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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2009 in all areas

  1. Well I am formally retiring for good. I haven't been around for a while and was just bogged down with shit. I am off to other things. Think I might play more WoW. If anyone wants to join me I play on Dentarg with Lyxander (Horde) or Winderunner with ZanderZimm (Alliance).
    2 points
  2. Indeed dessy but i shall always click +1 with you :D <3
    2 points
  3. . . Ok stop screwing around with reputation too. :|
    2 points
  4. If you lost something at AC or accidentally took someone else's something, post it here. Someone's shirt wound up in my bag, a blue button-up shirt, and I'm wondering whose it is (if it's not someone in Ordo's, it's probably Nateday's). I'll post a pic later when I get around to it.
    1 point
  5. Kristian

    Retiring for Good

    Nice to have known you bro, you've been one of the best officers we had and a great inspiration for myself and many others i'm sure. Good luck PS, related to your job: Carpet bomb'em all!
    1 point
  6. Stop dicking around with admin powers.
    1 point
  7. HAHAH. Ouch. Aryte wins the election due to recount, Al Kytec supporters sugges.... Shit wrong timeframe... >_>
    1 point
  8. God damn it Tiridates beat me to it. my day is ruined.
    1 point
  9. D:!!!! Steam told me "Sorreh, we can't do dat. We no has feechur for dat." So, I'm stuck being awesome, with 230 achievements Dx
    1 point
  10. Christoph Naumoova - one o in it = ME WIN YAY
    1 point
  11. Label: Adelais Wasp - Osiris Zadark, Black Talon Commander (if he is added)
    1 point
  12. [18:49] Kytec Switchblade: Sup [18:49] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: because what you discrtion againt deaf peopl [18:49] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: i see no deaf in there belive me i know [18:49] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: i will file linden lab [18:49] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: for this [18:49] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: discrtion for not allow me to join [18:50] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: or other deaf [18:50] Kytec Switchblade: Actually, we have deaf members. [18:50] Kytec Switchblade: Just better ones than you. [18:50] Kytec Switchblade: Sorry [18:59] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot shouts: remark this i will bring biggest army of all ! [19:00] Kytec Switchblade shouts: K. [18:55] Keystone Gray: Is English your first language, Deaf4life? [18:55] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: yes [18:55] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: no [18:55] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: sign laugues [18:55] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: is my frist [18:55] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: enligh is my second [18:55] Keystone Gray: You can have English as a first language in writing. [18:55] Xdeaf4lifeX Abbot: voice is my thrid
    1 point
  13. [17:09] Williamca Zenovka: [14:07] ribena Homewood: GAH [14:07] ribena Homewood: WILLIAMCA IS GAAAAY [14:07] Williamca Zenovka: RIBENA IS A SPY [14:07] ribena Homewood: YES HE IS [14:07] ribena Homewood: WAIT WHAT [14:07] ribena Homewood: NO [17:09] Kytec Switchblade: xD [17:10] Kytec Switchblade: We must take action upon this matter! [17:10] Williamca Zenovka: YES [17:10] Kytec Switchblade buys you a fishnet shirt [17:10] Williamca Zenovka: Must alert aryte! [17:10] Williamca Zenovka: ...
    1 point
  14. I'll hit you, Sekonda. With a rock.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. But i love you :3 <3
    1 point
  17. First Impression: Wow! a game with monolithic creatures battling it out, Shadow of the Colossus style. Actuality: /me sighs. This game was a disappointment in less than an hour. Maps are flat mazes, with clear-cut boundaries. Feels like a 90's RTS with 21st century graphics. Basically, take an RTS, except without the army-like capabilities and structures, then take an RPG, except without more than 4 or so special attacks, and there you go. Gameplay is all about fighting, and with limited and clearcut paths, strategy is almost boiled down to "you go left I go right". I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I doubt i want to. People who suceed at games like this take hours to focus on the minutia to get the best "strategy". Translation: WoW. Bottom Line: Waste of 40 bucks.
    1 point
  18. Is it just me or is that list getting smaller, Haha.
    1 point
  19. HAHAHA, Trevor's posts are back to 1. XD And my posts for the day is at 21 ..... :durr:
    0 points
  20. b..b.. My reputation is -30 D: It doesnt matter if its + or - it means people are actualy taking the time to click it :D
    0 points
  21. Nice to met you Xang, You take care now, be safe and be good, hope you stop by some time :D
    0 points
  22. I have to say: although many of you think filing reports blow . . omg they rule. I've defaced accusations against Ordo 3 times today based on the sheer number of reports we have, proving the presence of attackers and misconduct on sim. Love you guys.
    0 points
  23. I CALL HAX. Its not over 9000, so you failed. And crash's rep is soo much lower than that. And YOU MOVING IT MADE ME LOSE THE FIRST POST
    0 points
  24. NOOBS. Beating Aryte's post count is simple. You simply have to be Magical Trevor! See? For those wondering, this TOTALLY WAS magic, not at all an abuse of admin powers <_<; MAGIC >_>; EDIT: MOVED TO FUCKING OFF TOPIC.
    0 points
  25. -2 actualy.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA updat'd
    0 points
  26. :3 I gave you a point, you're an evil dawg naow. I think the reputation thing is more of a "lol" factor than actual srsbsns.
    0 points
  27. You could +Rep yourself?, and i missed that opportunity :shiftyeyes: Stuck at 0 forever, it's neutral, and neutral is mysterious, you don't know whether he is good or evil, i could as well be both? Or maybe not, maybe a bit of both, or not, the one you cannot read, the one you cannot truely know, the one that stays hidden, The Frumentarii one.
    0 points
  28. I removed the option to + Rep yourself. It could be so abused -.- If the system doesn't work I can disable it. We'll see!
    0 points
  29. They also burn very well, especially when you add an accelerant like gassoline. Is it possible to burn the Internet? o.O Yes, when a university server room burned out over here internet traffic was cut in half because all the warez was unreachable.
    0 points
  30. this seems cool but as everyone proved easy to dick around with. *wonders if you can + yourself <.<*
    0 points
  31. I love how aryte's profile already has like +45... LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Quick, everyone spam Crash's profile with -'s Edit'd Aryte's profile has +61.. from +30 a couple days ago.
    0 points
  32. They also burn very well, especially when you add an accelerant like gassoline. Is it possible to burn the Internet? o.O *flicks on lighter in a dark corner, lighting a cigar, the ember softly, eerily illuminating his features* Son...everything can burn. You just gotta know what kind of fire to set where.
    0 points
  33. They also burn very well, especially when you add an accelerant like gassoline. Is it possible to burn the Internet? o.O
    0 points
  34. Great job guys!
    0 points
  35. They also burn very well, especially when you add an accelerant like gassoline. Back in the day we had to scrutinize screen shots of IRC clients with imaging software to see if someone didn't just fabricate logs.. (which happened a lot) then get logs of at least 3 more people and compare, filtering out all random CTCP crap and weird theme stuff. I feel old now .. go away.
    0 points
  36. I don't see why we need a poll. Aryte has already said what the regulation is on this. Simply having a poll is questioning his word.
    0 points
  37. Since you guys all love Sparta and his AMAZING KING BRUNO, who is epic and has alot of friends in the hate community, i thought i let you all know that Second chance is back. That is all
    0 points
  38. Sparta's new sim: Narnia, build by roudy
    0 points
  39. HAHA. Nice sera. I can imagine that steff, white wolf in the background walking off and a bunch of people following him in replica armor and carrying replica gunz. ohhhh it would be so sweet.
    0 points
  40. 0 points
  41. Yeah btw, Bruno is leaving Sl, i herd
    0 points
  42. Come to Belgium, We has Waffles, Chocolate, and many more....
    0 points
  43. So true what you said there kristian, i sleep till 2pm i think, like during the night from usa
    0 points
  44. Oh, a Forum Karma feature, nice
    0 points
  45. Lmfao, that's pretty awesome.
    -1 points
  46. You all are fat >:| That is all.
    -1 points
  47. Desereck Creeggan


    From - To - I'd photoshoop (yes, shoop da whoop) some random funny ass combination, but my cousins computer cant play asteroids on full graphics.... so imagine. I smelled this from the beginning ever since JWJ put up those logs of him, lol, anyways I hope someone else not inclined to force ungodly rules among other militaries, to get themselves banned and/or blockaded.... again.. I also wrote this at 11PM, I'm insanely bored, so my sense of humor and my attention span are at an amazing low, so this was entertaining to re-read... three times..
    -1 points
  48. being stuck with 230 achievements is a bad thing?
    -1 points

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