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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Kind Sir, I believe that is called Astronomy.
  2. I'm a Legates Ranked Praetorian too! AND KYTEC IS FROOTARY PRAEFECTUS WOO.
  3. This is completely off topic. Moved to off-topic.
  4. Moved to offline events. A special interests convention =/= Ordo Imperialis General
  5. I'd like to thank Kronus Gaffer for saving the cool and human factor of the Ordo Imperialis. Thank you, Kronus.
  6. I'd also like to thank the Praetorian guard. Kickin' ass under the hood, keeping it running.
  7. Nuff said. Left to right: me, daffee, billy-joe, aryte, fen
  8. :< Someone didn't read front page news a few weeks ago. [mp3*][/mp3*] (without the asterisks)
  9. Oh Vegna! I know what you speak of. Corn farmers. You'll find none of those in Ordo :<
  10. Cygna

    Anthrocon? Wot!

    *Imagines Karl getting hit by road-signs* .. :D
  11. What's ... Frumentarii? :o never heard of it
  12. By funtimes, you must mean squeezing pancreas! :o OMG So exciting I should of halped D: Ordo is awesome.
  13. Greetings Ordo, I have noticed a lack in spelling ability. Let's try this. (Make sure you turn it on though, first)

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