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Crash Silverfall

Scariest movie

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For a suspense movie, "Paranormal Activity" was pretty excellent, especially if you watch it in the dark and with an awesome sound system. Suspense type scary movies tend to only truly affect some people. My sister nearly pissed herself because she is susceptible to such things.

...And the scariest part:

$15,000 budget, $141,870,499 gross revenue.

In terms of scary movies, Alexi's #2 is probably my #1. "The Ring" (Japanese version) is great. Surprisingly, "Signs" actually freaked me the hell out a few times the first time I saw it.

For an insane horror movie though, the Japanese movie "Grotesque" is... Well, I'll just say it puts the Saw movies to shame.

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White Noise.

The actual movie didn't scare me, besides random scenes of EVP screaming BASTARD, BASTARD into the guy's computer. and the "Three Shadows", were kind of eerie.

The fact that EVP exists scared me more than the movie, it just reminded me. After watching it when I was like, 15 or 16, I had a nightmare for the first time since I was maybe 5.

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White Noise.

The actual movie didn't scare me, besides random scenes of EVP screaming BASTARD, BASTARD into the guy's computer. and the "Three Shadows", were kind of eerie.

The fact that EVP exists scared me more than the movie, it just reminded me. After watching it when I was like, 15 or 16, I had a nightmare for the first time since I was maybe 5.

I went and saw that in theaters with my friends and some woman brought a little kid into the theater and the kid kept trying to get her mom's attention so she's sitting there like "MOM? MOM? MOM?" over and over so we all started doing it too and then some other people started doing it until half the theater was doing it until she took her kid and walked out of the theater.


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My ex-girlfriend looks alot like that chick from the ring... The one that crawled out of the damn well. Also, kinda random but I saw a christmas movie where santa was a lunatic, cut off a man's dick, and smoked another guy in the face with it. Had to rewind it 5 or 6 times to let it sink in that that guy was cockslapped from 20 feet away.

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Event Horizon, I was about 8 or 9, watched it in the house alone in the middle of the night. :P

But now films arn't really scary, I don't think a film has properly scared me since then, the "Oh shit!" when something pops out of nowhere dosen't count as scary in my books either.

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