02] Trevor Russell: aryte? outside? [11:03] Trevor Russell: maybe now you'll get some sun and not be so pale :> [11:03] Aryte Vesperia has frozen you for 30 seconds. You cannot move or interact with the world. [11:03] Aryte Vesperia: Punked. [11:03] Aryte Vesperia is Offline [11:03] Your freeze expired, go about your business.

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