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Marcus Tinamou

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Posts posted by Marcus Tinamou

  1. Weekly report is due on my desk tomorrow, try not to let all this get in the way of that.

    Of course I am kidding.

    Remember that real life should always come first and sometimes SL makes it hard to remember we have one of those. Wherever your decisions or thinking takes you, make sure it is for the best. Remember that this is second life and that is it, your second life - its all about a sense of obligation and what goes on in your real life should come first.

    But yeah, tomorrow...before midnight. <3 :teeth:

  2. [21:14] Aryte Vesperia: And I like you.

    [21:14] Marcus Tinamou: Like, enough to see me naked?

    [21:14] Marcus Tinamou: Because i like you too

    [21:14] Aryte Vesperia: Wow, no.

    [21:14] Marcus Tinamou: I really think we should never speak of this again

    [21:15] Aryte Vesperia: Yeah I already copied it to Hollow.

    There is no proof that was really me and not an imposter.

  3. Cool story bro.

    No Arokh, your story was 'cool' bro. You could be a video game critic when you grow up, then you can petition to have games workshop and THQ to make to Ordo Imperialis into a licensed second life counterpart and then the next THQ game can be: Warhammer 40k: The Dark Fur :teeth:

    But all in all, Dead Island is a pretty solid game, sure it has bugs and what not....but it blows left 4 dead out of the water, imo. But Arokh makes a good point that they could of polished a few things....but its still a good game.

  4. What the Ffff Marcus.

    Indeed, I am simply pointing out that their releasing of the game, was a conspiracy so that you would in that post. It is another simple case of the 'man perpetrating' and a set of internal politics that few can understand. It is a very lucrative business.

  5. For 7 years in the making, this is a horribly unfinished game which the community could have made better with a source mod or someshit, I've been playing it with my friends and it likes to randomly disconnect us from one another constantly and then refuse to let us join again due to awful network coding. There is no vsync so it hammers my graphics while looking like ass, my weapons break constantly no matter how good they are, and already people have brought out mods to add vysnc and mic mute options, and bugfixes, essentially completing the game development. Why couldnt the dev team do this if it took one modder a day and some file tinkering? Astounding frankly. It really feels like I'm playing a really early alpha or beta of the game, and this is the release after 7 years? Shocking.

    They released Dead Island the way it is, to make people like you, post topics like that, in threads like this.


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