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O hai

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Might as well hop on the bandwagon.

I've not been around the military community very long. As of this post, 11 months and 2 weeks to be exact. Back when I was a wee young lad with little to no experience in building, scripting, much less commanding or anything of that sort, I used to work for someone. Maldavius. Should need no further introduction. I also helped run security and DJ'd every now and then at a club that I used to hang out at. One day as a joke I and a few others were bantering about what kind of products we should sell, when someone suggested - out of the blue - a flamethrower to use on the occasional griefer. I didn't know there was such a thing in SL, and was corrected that there was in fact a booming weapons industry.

So I took a look at the first such company I found, Titan Industries. The TP took me to Titan, I looked around, got hailed by some person I didn't know, couldn't find the vendor, and left (I said something to the effect of "Where's the damn vendor? This is the craziest store ever."). I bumped into a couple Merczateers, who mentioned their army but didn't really press it, and I didn't think much of it, and by the end of that same week I was on a hiatus from SL due to my SL boss throwing a fit and otherwise killing what interest I had. I slipped into the gaming community, working on a handful of Source related projects before settling down playing TF2 and STALKER.

Fast forward to late November, 2008. Out of the blue, one of my friends from back in that day IM'd me, asking me to come back on SL for the first time in a long while. The chap was Dagger Exonar. He sent me a landmark to Titan, and a notecard on the Ordo, and started telling me all sorts of things about Ordo and how awesome it was. I considered it - and told him with school I'd be hard-pressed for time - but didn't come to Titan myself until early in the wee hours of December 1st.

By the end of the first hour I'd been run over by a tank, humped by Keno, run into a Sosbat and other friends from my 'newbie' days, and found myself thoroughly enthralled with the idea of a sci-fi army that WASN'T 40k but kinda was. I signed up with the hopes of being a primarily Munitorum member - but eight hours later after finishing Schola I realized I might be suited more for actual combat.

After a few weeks, mostly spent up at the range badgering Krow for my first Hawk-Eye, which I promptly used to unlock the Heavy Weapons kit and (ACCIDENTALLY) vaporize half of Administratio during the post meeting unlock spree... I was picked for Invictus, and hopped right into Alpha squad duty. SL combat - something I had thought silly at first due to the 'one-shot kill' nature of it - had me addicted. By the end of my 5th month of service, I had been appointed Invictus XO, a few weeks later joining Administratio as a Warrant Officer I.

Today I'm in the same position, serving as an Optio in Invictus.

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