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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Man I so need that. For lab.
  2. This is great, it's exactly how the Values of Brotherhood should be spelled out.
  3. Agares knows better from experience.
  4. He's so juvenile I wouldn't be surprised if he toilet papered your house, wrote you a nasty e-mail, or tried to steal your dog, Z.
  5. I think a lot of Korean MMORPG developers finally are wielding the power of bump-mapping and such to make beautiful looking games. That's probably why Blade & Soul looks a lot like TERA. I think the gameplay might be crap in both cases as usual.
  6. Thank you for this post, I could never tell the difference. e.e
  7. The females reminded me way too much of Lineage II females. According to Ascadian, some of the game producers from Lineage II are making this game. Go figure.
  8. This is a good idea. Since Offensus was disbanded the Ordo is in major need of planning tactical edge. Sadly I don't have the time to participate.
  9. Lmfao, that's perfect. The snowmew even looks stressed!
  10. I'm already marrying Cyphre so you can't have her Tiridates :<
  11. HD (720p): Looks like fun. It's even got humans and furries working together in it. ITT Discuss.
  12. A ≤ B (A is not greater than B) D = E ≥ A (D and E are not less than A) Lalala, good observation Cyphre. RD and RE are simply in parallel with RA and RBC. What a mean tricky drawing :o Right answer. Although wrong notation, I'll accept it. Correct notation: A = D = E > B = C Niiya's notation implies nothing. Path length does not effect current. Recall that, in an electrical circuit, electrons are always populating the circuit, even if no emf(electromotive force) is connected. All the emf does is "push" the electrons around the circuit. An analogy to this situation: Imagine having a square track that is completely populated with spherical balls that can not pass eachother (only travel in one at a time). If you were to push one ball, where the battery/emf/voltage is located, all the balls will move the same speed in the entire track (first ball pushes the next which pushes the next etc. at exactly the same time). Next stanza, see explanation below. Circuit doesn't run anywhere. Current does. Current in this circuit moves from the positive end of the emf (ε) source (the longer line of the two), through the circuit, coming back in the same amperage as it left, at the negative end of the emf. Current is the derivative of charge in respect to time. Or more simply, charge per unit (single) time. I is in units of Ampere. Ampere is equal to the same unit called Coulomb Time-1, or Coulomb per time. Coulomb is the standard unit of charge. An electron (e-) has a charge of ~1.6x10-19 Coulomb, for example. I = (dQ/dt) Current goes path of least resistance. Here's how current works in a circuit: Series: I1 = I2 = I3 = ∙∙∙ Parallel: Icircuit = ∑ Ii (from 1 to ∞) (or I1 + I2 + I3 + ∙∙∙) B is in a series configuration with C, and resistance in series is the sum of the two. RB + RC = RBC RBC = RA = RD = RE The board can be of any size. As I said before, consider that the circuit is already populated with charged particles, and by adding an emf (voltage V potential gradient) just moves the charged particles in circuit. Alternating and direct current doesn't matter in this particular case. Either way properties will be the same. So anyway, from Ohm's Law, IA = ID = IE = (VADE/RADE) IB = IC = (VBC/2RB or C) The more current, the brighter the bulb. So Niiya was correct in saying it'll be double the resistance in series. This was good fun, everyone learned some stuff, and moar L to come.
  13. Niiya's the winner. Explanation here in a bit.
  14. Intus Games Episode 01 Circuit Current Question open to all Ordo members only. This one's worth some serious L$. Since this problem is fairly easy only L$2000 is in order. Later problems will be worth L$3000. I'm probably going to end up paying it to Waffle, though. Make sure to show all your work and commentary by posting in this thread. Remember, you can discuss the problem in the thread, but it's a contest: there's only one winner. Hints: Ohm's Law, V=IR
  15. Hey Ash, I hope you're having fun! :D
  16. Will do, I think I have someone who will join. :)
  17. A Google bot, cataloging our datas. Don't worry: they are nice people.
  18. Cygna


    Welcome Melna :D I used to do the signatures, but I lost the template a long time ago in an accidental hard-drive wipe.
  19. I took it DAY I MADE POST. :o
  20. People and thier God. :(
  21. :< Turn off your cruise control for cool.
  22. I heard about this game, Mikael. I'll probably have to check it out sometime soon.

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