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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Lol I've seen some posts on /b/ of some peoples' reactions. They're hilarious.
  2. I'm really happy for you, Nohime! :) I think you're totally awesome.
  3. Glad you're back, Hunter!
  4. [20:31] Terd Wollongong rubs her rear "Big meany"
  5. It seems lately we're getting the shaft from developers.
  6. Tiridates, your proposal is a waste of time and effort for we cannot successfully enforce it. Prove me wrong by providing a solution.
  7. The latest Emerald Viewer release (Emerald_Viewer_1.23.5.1632.exe) has a feature to access script count on any avatar via the right-click pie menu. This is helpful for determining how many scripts your avatar is running at a given time.
  8. I'm speechless, Z. lol
  9. Totally read all these, they're amazing. The last one warmed my heart.
  10. I wonder if diet really makes a difference:
  11. Lmao, Kytec. You'll bleed Dr. Pepper before this summer.

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