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Everything posted by CrescentSnow

  1. Hiya everyone. Just wanted to let people know that I will removing everyone from my friends to do a clean sweep. I do this from time to time because of people I lose track off or just people who don't want to bother with me anymore. I will be sending out re-invites or you can send me off an invite whenever you see me.
  2. [20:19] (COM): Ethan Schuman: Right or left handed? [20:19] (COM): Kardin Shojo: right handed [20:19] (COM): Heather McKay: Schuman, should my ears be burning? [20:20] (COM): Ethan Schuman: That depends. How hard is Agares... you know what? Nevermind.
  3. Congrats voncloud. :) Future Antesignani member :D. Very cute pictures.
  4. LOL Tsume. I remember that episode.
  5. Welcome to Ordo. Now the real work---err fun begins. *Does an evil laugh*
  6. Welcome to Ordo and good to hear you feel comfortable.
  7. I want to thank Kaska, Awanken, Typhon, Corsi, and Xiolin for holding Armatura classes not only for me but for others well. *Salutes*
  8. Meeting Notes: B-II Rapax meeting. Date: 28MAR11 1425-1506 Location: Titan - Near Classroom Subject: Weekly Century Meeting Attendence: Constantine Giugiaro Vinnie Lei Kaine Petrovic Xiolin Furlough Jeffery Worbridge George Reisman Steeltael Lykin Yoki Mistwalker Hokusai Otsuka [14:25] Steeltael Lykin: Alright. As always lets hold off on questions till a time to present them is offered. And we'll begin! [14:26] Vinnie Lei: I have a question! /loljk [14:26] Steeltael Lykin: First off, Rapax has several new faces to welcome aboard. Kaine Petrovic and Constantine Guigiaro. [14:27] Steeltael Lykin: Welcome to the team Kaine and Constantine. Your hazing will begin immediately. and it will be without mercy. [14:27] Constantine Giugiaro: Hi [14:27] Kaine Petrovic: Ha [14:27] Yoki Mistwalker: lol [14:27] Steeltael Lykin: Moving on rapidly! [14:27] Vinnie Lei: Oh hai! [14:27] Steeltael Lykin: Activity~~~~~~ [14:28] Steeltael Lykin: As you may have noticed. We havent been holding as many training sessions recently. Or when they are offered or squad events come up. There havent been a ton of participants. [14:29] Steeltael Lykin: Now, while nobody is under any sort of obligation to participate in these events. Participation in squad level exercises have a tangible benefiet in more experience. And the liklihood of additional QP as incentives. [14:30] Steeltael Lykin: So, basically. the more you work with your team and your squad. The more you grow and or profit in short. [14:30] Steeltael Lykin: Some of us have taken up considerable additional duties with Armatura,Curia,and other branches. [14:31] Steeltael Lykin: This work is also important. And I'd like to extend a thank you to everyone who pushes themselves to be better and to grow. [14:32] Steeltael Lykin: I'd like to take a minute to remind everyone that your team is here for you. I'd do anything for you. So I expect you to do anything for each other! [14:33] Steeltael Lykin: to the new members. Jeffery Worbridge is our Orientation official within Rapax. It's his duty to help you with basic questions if I am not here to assist you myself. [14:34] Steeltael Lykin: Morh Giffen is the training NCO. And ishere to assist setting up off peak training or squad activities. Even if its just for fun [14:35] Steeltael Lykin: Exterminatus Footman is here as the XO of the squad.. His essential duty is to handle anything that arises when I am not present to handle it. Such as ensuring that events are hosted. conflicts resolved. and advice given. [14:36] Steeltael Lykin: Overall. the goal of this unit is to foster your career and help you succeed in all your personal goals. So no matter what they are. You can come to any of the staffof the unit. Or turn to the person next to you to talk about them and share your dreams. [14:36] Steeltael Lykin: Any questions or comments on my last rant? [14:36] Yoki Mistwalker: No [14:36] Constantine Giugiaro: No [14:37] Steeltael Lykin: Alright. [14:37] Steeltael Lykin: Steeltael's Absence~~~~~~~ [14:37] (COM): Achtai Coronet: she said bye and stoofs...was kindof like we are impossible to fight at sort of thing lol don't think she liked my responce o.O [14:37] Steeltael Lykin: s you noticed guys. I was very scarely present for awhile there. I make my apologies right here. to all of you. I am sorry for not being here as much as I used to be. [14:38] Steeltael Lykin: I have been sufferingh a physical problem that prevented me from pretty much being remotely positive! [14:38] Steeltael Lykin: so. I'm sorry for that! [14:39] Jeffery Worbridge: We understand. [14:39] Yoki Mistwalker: Aye we do [14:39] Constantine Giugiaro: NP [14:39] Steeltael Lykin: Alright. Moving forward! [14:40] Steeltael Lykin: I have decided to offer a prize to whoever attends the most century level events within the next 7 days. Starting today. [14:40] Steeltael Lykin: Not that this prize is massive. As I am a wolf of modest means. We'll start it out at $2000 Linden to be spent on equipment. [14:41] Yoki Mistwalker: O.o [14:41] Vinnie Lei: I'm screwed. Fucking Europe :P [14:41] Steeltael Lykin: Naw Vinnie. [14:41] Steeltael Lykin: Just put things together yourself! [14:41] Yoki Mistwalker: I am in NY. I am in bed by 8 or 9pm slt [14:41] Steeltael Lykin: Every signle one of you can host a training session or practice. [14:41] Vinnie Lei: I can put a grenade together and make it go boom :> [14:42] Yoki Mistwalker nods [14:43] Steeltael Lykin: As a example. [14:43] Steeltael Lykin: Back in the day a few old rats. Kithsuneca and Vincent, constantly hosted century training together. [14:43] Steeltael Lykin: And throygh their diligence and hard work. they got very quickly noticed for advancement [14:44] Steeltael Lykin: Any questiosn guys? [14:44] Yoki Mistwalker: no [14:45] Constantine Giugiaro: No [14:45] Steeltael Lykin: I'm not going to tell you too, I'm not going to order you guys too. But I am asking you. To take pride in your unit. and to train together. It matters to me because I liek seeing people grow and develope. [14:46] Steeltael Lykin: Currently. I am still accepting enhancements to our welcome note. Jeffery sent in a document. But the project hasnt ended. So if you have any idea's or reccomendations to make the Rat PAck even a smidge better. send it in! [14:48] Steeltael Lykin: Alright. So. I said the stuff I wanted to say the most. Now. Let's go informal. This is now open floor. you may discuss. chat. and ask questiosn freely about anything said until the meeting concludes [14:49] Steeltael Lykin: First off. I want to give a shout out to some of the people here. George,Jeffery,Vinnie,Xiolin,Yoki,Constantine and Kaine. [14:49] Steeltael Lykin: Everone here at this meeting has given me a reason to be proud of them. [14:49] Yoki Mistwalker: I just wanted to add that I will posting that I will be going inactive on the 12th to the 15th maybe. I should be able read up on the forums [14:50] Steeltael Lykin: George, You werent active with us for a long time. But when you came back and onboard. You began working diligently on administrative fucntions behind the scenes. [14:50] Steeltael Lykin: Jeffery. Thank you for your work as our orientation official. And for your work in joining Curia. [14:51] Steeltael Lykin: Xiolin. [14:51] Steeltael Lykin: Besides rsaping our eyes with bright rainbowness. Thank you for becoming a magistar and helping to train your fellow rats and other members of the Ordo. It makes a differance in the career and future of everyone you teach. [14:52] Steeltael Lykin: Yoki. Even when you wwre sick you defended Titan. And You have always been pleasant. polite. and recently taking a shine to leading and commanding combat movements with a unit. Keep it up. And keep working on finishing Armatura. [14:53] Steeltael Lykin: Hokusai. Thank you for being a smartass. But also for all the work your putting into the Chronus project. While Chronus is the property of the Ordo. Rapax members have contributed to its build frequently. It is almost completely buitl,scripted and textured by current or previous Rapax members. [14:54] Steeltael Lykin: Vinnie, Thank you for being loyal. Your loyalty and service to the Ordo through the years inspires me. And you inspired me when I was a Numerii. Your work as a consilator in Curia is important for the morale and well being of all who speak to you. [14:54] Vinnie Lei: Hi5! [14:54] Steeltael Lykin: Kaine, Thank you for your early initiative. And showing a willingness to participate and learn without any arrogance or pretentious ideals of knowing it all! [14:54] Steeltael Lykin: Constantine. [14:54] Steeltael Lykin: Thank you for not giving up. Never, Ever give up. even if somethign is hard. [14:55] Steeltael Lykin: our only true failure is in quitting. [14:55] Steeltael Lykin: Alright then. [14:56] Steeltael Lykin: Can I get a show of hands, Who is going to make a effort to work with your unit more? [14:56] Steeltael Lykin: Hi5! [14:56] Yoki Mistwalker: Hi5! [14:56] Kaine Petrovic: Hi6! [14:56] George Reisman: Low5! [14:56] Xiolin Furlough: Hi5! [14:56] Vinnie Lei: Hi5! [14:56] Hokusai Otsuka: Hi5! [14:56] Jeffery Worbridge: Hi5! [14:56] Steeltael Lykin: Awesome. [14:56] Steeltael Lykin: you guy;s rock. And sicne so many of you are here right now [14:57] Steeltael Lykin: it's time for a unit photograph. [14:57] Hokusai Otsuka: 8D [14:57] Yoki Mistwalker poses silly j/k [14:58] Steeltael Lykin: All together now!! [14:58] Hokusai Otsuka: lol Jeffery [14:58] Steeltael Lykin: hehe get down here Jeffery :) [14:58] Steeltael Lykin: face the white cube [14:59] Hokusai Otsuka: Nice barhandles Vin [14:59] Vinnie Lei: Hey, it's Gunau's official seal of approval. [14:59] Hokusai Otsuka: right click on it and your av will auto turn to it [14:59] Vinnie Lei: lolwat [14:59] Hokusai Otsuka: The bawkx [14:59] Hokusai Otsuka: bawks [15:00] Vinnie Lei: jerrery, ya better turn off ya walkin' ao [15:00] Jeffery Worbridge: yeah [15:00] Hokusai Otsuka: Do an at rest so you don't have the noob stand going on x3 [15:01] Vinnie Lei: Now dont I look like one of them Weimar Republic german awesome dudes? :P [15:01] Kaine Petrovic: Haha [15:01] Steeltael Lykin: pimping......settings [15:01] Steeltael Lykin: cranking them up [15:02] Steeltael Lykin: Alright guys. [15:02] Steeltael Lykin: Say SQUEEEEEK [15:02] Mercury: Lost contact: Bradley Petrov [15:02] Jeffery Worbridge: yo [15:02] Hokusai Otsuka: xD [15:02] Yoki Mistwalker squeeks.... :D [15:02] Vinnie Lei: >:O RAWR! [15:02] Hokusai Otsuka: :D [15:02] Kaine Petrovic: D8 [15:03] Steeltael Lykin: okay then!! [15:03] Steeltael Lykin: photo taken [15:03] Vinnie Lei: woooooo! [15:03] Steeltael Lykin: So. One other thing before this meeting ends. [15:03] Yoki Mistwalker: yay [15:03] Vinnie Lei: pie [15:03] Yoki Mistwalker: lol [15:03] Steeltael Lykin: We will be having a large Rapax reunion sometime in the future! [15:04] Hokusai Otsuka: And then, textures, thousands of them! [15:04] Hokusai Otsuka: D8 [15:04] Steeltael Lykin: We will invite all the past members of Rapax to join us for this. and get a giant snapshot. [15:04] Yoki Mistwalker: Cool [15:04] Steeltael Lykin: If anyone is interested in making a Rat Pack yearbook. lemme know! [15:04] Steeltael Lykin: sounds like a fun little project to me [15:04] Vinnie Lei: 'Class of 1923, fyeh.. waitwat. [15:04] Steeltael Lykin: ya know. We can vote Vinnie mostlikely to be eaten by a cat. [15:05] Vinnie Lei: Unlikely. [15:05] Kaine Petrovic: or to join a German gentlemans club [15:05] Yoki Mistwalker: oo some can with the squad member nickname like mostly to like to be annoying :P j/p [15:05] Vinnie Lei: DEUTSCHLAND! >:O [15:05] Steeltael Lykin: hehe. Alright guys. [15:05] Steeltael Lykin: I have to leave for work now. But I love you all! [15:06] Steeltael Lykin: Dismissed. [15:06] Jeffery Worbridge slaps his left arm across his chest and states, "Glory to the Imperium! Pro Patria." [15:06] Kaine Petrovic salutes!
  9. Welcome to Ordo and welcome to Rapax Squad too.
  10. CrescentSnow


    Nice read :)
  11. Hello everyone. I am going to be doing a special a hosting event for this club I work for called Mostly Harmless. All the money I receive in tips will be going to towards the Relief Fund in Japan. The event is going to be Samurai and Geisha. Everyone is welcome to stop by and show some support if they wish. If you got any questions send me off an IM. Here is the link to the club if anyone needs it: The event is from 2pm-4pm SLT, March 16.
  12. Meeting Notes: B-II Rapax meeting. Date: 07/03/11 15:29:27-15:43 SLT Location: Chronus Subject: Weekly Century Meeting Topic Matter: Congrats on Promotions New Welcome NoteCard for Rapax Open Floor Attendence: Name (Displayname) Steeltael Lykin Hokusai Otsuka (Hokusai Otsuka Ronmark) Xiolin Furlough (Skittles) Vinnie Lei Yoki Mistwalker Jeffery Worbridge Zrazor Rozenstrauch [15:29] Steeltael Lykin: Today's meeting is goign to be rather brief. We don't have a bunch of huge information to share. [15:29] Steeltael Lykin: Who want's to volunteer for the report today? [15:31] Steeltael Lykin: Alright then. First off Lets go ahead and try a less formal mode of meeting today. [15:32] Steeltael Lykin: As you noticed. several members received promotions and a few merits this round! [15:32] Steeltael Lykin: Congratluations on your hard work that has earned yoiu these advancements and honors! [15:33] Steeltael Lykin: Round of applause for everyone [15:33] Steeltael Lykin: /applauds [15:33] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Yay! ^_^ [15:33] Vinnie Lei: Hi5! [15:33] Steeltael Lykin: Hi5! [15:33] Jeffery Worbridge: Nice job. [15:34] Steeltael Lykin: Alright. Second Our first fruti from the creative writing project started some weeks ago has come about. [15:34] Steeltael Lykin: Our very own Jeffery Worbridge donated a GREAT introductory document for members of Rapax. And I will be including it within theRapax welcome packet from hence forth. [15:34] Steeltael Lykin: here is a copy of that document for all of you [15:36] Squeeks: brb [15:36] A group member named Steeltael Lykin owned by an unknown group gave you [Ordo Imperialis] Rapax Introductory Documentation. [15:38] Steeltael Lykin: Alright. As you guy;s know we are getting cranked right back up. [15:38] Steeltael Lykin: Our participation is on the rise aftera lengthy recovery from a recruitment binge! [15:38] Squeeks: back [15:38] Steeltael Lykin: Some of our members have been ill the last week or so. Some busy with work or school. [15:38] Steeltael Lykin: some of them live on the other side of the world. [15:39] Steeltael Lykin: But we can all contribute. With our works, our willignness to train with and assist others. [15:39] Steeltael Lykin: Keep your idea's coming. put it down on paper. send it to me. or to Aryte or anyone really. [15:40] Steeltael Lykin: Hokusai, I'd like to thank you for your contributions to chronus that are ongoing. Everyone give Hokusai a round of applause for volunteering to completely re-texture the chronus complex [15:40] Squeeks: Hi5! [15:40] Skittles: Hi5! [15:40] Footman: Hi5! [15:40] Steeltael Lykin: Vinnie, Is on special assignment. To help you all make your uniforms Perfect. [15:40] Vinnie Lei: Hi5! [15:40] Steeltael Lykin: So, Vinnie Lei, Will be contacting you and helping you with advice on getting those uniforms picture perfect! [15:42] Steeltael Lykin: Anyways. there isnt alot left to go over today! However. [15:42] Steeltael Lykin: Please make some time to participate in a hour or two of training when it comes around [15:42] Steeltael Lykin: Exterminatus & Morh Giffen are here to host them if I'm not on [15:42] Squeeks nods [15:42] Steeltael Lykin: or if I'm at the Trials [15:43] Steeltael Lykin: I'm going to work with Everyone however in a new leadership program. I am going to teach every signle member of this squad. [15:43] Steeltael Lykin: How to be the CO of a squad. for the future. [15:43] Steeltael Lykin: Any complaints? [15:43] Squeeks: None [15:43] Steeltael Lykin: Okay, open floor! [15:44] Steeltael Lykin: Anything to bring up guys and girls? [15:44] Squeeks: How do i do a report? :P [15:44] Steeltael Lykin: I shall nominate Jeffery Worbridge to educate you on the filing of meeting report! [15:44] Squeeks: Okay [15:44] Steeltael Lykin: Delegation is wonderful [15:44] Squeeks tip toes over to Jeffery [15:48] Skittles reaches out and pounds his left fist to his chest "For the Imperator!" [15:48] Jeffery Worbridge slaps his left arm across his chest and states, "Glory to the Imperium! Pro Patria." [15:49] Squeeks salutes! "Dat-da-dah! Squeaks! Hail Imperator."
  13. [2011/02/24 09:03] Stormy Xuisse: pokes him" MASTER I WANT HER" [2011/02/24 09:03] Mikey Page: oi you cant capture it here babe [2011/02/24 09:03] Stormy Xuisse: pouts a lot [2011/02/24 09:03] Stormy Xuisse: pokes the creature" hello creature" [2011/02/24 09:03] Yoki Mistwalker: Hello [2011/02/24 09:04] Stormy Xuisse: beams up at her" can i take u home and keep you" smiles [2011/02/24 09:04] Yoki Mistwalker: No Sorry [2011/02/24 09:04] Stormy Xuisse: blinks [2011/02/24 09:04] Stormy Xuisse: " awwwww...i like furry things" [2011/02/24 09:05] Stormy Xuisse: points back" and look i have a very handome master too" grins [2011/02/24 09:05] Yoki Mistwalker: Sorry I am not looking to be a pet [2011/02/24 09:05] Stormy Xuisse: blinks" i dont want a pet i want a creature" [2011/02/24 09:06] Stormy Xuisse: hehehhe

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