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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Yay for Chronus! I'm glad we have another combat sim. And it's the birth of some Ordo snipers.
  2. Alright Dynamic, awesome. See you on the field!
  3. Congratulations Kristian, and well deserved.
  4. K it's done.
  5. Update to latest version of Firefox and it should be okay Going to make it Litany here in a bit! Ohnoes: Issue. I wonder if I can make it autostart.
  6. This is where people now go after the flash intro (if going straight to It's got the application link right on the front. I also have Forums, Mail, and Database on there. What else?
  7. Cygna

    Hey Everyone :)

    Hey Mathieu! Log in :O
  8. I'm sorry, I guess I'm a bit confused as to the message you're trying to convey, Desereck. All of those threads you listed are valid, off-topic threads--- as long as people don't spam up the threads with the wrong content (like the example I gave). Could I please ask you to elaborate?
  9. This sounds awesome. I'll give it a shot! The Hershey's syrup might make it a bit too messy.
  10. By the word of the Imperator! It has been disabled.
  11. Yes, exactly. Off-topic is for non-Ordo Imperialis related, which definitely doesn't mean it's for silliness.
  12. [EDIT] I'd like to toss in that I have the ability to show total rep in post view (what Cyphre brought up), and I also have the right to restrict individuals from giving rep.
  13. Please direct reputation system comments to this thread. />
  14. A forum reputation feature, when done right, is a good thing as it promotes individuals who make good posts to continue making good posts, while individuals making bad posts can see the error in their ways and perhaps in the future spend more time making a constructive post. Unfortunately, if irresponsible individuals abuse the system then yes, it definitely will not work. Keep in mind before voting: we haven't really given the system a real shot without abuse. This is an anonymous poll by default. Should we disable it and move on? *hint: topic is forum rep system*
  15. Stay on topic, please. Topic is forum spam, not the rep system. Agreed, yes. Although where to draw the line?
  16. I'm wondering if COOLER MASTER GeminII S RR-CCH-PBU1-GP 120mm Sleeve CPU Cooler would be enough for that CPU. I think it will be, but I can't be sure. Agares, if you want professional help on this build with both compatibility and performance for your buck, post this on the EggXpert forums (the community). I did, and saved like $500 with stuff I didn't need and received a compatibility check.
  17. Ordo Imperialis Forum Users, Our website has gone through numerous leaps and bounds in growth since it's debut on April 3, 2008. It is an invaluable mode in which Ordo personnel have been using to communicate for over a year, providing all with the ability to speak out with any questions, concerns, information, or just general fun banter. I am happy to say my primary mission, to create a portal on the web for Ordo to communicate and share, has been a fantastic success. I still have the mission of improving this mode, of which I will do to the best of my abilities. Now, with that said, I would like to make an important comment on our forum usage. I read every topic that pops up, it's part of the job description of being an Administrator. I have noticed an increasing amount of posts that would be deleted upon reading by a typical forum administrator around the net. These posts range from spam, flame, and off-topic, to even the abuse of posting regulations. Here's a quick scenario of what I am seeing lately in threads. This scenario can be applied to all types of threads, in all types of forums. As a select few of you reading the above thread may have realized, there is something very wrong with it. Every single post, aside from OP's, is off-topic, spam, or flame, and would normally be deleted in a professionally run forum. The thread above is about EUGENE'S awesome hamster. Not Jacob's. John shouldn't be posting in the thread all together, he doesn't like hamsters or knows very little about them. Tina is abusing the rep system because she's being spiteful. Jacob shouldn't feed the troll. Jacob shouldn't double post. Tina wants attention. Eugene, the OP, is now off-topic. Haley is absolutely off-topic. Intus has been nice and isn't deleting these sort of posts lately. Why? Because I like to promote forum activity, and deleting posts would make people angry face and perhaps stop visiting the forums all together because they can't be silly. In the future I will be monitoring threads more closely, and if your off-topic post doesn't appear the next time you visit that thread, don't be surprised. Read the topic title and the OP post before you make your post. For example, if you wanted to post in Eugene's thread, it would be a post about Eugene's awesome hamster. "I like his coat." "What are you feeding him?". "Be careful with what he eats." "Can he do tricks?". are all fair on-topic game for Eugene's thread. These are on topic because Eugene's topic is about his awesome hamster, and those posts are.. about eugene's awesome hamster. Now, if the topic title was "My hamster is ill," then "Can he do tricks?" and "I like his coat." are offtopic, but "What are you feeding him?" and "Be careful with what he eats." are still on topic. Anyway. That is all, thank you for reading and in the future please follow standard protocol in forum posting.
  18. A psychology professor I had a few years ago showed the class this video. The "scientists" on the video used Q-tips to swab caffeine, PCP, LSD, and marijuana solutions onto the backs (abdomen) of the spiders. They then proceeded to record the effects... On half of the trials the spiders were really bouncy and wouldn't stop swaying on their webs. I can't confirm if it was a real study or not, though. For some reason I recall my professor saying it wasn't real.
  19. Thread closed. All of you posting in this thread: I'm keeping an eye out for your spam. If it continues I will start deleting posts.
  20. Welcome Chase. Nice avatar :shades:

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