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Trevor Russell

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Everything posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Uh, I thought ordo grenades are 5 m max o.o
  2. I am going. also, Fermi made a similar post, so now this is the THIRD of such threads. I shall make a new forum, and call it "Anthrocon Rosters" JUST FOR THIS D:<
  3. A while ago, yes. I think it should be refreshed into people's memories.
  4. Actually, I did this stuff senior year of highschool. Also, just looking at the problem briefly, shouldn't a numerical answer be the final? I call shenanigans.
  5. I went from .625 to .3, wearing a jetpack, new armor, SCAR-L (slung), and utility hud for ordo stuff. Switching to ZHAO-II lowered it a bit. Detaching the Kani HUD was huge, along with Kristmas Kitty HUD (which was only a tiny part of the change) i dropped .2 (Kani HUD has a color bar, made before touch sensitivity, so there are 30-40 increments that each have a script @_@) Detaching a Multitool (custom by Faron) i dropped another .05. Removed tail scripts for .025. Removed kani eye blinks, tongue sticking out, and eyebrow movements for .05. If you, like i did, think "BUT BUT, I LIKE TO EXPRESS MY FURRINESS!" then ask yourself, do you really need blinking eyes? will anyone notice? the answer is no. And if they do notice, they probably won't care. Just because your eyes blink will not make the difference over whether or not you get laid that night. Instead, think of how much of an improvement to combat can be had with less lag!
  6. Terra actually does stuff. Astra and Navis sit on the other side of banlines.
  7. I would like to recognize our active European members, for managing to stick with it, and staying up to the ungodly hours of the night and morning in order to contribute in our primetimes. That shows a lot of commitment, and for that, I commend you.
  8. TYPO: "Digigrade" should be "digitigrade", it is a common misspelling by furries.
  9. I am pretty sure the first one is easy to find. If I remember correctly, impulse rounds don't physlock. I may be wrong though.
  10. Readin' tha forumz since bafore you been born.
  11. The short story by Ray Bradbury is infinitely better. Seriously, go read it, Bradbury is genius among men.
  12. We know, thus why we are saying, the standing policy of "don't wear ordo gear off-base" still stands for Aditi.
  13. I would like to point out that Aryte gave pretty general recommendations, not sweeping mandates. I really hope this does not turn into another fascist crusade by overzealous officers, like what nearly happened with Avatar Rendering Cost. I understand performance, but we must also be reasonable. If we want to start removing blink scripts from kani eyes, then we should certainly ban AOs, as they are much more laggy. I am not suggesting that we do so, I am simply saying, all in moderation here.

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