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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. When I get around to it I'll reinstall my 2142.
  2. I'm glad that the AN finally decided to come over to the IS for reelz.
  3. For those who didn't get to see it when I posted it. Brace for lol! >
  4. Alright, I'll be seeing you Xang. :shades:
  5. Happy Birthday Steff! Now, about those spankins.
  6. I removed the option to + Rep yourself. It could be so abused -.- If the system doesn't work I can disable it. We'll see!
  7. I watched the entire thing, FYI. It was pretty awesome, almost started dancing by the end. :31337:
  8. I recounted the forums, and so every post that Administratio people made in the Administratio section was lost when Aryte wiped it a few months ago. So the recount only counted the posts that actually exist. I lost upwards of 300 posts myself, bumping me from Mu to Nu ([ ν ] Nu Level).
  9. Try the tabletop or the actual video game?
  10. Thanks for everything, Jason. Good luck and I wish you the best!
  11. Haha, Contradiction Dawg looks fly.
  12. Omfg it's Tyler. I'll play WAR with you
  13. Happy Birthday, Sol. 24 spankings time
  14. merged again with another thread

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