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Marcus Tinamou

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Posts posted by Marcus Tinamou

  1. I am a firm believer that if you have a command role and a well trained, well respected amongst the core units under your command and qualified individual comes along - that that person should be groomed for your second position. Again, let me make it clear: Not just giving it out to make it fair - but that this person is a qualified candidate, a good leader and has the ability, skill and dedication to do the job - it would seem right, that he/she be groomed for that leadership spot or even as an XO/CO.

    Does it sound harsh, yes. But are you losing anything by doing it? No, you have a command under your belt and now you furthering someone elses career who at some point will do the same. That concept is not a foreign one in the real military, where it is possible to hold positional ratings over more then one section - but you are in constant 'groom' mode for a replacement so you can focus and perfect your first command responsibility.

  2. I agree, to a certain extent. I think it should be a case by case basis. I mean if for say, the IEA Director is a good match for being in a Divisional level command position, then I should think that person would get it. In a military based setting, fair is not always equal. Experience and job performance go a long way also.

    With that being said, if someone is just taking up the positions to take them and there are other candidates who want a shot and they are qualified - then I believe the person who meets the qualifications, is able to preform the job and has no other command level obligations - those are the folks who should take priority over being given a leadership spot. Everyone is entitled to thrive in this organization if they try and people will get as much rank and as much leadership opportunity as they want....or as little as they want.

    But yeah, unless there is some reason why a current leadership holder would kick aside someone who isn't, then there should be some sort of limit. But, being a leader is not always about commanding or being in charge or having your name next to something. People will always be able to tell a real leader from a 'positional' leader.

    The harsh reality of leadership is; your men may listen to you because you have the rank and the position, but the real leader is the one your men trust and they respect. That is not always the person with the rank.

  3. Here is a bit of what I listen to, something is always playing on the speakers in my house. :winner:

    Aesop Rock

    Martin Jondo

    Stephen Marley

    Thievery Corporation

    Gregory Isaacs


    Trevor Hall


    Marlon Asher

    -Thats just a few. Some Indie type music, mostly reggae. :awesome:

  4. Name: Marcus Tinamou

    Rank: E-3 Legionarius




    1st ---| |- E -|- E -|- E -|- E -|- E -|- E -|

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    4th ---| |- E -|- E -|- E -|- E -|- E -|- E -|

  5. I work for Universal Health Services in one of their private psychiatric hospitals. Nothing really fancy, full time, interesting and I love it. I am a Mental Health Technician, which is a fancy word for a 'orderly'. Spend eight hours a day working on a unit, doing paperwork, rounds, running groups on social skills and the occasional restraint and seclusion which leads to more paperwork.


    Sorta....minus all the white.


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