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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2009 in all areas

  1. The new reputation system is pretty cool. If someone makes a good and useful post, you can show your support to their efforts and bump them up a reputation point. It really adds up over time if everyone participates. If someone makes a not so helpful post, or flames, spams, or degrades, you can down their reputation! I drew a vector directional field to help visualize the experience.
    3 points
  2. OMG CNN VIDEO LOLOL CLEEK HUR Timestamp: 1:02, Sera walks on to camera at left.
    1 point
  3. The reason I am asking this is, because I see random people sitting in a corner during attacks, and it makes it hard to to tell who is alive and who isn't... also, it is excess bandwidth that could be spared.
    1 point
  4. Aiko sent me this... a song composed only of win xp and 98 sounds.. it's surprisingly good [media]
    1 point
  5. That's pretty cool, haha.
    1 point
  6. Thanks for everything, Jason. Good luck and I wish you the best!
    1 point
  7. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah. Sounds like my shirt D: *makes grabby paws*
    1 point
  8. Best of luck, Jason. Wish you'd been around longer, but you're going off to do awesomer things. Invictus will be lessened for you leaving.
    1 point
  9. WOW - talk about being hit over the head with a sledge hammer - stunning ! This news of Biz stepping down and our great friend Jason taking the reigns of the mighty Alliance Navy. All I can say is - way to go Jason - AN is in great hands with you at the helm and you can count on ORDO watching your back ! It is definitely a new age. CONGRATULATIONS Jason ! Detox
    1 point
  10. It was a pleasure to have Backer in Invictus. He was the epitome of 'classy, awesome dude'. I know he'll do a great job with the AN.
    1 point
  11. Sad to see a good guy leaving, But i'll bet he do good in AN, Take care and be good :D
    1 point
  12. might've been mine D:! could you give a better description or pics?
    1 point
  13. As mentioned in last week's meeting ( As plans to redevelop Titan Industries gather steam, it has been decided to allow for donations to begin for those within the Ordo so interested. If you wish to donate, there are two methods: 1. Paypal, at [email protected] (donate button to the left of the screen). 2. Linden donation, to Ruin Nefarious (not Aryte)! All donations will go directly toward upgrading Chronus to a Class-5 region space. As per Linden Lab's agreement, to upgrade Chronus while it still exists will cost a grand total of $750 USD ($1000USD normal sim price - $250USD for existing sim = $750). The original plan was to drop Chronus and reopen after Titan Industries has reached a more functional level to support the $300USD upkeep fee generated by a class 5 region. However, provided necessary funds are allocated, plans will be accelerated to upgrade Chronus at its discounted price. Failing that, any funds will still go directly to Chronus. Please understand donations are not necessary nor expected-- this is an opportunity for those interested in contributing in this manner. Titan as a region is not affected by this drive, nor does it need any assistance. Titan, our primary sim, is secure financially at this time. Donations will be listed within this thread as they come in, in order to keep a running track of any acquired assets. Linden donations will take a short while longer to be recorded, but will be denoted in a specific manner in order to make it apparent. If you do not see your donation listed here (amount only, name will be anonymous), contact Aryte Vesperia to ensure he didn't squander it for coffee. Primary goal: $750 (upgrade) Secondary goal: $300 (one month upkeep extra) Post scriptum, if you donate outside of your means, I will beat you. Please don't hurt your finances for the reason of upgrading a sim. Looking at you, Mizar. Donations: 1. $1USD (GUNAU) 2. $1USD (INTUS) 3. $200USD 4. $200USD 5. $20USD (CANADIAN FUNDS)
    1 point
  14. Thus begins the era of forum elitism. Or at least, that's been my experience on other forums which use this system.
    0 points
  15. damm, thats very nicely done, love it
    -1 points
  16. What with the recent forum update and all, there are a few new features that I, and probably at least several others, are still wondering as to the function of. The biggest one, for me at least, is this whole 'Reputation' business. While I assume it's some sort of rating system, I can't find any sort of 'Rate Me' button, which begs the question, "How does one increase or decrease one's reputation if there's no visible means to do so?" So, here's the obligatory 'WTF' thread. Enjoy.
    -1 points

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