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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Cygna


    For some reason I recall guests having the ability to send private messages. I could be wrong, never tried it. Kytec could have logged into Ajaxlife as well (I think he did today to get a log) Or he could have logged into meebo/AIM express website/any other website for IMs, and IM me (I have like 4 IMs in my profile on the forums here, which can be viewed by guests), Or he could of sent me an e-mail, Or posted in the shoutbox (i think guests can), Or texted Aryte who could of texted me, Or, instead of logging in 15 times and failing, he could have clicked "i forgots my passwerd lol" button. Whatever, this worked. Whole thread for a trouble shooting issue ftw.
  2. Cygna


    No, you failed to log in "Kytec Switchblade" over five times, so automatic protection went up. I unlocked the account, you can login now. :< You know, Kytec, you could PM me here or ingame, instead of making an entire thread for a troubleshooting issue. <_<
  3. Yup Does anyone know why he left the Ordo?
  4. Cygna

    The Campaign

    Dinner time, woo!
  5. Ah, thanks for clarifying, Shadow. I wish you the best of luck You've missed the point of the topic, it seems.
  6. I've been to VA before.. ONCE...
  7. Congratulations, Justice! Well-earned.
  8. ............................................________ ....................................,.-
  9. This looks amazing, I can't wait for the first release.
  10. Wow let's all miss the point of the thread! :| And for the record I'm not a /b/tard. I visit /v/ (video game) and /x/ (paranormal).
  11. I don't even know if it's really the EU website. Worth posting, though. It is, quite literally, word for word.

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