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Akurei Sieyes

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Everything posted by Akurei Sieyes

  1. heres a nice map resource for yall
  2. Volkmar seems ot be chok full of good opponents. :D I can't wait to do some tier 3 and 4 battles when I get up there. Altdorf is wtfbbq :o
  3. In these here modern times, you should have to copy and paste a text link, or manually format it to look different! Just having an automaticly formatted link to click is TOO GOSH DURN EASY for today's generation. >:o Also, that video rules Sol :3 Yep.. i'm definately a bright wizard ;o
  4. It means i can play with SG and beat some ass with my bros and sistaz from Planetside once again. Its great to see my old friends again and play together like old times. <:3
  5. Oh my, how clever you are. Here's a suitable response for your post: Now can we get back on topic: Who's actually gonna be playing WAR?
  6. I have been playing Order with my longtime pvp guild Sturmgrenadier on the Volkmar server since Sunday at noon. I have to say the pvp in this game is more fun than any MMO i've played. (with the exception of Planetside(back when it was awesome, not now obviously)) We've been hammering the RvR scenarios constantly, we've got some seriously excellent guilds opposing us on the Destruction side here, so it's gonna be a challenging time to say the least. The only bitch I have right now is Volkmar is beyond full, thanks to all the guilds joining together, all the Destro guilds and Order, including SG and our allies. The queue in the daytime can be.. well.. considerable. D: I'm playing as a Bright Wizard, uber firepower and zero protection, which is a new path for me. usually in this sort of game I go 'hunter' type or 'tank' type. I have to say, when your a fire shooting psycho and you can stay alive by some miracle (or have a healer riding your ass all the time) you can dish out some serious firepower and kill all sorts of shit (aka enemy players), but when they start to assign 4-5 tanks to annihilate you the moment you show your face things start to get painful quickly, and you become intimately familiar with the respawn timer as my fellow firemages and I have. :3 It's all rad though, because really getting into scenarios or open world RvR is a lot of fun, win or lose, do or die :D Not that you shouldn't try to win of course. ;D Also PQ's (Public Quests) are pretty cool ways to gain XP out of pvp combat, but from what i've seen, if you want to gain XP like a crazy person, RvR is the way to go. I can't really explain what the regular questing and stuff is like, mainly because I have no freaking idea. RvR! o_o; (this is from beta, I haven't been taking any pics recently. too busy BURNING PEOPLE D:< Also my wizard has a Warrior Priest hand puppet, to which he points out the heretics. Need I say more?
  7. that's what happens when your cunstruction crew forgets a lunchbox inside a hadron collider :/
  8. I'm really enjoying mine. I use it all the time when I'm at work to remote desktop to my home PC and get on SL as well as play games and watch movies and music etc :) Rather than sit around and stare at the walls and risk falling asleep at work, my excessively boring job is so much more enjoyable now thanks to this. It's fulfilling the purpose for which I bought it, I'm happy with that.
  9. Sleeping after a long night shift.... My stupid roomates didn't bother to wake me up while they were watching it. e_e "Oh we didn't want to bother you." ....... thanks guys.
  10. I think thats Ryoaku's rank if i remember right xD
  11. That's what blowing up planets is for. <3 "This world is inhabited by lifeforms below what one would call 'deserving to live'." "Annihilation then?" "YES."
  12. 1. lose the megaprims. The novelty of the endless black rocks as 'scenery' has long since worn off, as has needing to use debug settings just to see the minimap on every login. 2. Rethink the priority of the prim use in the sim. I point directly to the Vae Victus with the blame finger of excessive and wasteful prim use. while its cool to have a giant spaceship, its not very useful for all the prims it uses, wastes a lot of space even within itself due to the design, and at least for me, looking up at the sky with that thing up there with its massive textures almost always results in the client freezing up, sometimes even long enough to timeout and log me off. there is nothing the ship does apart from being a big ship, that a ground/underground base could not do just as easily and with fewer prims and less graphical performance impact. 3. Either make Chronus an integral part of the base (as was already mentioned, salamis/badnarik mix is a good example) or move it up one space so its beside us diagonally on the grid if its really supposed to be a training sim (at least thats what i heard it was for) Where it is now and the fact that its locked group only makes no sense being attatched to titan if noone bt us can go there anyway. and if itdoes stay connected it ought to be 'behind' our lines to give our base defensive depth.
  13. I have it, plus opposing fronts, but I don'tlike rts games much against people. ;|
  14. Name: PhyreFox [ SteamID ] Remember also there is a Steam group for Ordo. See it in my SteamID Groups list.
  15. OK, me Gunau and Sukasa been playing this today. Good times all around :D I hope we can hit more of this this weekend. WITH BULLETS >:C I would recommend people use these two mods though, since they make the game doubleawesome. YOU MUST HAVE VERSION 1.14 of ArmA! MadMatt's ArmAEffects v1.0 This mod improves and replaces the game's special effects. Check the video. :) Mod Download // Video Trailer FFAMM Version 1.53 This mod mostly replaces and enhances the game's default crappy sound effects. Video on the download page. Mod Download Also something else to add onto the end of your ArmA shortcut target, is -nosplash Here is an example from my target: What this does is disables all the unskippable splash screens when the game starts up, which will save you a lot of time when launching. (Note: DBE1 is the 'Queen's Gambit' expansion for ArmA. You don't need to have this to play. All of these mods are client side only, so not having them won't make it impossible to play with us. :) It just means you'll be seeing the boring default effects and sounds ;o )
  16. I'll be able to play again once I buy a new DVD drive this Thursday. (also known as payday, and 5 day weekend day. A plesant coincidence. :3 ) I has ArmA, and Queen's Gambit
  17. Hey I didn't notice that at first. o_o Idea: shot at me + bullets ricochet + hits himself as well = homg he's under attack? ;O?
  18. *rubs eyes* OK, >_> I just woke up from falling asleep sometime last night while standing at the sim radar in the base bunker in Titan. Anyway long story short, I was no longer where I was standing when I last looked at SL, so I went back a bit in my local chat history to see what, if anything happened. Found this: [3:56] Radar base: New contact: Jiranto Kas [3:56] * (COM) Jiranto Kas (Age: 2 months; Group: Unknown) at spawn * [3:57] * (COM) Erif Raymaker (Age: 1 year 4 months; Group: Unknown) at spawn * [3:57] Radar base: New contact: Erif Raymaker [3:58] squakbox: (Jiranto Kas) r [3:58] squakbox: (Jiranto Kas) r [4:00] You died and have been teleported to your home location [4:00] Utility HUD: Collision: "damage" owned by Jiranto Kas [4:01] * (COM) Jiranto Kas (Age: 2 months; Group: Unknown) at spawn * [4:03] Jiranto Kas shouts: Akurei: Now I have video evidence of you using your goto hud to engage a combatant. GG That's pretty amazing, considering I was sleeping at the time. :D Apparently not only did I use my hud while asleep in bed, but I ENGAGED IN COMBAT. Wow! But at the same time i'm confused, because although I was shot.. I was NOT at my homepoint. o_O So I dunno what the hell happened. >_>
  19. Dude that's old news, look at the article date. They've already had this in PC Gamer Magazine multiple times, Gamespot, etc. How could you have missed it omg D: I do like the 'compete with tabula rasa' part. Heh, that shouldn't prove to be a very difficult competition ;o
  20. We were supposed to be keeping track? Crap >_>;
  21. Forget all that, I know exactly what to do with this. Fill it out to say George Bush and send it to the White House. >;3

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