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Akurei Sieyes

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Everything posted by Akurei Sieyes

  1. Make a little Jughead crown for this.
  2. Replace the elevator with a trampoline.
  4. Another day at work and no bus service because they're on strike. Can't go anywhere. :|
  5. There's already an app that let's me read and post from my iPhone as I am doing right now, as I walk around on patrol at work: Mobile Safari There's no need to have a special app to do something you can already easily do with the provided apps. Waste of your time IMHO.
  6. I play too now D: Gunau, I thought it was beta 1 patch instead of four, ?o_o?
  7. I actually have this game.. or had... c_c I need to look for the disc. *tired just woke up* x_x
  8. Glad to see you're alright. :)
  9. Yeah xD it's been up on the front page of VG Cats for a few days.
  10. It wont die because people keep bringing it up and paying attention to it.
  11. Whats the big deal? The extractor ive been using i found easily on ine of the big fallout resource sites. o_o;
  12. Nope. Never. And here's why; If you start worrying about non-specific, indirect stuff in that manner you'll end up paranoid about everything. You know what you've been doing recently, if you didn't do whatever it is, then there's no need to feel guilty-by-proxy; Do not worry and move on.
  13. Haloween stopped being interesting to me around junior high school. So, this year i'll be dressed as a security guard on the 31st, and be going to work as usual. :|
  14. Phyrefox Bright Wizard Rank 28 Renown Rank 27 Strength: 80 Ballistic: 62 Intelligence: 594 (118.8 DPS) // 618 (123.6 DPS with +84 Int staff) Toughness: 173 Weapon Skill: 104 Initiative: 193 Willpower: 174 Wounds: 404
  15. yeah likewise. hoplefully theyll accomplish something good with the lisence like mythic did with"ye olde warhammere"
  16. Yep. This game was announced last year by THQ as being 'under development'. Few details have been reelased yet, with the exception of a short Q&A I read in PC Gamer magazine's Warhammer Extravaganza issue where they talk about all the new warhammer games in the pipe sevral months ago. Here's the short Q&A about 40K Online that was in the magazine:
  17. that's kind of a silly offer. "hey gize, preorder RA3 and you to get a hat for WAR, even though you'll be so busy with WAR you'll never play RA3! (It kind of blew during beta, but is RA3 really that bad? Buy it for a hat for your mmo, even though you won't play it? Damn. )
  18. Every time I read these haughty, irrelevant 'disclaimers' in peoples profiles i cant help but shake my head at what an empty and meaningless joke it is.

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