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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Wow, I really like these Tony!
  2. Emma's always the party pooper. Literally, too.
  3. Happy anniversary, Shadow.
  4. ^ really awesome banjo player < not a tarp v an ordo
  5. Cygna


    Damn straight I'm a man.
  6. Cygna


    Account didn't follow rule #1 (big bold letters upon registration). Please reregister with your First and Last SL name.
  7. McD's is pretty fly home dawgs.
  8. chemical engineering undergraduate
  9. :inlove: Next time Inoue. This movie was shot during your extended hiatus to the Polaris system!
  10. This is a refresher, we really needed a post like this Kristian. I can't say that I have witnessed an increase (or a decrease) in the number of "Mercz suck" instances over the course of the past few months, but I can say it's definitely present within our organization (to a few individuals). Just to reiterate: Respect each to their own. Just because someone doesn't like the practices that another organization wields doesn't mean said military is forfeit their respect. All Ordo should unquestionably remain above the antics and simply rejoice the Ordo's long-time brother in arms and comrade.
  11. Hey guys, I found the raw, high quality version of my video on a CD in my closet. Uploaded to the server so everyone can download. Enjoy! (I plan on making another sometime this summer) intus-infinity_the_ordo_imperialis_v2_2.wmv
  12. Hey Matt. I'll make you one when I get home next week.
  13. :< Buy a cheap one off newegg, Justice!
  14. Moved to off-topic. >_>;

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