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Lestat Umarov

Schola Instructor Openings

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Just thought I'd let everyone know that we have 5 instructor positions open in schola due to some recent roster changes. The requirements are that you be at least an E-3 and have been in good standing with no curia reports in the last 3 months. I know I've already spoken with some of you in world but if you're interested post here with your qualifications, availability, and why you want to be an instructor and I'll interview you in world.

Edited by Lestat Umarov
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I've been a member of the Ordo for a while now, know my ins and outs.

I served with Curia so am aware of Formal procedures and have sat in on a few classes.

I understand the reason we have the training and would like to be part of the team that continues to educate our new recruits and pick the best of the best to reach the ranks of the Ordo.

I enjoy the idea of training, hence my reasons for joining the Adiutors.

I'm around most times of the day between 6am SLT to 6pm SLT in and around those times and have a lot of flexibility.

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I was considering applying for this and already brought up my concerns about overextending myself. The concern is kind of nonexistent now though. So here's my application thingamajigger.

Though I've only spent what is coming up to two months in the Ordo, I'm heavily involved in day to day activities. In particular I've become quite involved with the Terra branch. I've been an Adiutor for a month, a Magister for only a few days (since training began), a member of Invictus for about a month, and an octet leader for a week. There are without a doubt many others that are much more qualified than I am for the position, but I absolutely love to volunteer for open positions.

Like Sekonda, I love training. I enjoy participating in any training I can get into. Terra training is a blast and I've participated in more Schola Phase 4s than I can count. I still maintain that one of my favorite moments thus far in Ordo was being privileged to participate in Praetorian training with Kytec and Agares. I'm eagerly anticipating the updated Schola, and was even planning to volunteer to retake it to test it out.

Most of all though, I just love the Ordo. If there's something that needs doing and I'm capable, I want to do it. I want to be whatever the Ordo needs me to be.

My new schedule hasn't settled completely, but generally it looks like I'll be free throughout the evening on Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays/Sundays, after 2:00 PM SLT on Wednesdays, and after 6 PM SLT on Fridays. I'm free from the listed times until 12:00 am SLT.

Edited by Endra Ashbourne
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I'm also looking to grab a spot as an Instructor. I'm an E-4, promoted a couple weeks ago. I've been serving as command of an octet since as long as Endra, not long, but the job proves to be a responsibility I enjoy having. I'm also a newly-transfered member of the Antesignani squad, and I hope to serve to expectations in that range.

As far as Curia goes, I haven't had anything related to that in any past events. I'm clean.

I've been around since mid-November. I'm not the most wizened person here, but I know my way around and I have a good idea of the general workings that any cadet would need to know.

During regular weekdays, I'm around from about 3-3:30 pm to 9:00 pm SLT. On weekends, I'm available from 10 am to 10 pm. All day on weekends, practically. This is a usual schedule; there will of course be weekends where I'm not able to be on a full 12 hours, and days during the week that I'm around much earlier to stay later. That's the general idea, however.

I'd like to be an instructor because I'd be an experience to give the newbies on the doorstep of our organization the proper equipment to excel and teach them what they need to know. I'm also fueled by the desire to quicken and streamline the process. I want to see cadets pulled through their training as fast as they want; due to my own schedule when I was in Schola and the lack of hardly any willing instructors active at that period of time, my own class sequence seemed to take a hefty bit of time. I'd like to cut that down by being around to help when I can.

Edited by Dascede Aluveaux
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I'd be interested, this would be a fun way for me to learn a bit more in the Ordo myself, and share that with the newcomers.

I have no curia reports against me as far as I know.

I'm a member of Invictus, an Civilian Overseer, and Agares' Adjutant for the academic programs. Been around for about two months now, and have learned quite a bit. Attended many raids, and have tried to do what I can to help out.

Mondays i'm more available around 7~, I go to my dads place for dinner that day. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, i'm available around 3pm to around 2 am or greater. Saturday-Sunday i'm available from really whenever I wake up, so probably 12/1 pm till like, 5 am.

I really don't mind the idea of teaching, if I know the material enough, I enjoy teaching it to others and giving them a greater understanding of the material. I find it enjoyable to help out others as much as I can, and teaching would be a great outlet for that.

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Thank you sir.

I approved the selection, forwarding to Aryte for outline handout.

For the new instructors, please check the old Schola staff group notices for your badge and instructions. You are not permitted to host schola training on your own untill you finished the instructor training. Well it's all in the notecard.

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