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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Current Titan/Chronus Estate Administrators: Anlysia Gregoire Heather McKay Imperial Admiral Inoue Katsu Intus Infinity Justice Capalini Kytec Switchblade Lestat Umarov Ruin Nefarious Sosarin Demar
  2. ▲ amplified ◄ clarified ▼ dignified
  3. Oh, darn. I was going with the announcement posted on the group. Well, revision: contact Aryte or Sly to get an invite.
  4. Many of us Ordoz game on Steam! If you're one of those and want to join the Ordo Imperialis Steam group let anyone in said group know and they can invite you by going to your steam profile (everyone has steam invite privilege). There was another thread about the steam group but I can't find it. \o/ Also: check out how many hours we've clocked on Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and the Star Trek Online Beta.
  5. Broken Remnants of Cross Remnants Broken the Remnants Cross Cross Broken of the Broken Cross ?
  6. Please see Defense Report Topicname Format Change for the date format.
  7. Probably wasn't within 20 meters of you.
  8. [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: All right, let's get to it then. Good evening everyone and thank you for coming. Lot of things to talk about this evening, all of which is fairly important. [18:04] Proteus Hand is Offline [18:05] Zabimato Outlander is Online [18:05] Proteus Hand is Online [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics this week. 283 members-- should be 284. One individual unaccounted for due to random account suspension. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: 18 cadets in the que. The inactive cadets were flushed earlier this week and summarily replaced with new ones, haha. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: 19 new applications this week. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: 5 approved, 13 denied (lol), 1 awaiting review. [18:06] Maza Rau is Offline [18:06] Nexii Malthus is Online [18:06] FireFox Breed is Online [18:06] Zerowinged Vasiliev is Online [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic events this week . . oh goodness, kind of a strange myriad. [18:07] Liz Yifu is Online [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: SK/Grossdeutschland/whatever Maks named his group this week has been removed from any combat prohibition. We fought them a couple times this week. [18:08] (COM): Tsume Xiao: Not doing this through Comms then o.o [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Other than that . . uh, we're apparently now at war with Star Trek role-players? [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: As I am told, they will probably visit us a few times in the future. The first encounter today was, uh, a bit funny, at best. [18:10] josey Bingyi is Offline [18:11] Nexii Malthus is Offline [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Looking at an overall high activity among our common enemies. Lot of encounters with 2142/CS this week, including several multi-stage raids against them. [18:12] Melna Milos is Online [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Finally, we have moved 39th Blackwatch to a 'neutral' status to reflect our current standards with them -- visitation generally allowed (both by us on their sim, and them here), with combat being preplanned. [18:13] josey Bingyi is Online [18:13] Xyekep Richez is Online [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Having said that, moving on to unit reports. Volunteer? [18:13] Lestat Umarov raises hand(For real this time, misfired) [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Umarov, for Terra. [18:13] Lestat Umarov: Should I shout? [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Should be fine at your position. [18:14] Lestat Umarov: Another busy week for Terra. This week saw a lot of activity combat wise in both defensive and offensive maneuvers. A lot of time this week has been spent going over applicants to fill the vacant roles in Terra command. We will be announcing our choice candidates shortly on the forums and in world. Aside from that the alpha squads are hard at work to bring their gear up to current standards and limitations set by the office of the Imperator. I expect this to be completed shortly. Now, onto unit reports. [18:14] Lestat Umarov: From Kellawr for Invictus: "Invictus has continued to be active as always, and the new Vesica assault rifle is nearly done and ready for distribution (should be good to go before the meeting, or after it). The squad continues to move forward, looking to take on a couple more bodies in short order!" [18:15] Lestat Umarov: From ZeroWinged for Antesignani: "Development is expected to move foreward in the near future [blame Firefox, Anlysia]. One slot open, working on the induction process still. Nothing much else here *taps a table*." [18:15] Lestat Umarov: From Zrazor for Insidiae: "Material development stalled slightly due to confusion regarding the design of the uniform mod. Weapons development otherwise running smoothly. The following week will see continued material development as well as increased focus on the development of training materials and induction standards." [18:15] Lestat Umarov: From myself for the Adiutor Staff: "Slow week for the staff rework. Frequent attacks from 2142 and CS slowed down the planning process a bit. Still working on the outline itself. I anticipate having something to present somtime around wendsday or thursday of next week. I'd also like to announce the departure of Jason Backer from the Adiutor Staff. He was a long time member and with the staff even through it's inactivity and left to pursue other duties. I wish him the best of luck in his ventures, he will be missed. On another note this does in fact open up a slot on the staff but I will not be accepting applicants or considering a replacement until the rework is complete. [18:16] Bradyn Halcali is Online [18:16] Lestat Umarov: From Genesis for Cohors B: "This week has been a little slower than most but none the less still seeing a great deal of participation, if anyone ever has any questions or training ideas I myself along with other leads would love to hear them and work with you. Keep up the amazing work you guys and make sure you're always checking the forums for new position postings!" [18:16] Lestat Umarov: This concludes my report for Terra. Any additional repoirts may be given at the discretion of the Imperator. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Demar? [18:18] Trevor Russell raises hand. [18:18] Teron Gray is Offline [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Russell? [18:18] Trevor Russell: Some fun stuff in Tactica this week! Firstly, we changed the ranks around; nothing major, really. Secondly, we released a new standard report form, so that we will be able to give out briefings to officers (and some to the enlisted :D). Jayce Iredell is the new XO of Tactica, congrats! Corsi gave me a list of sims needing assessment; if you're in Tactica and want an assignment, just ask me! [18:19] Trevor Russell: Abroad, Special Forces has moved (again) to Carribean Breezes. [18:19] Trevor Russell: Abroad, Special Forces has moved (again) to Carribean Breezes. [18:19] Trevor Russell: (lag) [18:19] Trevor Russell: If you haven't registered on the wiki, DO SO. Link: /> After you register, TELL ME. Your account will be useless UNTIL I ACTIVATE IT. [18:19] Trevor Russell: And finally, as always, anyone interested in joining Tactica may speak with me at any time! That is all. [18:20] Larten Feldragonne is Offline [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Do any other units wish to contribute this evening? [18:20] Pyros Blackburn is Online [18:20] Pyros Blackburn is Offline [18:20] Wolfe Hardin is Online [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Any questions in regards to this week's reports before we move on? [18:21] Larten Feldragonne is Online [18:21] Teron Gray is Online [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent then, moving on. [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Does anyone have any old business to bring up this evening? [18:21] Intus Infinity raises hand. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Infinity. [18:22] Intus Infinity: First website report in a few weeks! Activity has increased a lot [+19.03%]. Current website statistics for the week of 01-09-10 to 01-15-10: There was a total of 2,321 visits (10.34% were new visitors), 399 absolutely unique visitors, 17,278 pageviews, and the average time on website was 13 minutes, 28 seconds. Most visits are from the US(1,433), Canada(301), and the UK(211). For a more detailed analysis, please see PDF document: [18:22] Zrazor Rozenstrauch is Online [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Congratulations to Canada for winning the war. [18:23] Drakeo Petrov: Hi5! [18:23] Aelus Janus: Jayce has been refreshing every minute since last report. [18:23] Rygads Hax is Online [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: (UK vs. Canada, aye.) [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: (F5 more, Jason.) [18:23] Lestat Umarov: I thought canada got annexed by the us? [18:23] Nexii Malthus is Online [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: All right, focus back up. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Any other old business? [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Very good then. Moving on to me rambling for an hour, then. [18:25] Rico Roizman is Online [18:26] Wolfe Hardin is Offline [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: First and foremost, Kristian Kit, Consul Secondous, has motioned to step down from his role to pursue other ventures due to time constraints. Kristian's service as Consul has been akin to his service as . . well, anything he's touched in the Ordo: exemplary. He will be standing by as an advisor to Curia until a new role is assigned to him. [18:26] DeathAvenger Bade is Offline [18:27] Dylan Seminario is Offline [18:27] Nohime Runner is Offline [18:27] Wolfe Hardin is Online [18:27] Dylan Seminario is Online [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: After several days of deliberation and based upon Kristian's recommendation, we have picked his successor. At this time, I would like to formally congratulate and welcome Jason Backer as the newest member of the Consul staff. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Congratulations Mr. Backer. [18:28] Nohime Runner is Online [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Anything you wish to add, Mr. Backer? [18:29] Nexii Malthus is Offline [18:29] Failed Inventor is Online [18:29] Aelus Janus prods Jason forward. [18:30] Jason Backer: I'd just like to thank everyone involved for giving me the opportunity, and at the risk of sounding like Kate Winslet i'll stop now. [18:30] Vincent Lucerne: Congrats :D [18:30] Wolfe Hardin (Channel 1): sling [18:31] Vincent Kroitschov: CONGTATS! ^_^ [18:31] Vincent Lucerne: Woooo CONGTATS [18:31] Corsi Mousehold: Congratulations. :D [18:31] Jason Backer: Thank you all. [18:31] Intus Infinity: Gongtats! [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Haha. [18:31] Typhon Perun: (•̮̮̃•̃) ➳ HI5!ૐ [18:31] Jason Backer: Apart from intus. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Haha. All right, let's move on. [18:32] Striker Dryke is Online [18:32] Nohime Runner is Offline [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic: [18:33] Tenaki Kupferberg is Online [18:33] Fen Fouroux is Online [18:33] Bob McKinley is Offline [18:34] Salandras Adamant is Online [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: The group known as Remnant of the Broken Cross has, essentially, reached a state of being disbanded. I am awaiting final verification from the RBC commaner, Arch Graves. [18:34] MistressKitty Revolution is Offline [18:34] Nexii Malthus is Online [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: If it is confirmed, the Ordo will be assuming control of the RBC region. It belonged to me in the beginning and I had allowed them to utilize it. [18:34] MistressKitty Revolution is Online [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: You can find the region to the east of Chronus: Villa di Caelestis. [18:35] Nohime Runner is Online [18:35] Salandras Adamant is Offline [18:36] Tenaki Kupferberg is Offline [18:36] Nexii Malthus is Offline [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: If we do assume control of it, the Ordo will utilize it for a few purposes. Foremost, for the deployment of advanced combat training acadamies-- such as stress scenarios, as I explained to the officer staff two meetings ago. [18:37] Tsume Xiao raises hand [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: In addition, we will utilize the region to create something a bit unique: objective map sets. [18:37] Vincent Lucerne: :D! [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Hold. [18:37] Maza Rau is Online [18:37] Failed Inventor is Offline [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: In other words, the region will host the first of an Ordo territory "outpost" with unique rulesets and expectations, with a limited Ordo garrison. [18:38] Tyler Yaseotoko (Channel 1): sling [18:38] Tyler Yaseotoko (Channel 1): holster [18:38] Failed Inventor is Online [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: It would allow for smaller groups, or even larger groups to interact with us on more controlled situations. [18:39] Failed Inventor is Offline [18:40] Failed Inventor is Online [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: For example, we could say . . "no greater than 5 men teams, capture this point, etc, etc." In effect, we would have the ability to cycle the region regularly to create new scenarios, new maps, new objectives, and keep a constant flow of interesting combat. [18:40] Flea Habilis is Offline [18:40] Genesis Ronmark is Offline [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:40] Tsume Xiao Keeps hand raised :D? [18:40] Offered TP to key 4548c7a6-76c5-41e5-9566-964a7cfbab03 [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Xiao? [18:41] Vincent Lucerne \o 's [18:41] Striker Dryke squeezes in, but not rly. [18:41] Tyler Yaseotoko accepted your inventory offer. [18:41] Jason Backer accepted your inventory offer. [18:41] ShadowFang Blessed accepted your inventory offer. [18:41] Crash Silverfall accepted your inventory offer. [18:41] Sosarin Demar accepted your inventory offer. [18:42] Genesis Ronmark is Online [18:42] Zrazor Rozenstrauch accepted your inventory offer. [18:42] Tsume Xiao: Not to sound .. selfish?.. but would it be possible for the sim to NOT have a rpim floor, but rather a land floor with hills ect. While I know this is closed minded, but this would help things like Tank and artillery training, as some of the plans I had devised for both of those revolved around Chronus, which was then ruined (for lack of a better word) by the new sim's prim floor. [18:43] Zerowinged Vasiliev accepted your inventory offer. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Uh. I have no idea. We haven't gotten to that point. I suppose that's not a problem. [18:43] Drasamax Python accepted your inventory offer. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Lucerne? [18:43] Maza Rau (Channel 1): .b [18:44] Typhon Perun accepted your inventory offer. [18:44] Tokeli Zabelin accepted your inventory offer. [18:44] Vincent Lucerne: When Can i start bulldozing and building :D? [18:44] Breadon Constantine accepted your inventory offer. [18:44] Vincent Lucerne crackes knuckles >:D [18:44] Nadav Vaher is Online [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Let's await final verification from Mr. Graves. [18:45] Vincent Lucerne: :| [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Any further questions? [18:45] Teron Gray raises hand [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Gray? [18:45] Teron Gray: I am under the impression this will serve as our own Rostok and even our own New Jessie to a degree? Something we can go to for a smaller scale combat then usual base defense, as well as for training sessions in house and with allies? [18:45] Larry Furlough is Online [18:45] Larry Furlough is Offline [18:46] Aryte Vesperia: It could be. The idea is no where near finality, but we could certainly give it the point of being a IS sim as well. I envisioned sort of sending detachments of Ordo over there and invite other groups (or schedule other groups/send a challenge out on OPFOR) to partake in the objective map. [18:47] Teron Gray nods [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions? [18:47] Xyekep Richez accepted your inventory offer. [18:47] Striker Dryke accepted your inventory offer. [18:47] Heavy666 Bolden accepted your inventory offer. [18:47] Tsume Xiao (Channel 1): shoulder [18:47] Aryte Vesperia: All right then, moving on. [18:49] josey Bingyi accepted your inventory offer. [18:49] Aryte Vesperia: In the near future, I will be adding an additional task to my heap: a rank equivalency project. This doesn't effect . . well, 80% of you. But I wish to go through and give equivalent ranks to AiR/Curia/Praetorian personnel. The foundation for this is already in place within the Praetorian Carta, but I plan on applying this to all of the special units. The point to this is consistency and military efficiency: I don't want any confusion in the structure or fights of "he in speshul unit wut his rank mean??" [18:50] josey Bingyi accepted your inventory offer. [18:50] Offered TP to key 4548c7a6-76c5-41e5-9566-964a7cfbab03 [18:50] Offered TP to key 4548c7a6-76c5-41e5-9566-964a7cfbab03 [18:50] Offered TP to key 4548c7a6-76c5-41e5-9566-964a7cfbab03 [18:50] Offered TP to key 4548c7a6-76c5-41e5-9566-964a7cfbab03 [18:51] Zero Itamae declined your inventory offer. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: This is most predominant in the Praetorian contingent, with the confusion between the Guard in the tier of succession. This will give Praetorians "rank equivalency," in the sense you'll be able to look and go "Ok, Kytec is the leader of the Guard, his authority is akin to an O-3. Ok, Sera is an Evocati. Th at's like an O-2." [18:51] Xayvien Rau is Online [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: So on and so forth. [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [18:51] Trevor Russell raises hand [18:51] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Russell? [18:52] Tsume Xiao (Channel 1): reset [18:52] Tsume Xiao (Channel 1): shoulder [18:52] Trevor Russell: will ranks be similar/the same across the board? or would, say, the guard naturally have higher ranks than AiR or Curia? [18:52] Aryte Vesperia: The ranks will have similiarities. Head of AiR is an O-3 and down the line. [18:53] Tsume Xiao (Channel 1): reset [18:53] Tsume Xiao (Channel 1): shoulder [18:53] Aryte Vesperia: This is already roughly in place with Curia: Primary Consul is O-3, secondaries are awarded W-1 (unless their rank supersedes that). [18:53] Tsume Xiao (Channel 1): shoulder [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Any other queations? [18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent. Moving on. Just a couple more from me. [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Ho-my. Promotion system done. Just need to get MoE appointed and have it added to the database. I'll be working with Firefox to get this finished. [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: You can see all the exams: [18:55] Katsuhito Tal is Online [18:55] Aryte Vesperia: [18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Chew on 'em, give them a look over. But don't answer. Your data won't be recorded until it's on the system. [18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Keep in mind, this will be part of a larger outline of "minimum requirements," which include time limits and some other small tasks-- like a letter to me about the Ordo and all that jazz. [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: You can find that full rough outline here: [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: [18:59] zanndor Aeon is Online [18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Quessstions? [18:59] Karlhockey Forte is Online [18:59] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic raises his paw [19:00] Salandras Adamant is Online [19:00] Typhon Perun raises a thing. [19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Kaventipovic? [19:00] Anoki Chajit is Online [19:00] Maza Rau is Offline [19:00] Snowean Avro is Online [19:01] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: Yes.. umm I'm looking at the requirments for E-5 and it requires a letter of 250 letters to you. Can you explain this a bit [19:01] Nadav Vaher is Offline [19:01] Sosarin Demar is Offline [19:01] Maza Rau is Online [19:02] Sosarin Demar is Online [19:02] Aryte Vesperia: That will all be fleshed out with more explanation and finality when the "final" form is posted. But essentially that letter would be part of the additional fluff requirements that force members to break out of their shells. In this case, thinking critically about how you can help the group by pointing out errors in structure, etc. [19:03] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: I see, thank you sir. [19:03] Aryte Vesperia: No problem. Mr. Vasiliev? [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: I will battle that demon when the time comes. But yes. [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: As per the E-8's design, the focus on material would be "leadin' raids 4 dummies." [19:04] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: muuurr [19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Perun? [19:04] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: oioiisgjbgbaeigberg [19:04] Vincent Lucerne: :B [19:04] Typhon Perun: I was comparing the first link with the second one, and didn't see any example questions for E-4. I was wondering if there will be some posted, or if we should just wait for the exam to come out? [19:04] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: (me kills normal chat) [19:04] Roboto Rubermeyer is Offline [19:05] Arc Vyper raises hand \O [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Hm, I wonder if I fucked that up. Let me look . . [19:05] Roboto Rubermeyer is Online [19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Ah hah, no questions posted for the E-4 dealio. I'll fix that. But the first link does show the E-4 material. [19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thanks for pointing that out. [19:06] Breadon Constantine: Neither link will even open for me. [19:06] Bradyn Halcali is Offline [19:06] Typhon Perun: It's not a problem sir. [19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Probably means you're not registed on forums, see Intus, Breadon. [19:06] Darkwolf Rexen is Offline [19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Vyper? [19:07] Arc Vyper: Will the rank test be online? and will they have a time limit on them. [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Yes, and no time limit. [19:07] Darkwolf Rexen is Online [19:07] Snowean Avro is Offline [19:07] Typhon Perun raises a thing. [19:07] Proteus Hand is Offline [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: The point is consuming the material, not to be stressed haha. [19:07] Vincent Kroitschov: mine brings me to a page that says error then has a log in thing below but i remember signing up on forum [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Perun? [19:07] Aryte Vesperia: If you're having viewing/login issues, see Intus privately in IMs. [19:07] Xyekep Richez is Offline [19:08] Vincent Kroitschov: 0.0 lagg [19:08] Typhon Perun: Just thought of this as it's related to Arc's question but will we able to take all the tests when we want or only when we qualify for them? [19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Whenever. [19:08] Aryte Vesperia: You could do all the way up the chain when you're an E-1 and just sit pretty/wait. [19:08] Snowean Avro is Online [19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Keep in mind DOING an exam does not mean you'll be promoted. It means you're meeting one of several requirements to be /eligible/ for promotion. [19:08] Aryte Vesperia: It is a way to say "hey I'd actually like to be promoted. :D" [19:08] Typhon Perun: Heh don't think I can sit pretty with a Crux face, but thank you. [19:09] Aryte Vesperia: "And I am ready. :D" [19:09] Aryte Vesperia: "Maybe." [19:09] Matthew Buwan is Online [19:09] Aryte Vesperia: The point of this system is to fit folks who /are/ looking for elevation, and to strengthen their administration talents. Or, to let folks who just want to be an E-1 forever and kill things on the side, do just that. [19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions? [19:09] Renlu Roeth is Online [19:10] Matthew Buwan is Offline [19:10] Rygads Hax accepted your inventory offer. [19:10] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome. Axing one topic so we're not here all night. [19:10] Aryte Vesperia: Last thing from me: [19:11] Diablos Korobase is Offline [19:11] Xyekep Richez is Online [19:11] Aryte Vesperia: I will be out of town from the 20th to 25th, I will have limited access to the net and limited availability. I'll still pop in and check on folks. In addition, reachable via-offlines and by officers. [19:11] Diablos Korobase is Online [19:11] Arc Vyper is Offline [19:12] Anoki Chajit is Offline [19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Tomorrow's officer meeting will focus on expecations and ensuring each day an officer will be tasked to leading a raid (or two) in my absence. [19:12] Auril Loire is Online [19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Tuesday, prior to me leaving, I will hold another general Ordo meeting to give details and speak a bit on my expectations while I am away. But in short: business as usual, you'll be fine without me. [19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Again, we'll gather up on Tuesday to discuss it. [19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Questions? [19:13] Breadon Constantine: Breadon's hand goes up. [19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Yes, Mr. Constantine? [19:13] Zacharias Bardasch raises his hand [19:13] Miko Molinari is Offline [19:13] Breadon Constantine: I spoke with you the other day about Armatura and the slow down in the training schedule, yet I see it as a requirement for moving from E-2 to E-3... [19:14] Aryte Vesperia: That is the old outline. [19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Don't worry! [19:14] Breadon Constantine: I see and thank you. [19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Bardasch? [19:15] Karlhockey Forte is Offline [19:15] Zacharias Bardasch: In regards to the whole leading raids in your absence thing, would they be the usual Brazilian hits or would we see deployment to more major enemy locations? [19:15] Aryte Vesperia: That'll be discussed tomorrow. Probably a bit of everything. [19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Several officers are extremely voiced in handling CS/2142 attacks. [19:16] Zacharias Bardasch: alright [19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Did I miss anyone? [19:16] Aryte Vesperia: All right then. [19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Open to general topics. [19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Itamae. [19:16] Janet Patton is Online [19:17] Corsi Mousehold stares at Zero a moment. [19:17] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. To add, one element I /will/ be keeping on the outline for higher end roles in the minimum requirement system will be being part of a secondary unit. One like Schola or Armatura. [19:18] Aryte Vesperia: So, wouldn't hurt to get that out of the way early for any of you hopefuls. [19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Iredell? [19:19] Renlu Roeth is Offline [19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome. Thank you. [19:20] Aryte Vesperia: Any other topics to cover this evening? [19:20] Dragon Massiel: raises his hand. Can we add the rick-roll music to the spawn? [19:20] Aryte Vesperia: No. [19:20] Aryte Vesperia: On that note. Combat this evening: [19:20] Trevor Russell raises hand [19:20] Aryte Vesperia: Or not. Trevor? [19:21] Trevor Russell: Just like to make a note...will tactica count for said requirement (once i have it running full-steam)? [19:21] Aryte Vesperia: Yes. [19:22] Aryte Vesperia: All righty. Combat this evening. I will be hosting some tonight after I clear up IMs and junk after the meeting, so stick around if you want some mayhem. [19:22] Nohime Runner is Offline [19:22] Vincent Kroitschov: ^^_^ [19:22] Maza Rau is Offline [19:22] Aryte Vesperia: Uhhr, I may be off and on tonight and throughout the weekend as I tackle homework. But I'll be about doing my usual stuff. [19:23] Aryte Vesperia: As for promotions. I am not even going to lie. I was preoccupied by Star Trek RPers attacking us. I'll finish them by tomorrow. Feel free to send me addition recommendations or PRFs until midnight. [19:23] Vincent Kroitschov: raises hand [19:23] Aryte Vesperia: Kroitschov? [19:24] Vincent Kroitschov: whats hte name of the star trek group... or are you going to inform us later on [19:24] Vincent Kroitschov: i wasnt around while they attacked [19:24] Aryte Vesperia: No idea. They were from the ship USS Carolina or something. [19:24] Aryte Vesperia: I was too busy going "omfg this is amazing" to look. [19:24] Vincent Lucerne \o's [19:24] Tokeli Zabelin coughs. group was USS Carolina. [19:25] Aryte Vesperia: Figures. [19:25] Zerowinged Vasiliev is Offline [19:26] Aryte Vesperia: .. [19:26] Alexi Ayres is Online [19:26] Aryte Vesperia: Dempster I just read that already. [19:26] Aryte Vesperia: You. [19:26] Aryte Vesperia: Suck. [19:26] Aryte Vesperia: Anyways [19:26] Maza Rau is Online [19:26] Aryte Vesperia: Cool beans. We're done then. Good meeting everyone. Spread out and get to the line if you intend to stick around for combat. Otherwise. Have a great night!
  9. Cygna


    LOL Jason. Man that thing is probably heavy. I made one. I just realized I don't think that bullet caliber will fit in the barrel :<
  10. I don't know where this came from but I had it on harddrive. You can mix and match gun parts then save an image of it. <object width="1000" height="637"> <param name="movie" value=&quot;">'>;"> <embed src=&quot;" width="1000" height="637"> </embed> </object>
  11. Welcome Nooj, glad that you've been well received so far.
  12. That's a good idea, Trevor. Would Probably be best like that.
  13. Please make sure you're following the guidelines to standard topic name format for defense reports. Few things to reiterate: no need for the word "to" when "-" is shorter and easier to follow tilde (~) is not hyphen (-) no need for colons (:) in 24-hour time format no need for am/pm in 24-hour time format
  14. i very excite too!! I enjoyed watching
  15. Steff made a fantastic background \o/ EDIT: It works fine on both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox for me...
  16. If you switch to the Google Chrome internet browser then the choppiness should clear up (along with many performance issues Mozilla Firefox suffers from). If it doesn't it's probably your computer performance. Agares: Yus that would be nice. Or a scape of the new Titan build. Desereck: I see no correlation between IP.Warrior and the Vanguard forum templates aside from that they're both dark. Ribena: The Ordo Imperialis logo doesn't interfere with my name. Mine looks like this: Also keep in mind, if the default forum skin gets changed to IP.Warrior one may always elect to switch their skin individually back to IP.Fury by following the steps I provided in the OP post.
  17. I downloaded a new skin for the Ordo Forums and installed it, and in my opinion it's like 1000x better than the IP.Fury (the default skin with the orange) skin we're currently using. If everyone likes this new skin better than the IP.Fury, I'll replace the SOCOM background it came packaged with to an Ordo related image (maybe of Titan or something) and make it the new default skin. I can also turn off the transparency if text is too annoying to read. To inspect the new skin for yourself, scroll to the bottom of this page, and on the bottom left you'll see a white drop-down box with IP.Fury in the name. Click that and then click on IP.Warrior. Please vote
  18. Here's a contribution, although I'm not sure how much it falls into Metal. [media]
  19. Hopefully It'll be good, I know I'll probably end up buying it because I'm a long time MOHAA fan. Following in the footsteps of either MW1 or MW2 is going to be a tough road, though.

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