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Phares Sarjeant

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Everything posted by Phares Sarjeant

  1. Bunch o' trolls..*said humorously* I was trying to have an intelligent discussion on UFO's. :) UFO's-intelligent discussion, see the correlation. Lol I believe you only need to add one thing to make that statement true. ".. as far as you know." So in a way i think you're right. ;)
  2. hmm.. steam punkery and the civil war.. It doesn't stir up the feelings of tradition, honor, and bravery so much as being an attempt at humorous interplay of weapons with historical context. I can't imagine that the application of tactics would be remotely similar to those in that era.
  3. Thought this was interesting. I am now a UFO apostle. (at least until snopes confirms or denies it. haha)
  4. Enjoyed that Professor Bleac. ~Breathtaking and stunning that so much can be wagered and lost to those who fully understand their situation and are able to control it.
  5. Incredible, I really enjoyed reading that and am looking forward to researching more of the weaponry you mentioned. I've read a little about Israels recent military history and come away impressed. In the Yom Kippur War(1973) Israel was attacked on 2 fronts by opponents with technologically superior weaponry (the latest and greatest Russian Tanks and SAM's vs. the WW2 upgraded Patton tanks available to Israel via the US.) This war contained 2 of the largest tank battles in the history of tank warfare surpassed only by the Soviet Union/German conflict on the Eastern front in WW2. The result: Israel lost 400 tanks but were able to repair 400 Soviet tanks to replace their losses. The Egyptian and Syrian Tank losses were around 2250 to 2300. Nearly 1:6 ratio of losses. Some of the major differences were the Israelis depth of practice and preparation with their weapons. Their Air force had targets timed to the second based on their airspeed. The distances were so close and traveled at such high speeds, there wasn't time to aim based on sight -it had to be calculated and timed based on land marks.. (ex. para. release the payloads 8 sec after crossing the Nile while traveling at xx airspeed. Etc.. ) Sounds like they've got those IDF girls strategically planted to attract foreign volunteers to stick around LOL.
  6. Some need more work still. And not nearly as epic as the Man from Keravva-enjoy! That Day we said Goodbye by Ben Wheeldon I remember there that day we said goodbye. i still can see the light shine from your eyes. and then there was the feeling too The one I got and always knew was you. I know you felt it too. I saw the Eagle in the air It seemed to be beyond all care Lifting up with every wind that blew It gave me that same feeling The One I got and always knew was you.  To The Soldier Gone On (after the funeral of a soldier) by Ben Wheeldon A great task remaining…remaining…remaining Echoes still of Gettysburg are heard once more today. The whisper on the wind over poppies in Flandeurs field sweep in. The rain on Normandy holds a drop in reserve for today. The men on Iwo Jima raise high the flag again.. Another member of the living is promoted.. Having given through his Living, all that was possible to pay. ...We who live in peace have yet a task remaining indebted for those who died in war.. to live on. SL Psalm of Life by Ben Wheeldon Tell me not in digital dirge binary Virtual existence is but an empty screen For the SL profile is dead on standby And some profiles are not all that they may seem SL is illusion, SL is a dream And the real world is not it’s goal From bits and bytes thou wast not taken To bits and bytes thou wilt not go. While Downloads may be long, and SL procrastination time is fleeting And our pc’s though stout and thelatestgreatestgizmotohitthemarket Will with motherboard overclocking. Finally Send data bits on their way. In the profile space of social interaction In the menagerie of virtual friends Be not the average sl AVI Be an entertaining updating megalomaniac giving bullets without end.
  7. Math anyone?
  8. feel like i stole candy from a baby...and i don't even know why.. tootsie rolls for's on me!

  9. My Alma mater Milwaukee School of Engineering was on the quarter system.. Busy and intense. If you partied, you flunked.. simple as that.
  10. Hi all, I need some Napoleanic Era weaponry scripted for an spd-j battle meter, the main issue being low latency, and bullet size. I would think using an efficient gun script that sends out spd bullets should do the trick. ---i told some friend who are running the group i would check with you all.. So basically one of three possibles is fine. 1)India pattern brown bess. 2)Baker Rifle 3)Or even a Brunswick Rifle Important specs. Reload time 5 sec, Bullet length about 1 meter. Group lock-it's being used for a Brit Regiment-the 40th Regiment of foot Mouselook tracking Feel free to offer other options that might contribute to: Low latency Consistent bullet contact with the target I'm willing to pay(they'll reimburse) for someone with the script already made just needing the spd-compatibility, it'll be easy linden. IM me if you are interested. Thanks
  11. Their general was apparently a tad racist(which is pretty understandable considering the circumstance of Pearl Harbor, etc..) He had just sacrificed 800 Nisei to rescue the 141st which consisted of 211 stranded. Later when they were ordered to formation this occurred.. On November 12 General Dahlquist ordered the entire 442nd to stand in formation for a ceremony, and seeing K company's 18 men and I company's 8, demanded of Colonel Miller, “I want all your men to stand for this formation.” Miller responded, "That's all of K company left, sir." (of 400, originally)[31]
  12. Thought this was intriguing. The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was the most decorated unit, for its size and length of service, in the entire history of the U.S. Military. The 4,000 men who initially came in April 1943 had to be replaced nearly 3.5 times. In total, about 14,000 men served, ultimately earning 9,486 Purple Hearts and an unprecedented eight Presidential Unit Citations.[51] Twenty-one of its members were awarded Medals of Honor. Members of the 442nd received 18,143 awards, including: 21 Medals of Honor (the first awarded posthumously to Private First Class Sadao Munemori, Company A, 100th Battalion, for action near Seravezza, Italy, on April 5, 1945; the others upgraded from other awards in June 2000). 52 Distinguished Service Crosses (including 19 Distinguished Service Crosses which were upgraded to Medals of Honor in June 2000) 1 Distinguished Service Medal 560 Silver Stars (plus 28 Oak Leaf Clusters for a second award) 22 Legion of Merit Medals 15 Soldier’s Medals 4,000 Bronze Stars (plus 1,200 Oak Leaf Clusters for a second award; one Bronze Star was upgraded to a Medal of Honor in June 2000. One Bronze Star was upgraded to a Silver Star in September 2009.) 9,486 Purple Hearts more info on the campaigns can be found at http://www.goforbrok...erans_442nd.asp and of course: http://en.wikipedia....(United_States)
  13. 1) Fail on the Sarah Palin spoof..Where's Tina Fey.? 2) Video games dominate the entertainment industry. What movie can compete with 50 hours of detail, mystery, soul-forming indoctrination. If it's not detailed, and perfect the movie doesn't have a chance. Movies have to be epic like LOTR, unique like Avatar, detailed like Transformers, and a depth of plot with more than awww the aliens have arrived, and "we come in peace" like close encounters re-runs.. .. That being said it actually looks like it has potential.. hopefully the Trailer is only introductory, and it fills out nicely in the show.
  14. http://en.wikipedia....ention_in_Libya Here's some of the stats on the military operation in Libya that ousted Quaddafi.. At first i thought Libya was in the same location as ancient Carthage and thought it was pretty wild that Ancient Rome attacked pretty much the same area as what modern Nato (which contains many of the same geographical areas that ancient Rome controlled) attacked.. But the actual location of Carthage is in Tunisia which is the smaller neighbor directly to the west of Libya.. But for all you logistical nuts.. (maybe i'm the only one) enjoy the wikipedia fun facts of a small police engagement!
  15. i meant it in the best possible light. Someone has to break things up and keep people smiling. I challenge anyone to find a forum where mr. Reisman hasn't commented that he's not also brought in humor of some sort.. go. >>>other than this one<<<< but if the forum gods will erase my comment. I humbly apologize..resentment is a nasty critter.
  16. [media]
  17. I got books, i'm a book freak.. Day of War -Set in ancient Israel around the life of Benaiah one of David's "mighty Men" think Praetorian Guard. It's actually decent as it was written by a military officer. Steve Jobs- "Walter Isaacson" about Bill Gates "Triumphant Fox: Erwin Rommel and the Rise of the Afrik Korps" small book, sort of a summary of Mr. Rommel s' life and Operations in Africa during WW2 "The Victors" Jack Cavanaugh another WW2 book If you have some war books or maybe just books you liked a lot feel free to PM me their titles.. i'm a book freak.. i even know how to read. Picture books are good too. :~} and no i didn't get an ipad either... was just glad to have some family to be around. First time i've actually been able to give some gifts due to getting out of school..
  18. Red Cliff 1 & 2 Epic Asian war film set around 200 A.D.
  19. Watching it's a wonderful life but you all aint tough enough to watch it.. i know i know.

  20. Mate, the losers of the teens and early 20's turn into the managers/bosses in the 30's. You've got a lot of life to live yet. *unless you're Aryte, at which point you are the CEO of a 300 employee company that dominates it's market..
  21. Inside Man with Denzel Washington.. Interesting movie.


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