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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Added default filtering of signature images that are greater than 512x128 px in dimensions.
  2. Scarlet: Click the "Insert Media" button (icon is an array of pictures right in the toolbar), then paste the direct URL to the video. Although I just realized A) I have to add support for Vimeo on the Insert Media BBcode, and B) The creator of the Vimeo video you posted chose to disable embedding. >_<
  3. Cygna

    Post Your Desktop

    Moar desktops! Waffle: Am I doing it rite? :<
  4. Hi not-so-new Kryo! \o/
  5. ▲ hiding thermalz ◄ just ate, not hungry ▼ the future from now
  6. Controlling individuals that are maliciously producing images of our estate is quite a difficult task. The standard method that we employ to determine if images are being taken is by (A) deciding if the individual is idle in the spawn and (B) their alt-cam is dancing around the sim. This is a tricky situation because they may not actually be producing images, but rather (and more likely) admiring or critiquing the sim build. Also, it is quite easy to hide your alt-cam, so a scenario of an individual claiming they're simply filling out an application but are rather maliciously producing images can occur. TL;DR: There's nothing we can do to stop malicious images, it would be easier to simply not worry about it.
  7. Would it make you feel better if I closed it? <3
  8. This is a live planning/drawing board. As long as someone else is connected while you are, you can draw plans for stuff. It's an Ordo room (, but the link is public so don't hand it out. This could potentially be used for raids as I can load background images into it (so we can load enemy sim images), weapon builds, diagrams, or perhaps Schola classes (not sure what in Schola tho ;x). CLICK HERE
  9. ▲ <3 ◄ Needs to finish homework. ▼ Is a nice person.
  10. A documentary of epic proportions.
  11. I usually get my own coffee. ... Unless I trick an E-1 into thinking it's written in the handbook that it's their implied job. :x
  12. Human avatar creation should be made easier in SL. :<
  13. Dayum, Ron. I didn't know you had bad eye floaters :O I has a question. Of your total awake hours in a day, what percent of those hours is the floater obstructing your vision?
  14. Dark, please login to post. Starting to sound like a broken record.
  15. This is a Soviet cartoon that I thought was rather interesting. [media]
  16. I'm not sure who the author is. >

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