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Opportunity: Help Kratus? 02OCT09

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[13:58] Alyx Arkright: Hey Ruin, you got a minute?

[13:58] Ruin Nefarious: Sure.

[13:59] Alyx Arkright: Ok so,

[14:00] Ruin Nefarious: So.

[14:01] Alyx Arkright: I'm not sure if you know, but, Kratus had to move to another sim, and now, yet again, has to rebuild. But unfortunatly it's becomming alot of work for our one builder and it's starting to stress him out, I think. So i'm looking for anyone who can lend a helping hand ( Sorry was typing all this out lol.. )

[14:02] Ruin Nefarious: Our main sim builder is currently working on a rebuild for us. I am not sure what we'd have to lend a hand, but I'll drop a post on the forums. Who should interested parties contact?

[14:02] Alyx Arkright: Me, Miche Cortes, or Kenshi Mayo

[14:03] Alyx Arkright: And thank you.

[14:03] Ruin Nefarious: No problemo.

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