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Marcus Tinamou

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Posts posted by Marcus Tinamou

  1. Grab Glock 22 from my closet gun case > load magazine > open mouth and insert glock > pull trigger.

    Could also be done with 12 gauge from closet.

    Ffff zombie apocalypses, I'd rather just end it.


    And Ron, don't lie about your condom size, were all friends here.

  2. Anytime I have led a raid and the enemy cheats, I make a point to remind everyone that we are only doing a good job. And its true, when I led a 5 man Ordo Raid against 14 CATI and they called us wireframers, rezzed bombs on us and really just had a go - despite us being heavily outnumbered (and still winning), that attests to what we are.

    On the flip side, it is your choice if you do not want to attend raids to places that use cheap tactics, you may find yourself being on Titan more then you like. But if that does not bother you, then that is great! More defense. A good point to remember is yeah, we have blockades with VG etc - but we cant blockade the entire community because they cheat, as much as it would be great - it would ruin the purpose of being a military in sl.

    All in all, you made some great points though.

  3. I was in the RTW closed/open and had purchased the game etc. And yeah gamerfirst improved a lot of stuff and as far as servers go, I live in the US but use a Euro server and get very minimal lag but I experience more lag on a US server.

    I think that they want to open up the chaos rule set, RTW had plans for it as well as zombies or something, I'm not sure. But I think the best way to keep it alive is, yeah - give people something to do that isn't just the same missions and pew pew all day every day.

    They are testing a lot of stuff on their beta server though, so they are trying to do things - last week they had us do a lot of testing on there.

  4. No, the real questions is, what about us humans. All the furs have these catered events and what not, well what about a good ol' human con, with rednecks, bear and spitting chew into empty mountain dew bottles.

    I think the NAACP needs to be contacted about this prejudice. :grin:

    And remember, that C for colored in NAACP stands for all colors when it comes to furs.


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