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SalemAdams Wobbit

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Posts posted by SalemAdams Wobbit

  1. I was checking my e-mail this morning, found this from one of the e-mails that I get on a daily basis (and it's from Steve Jackson Games, no less).

    TL;DR: If we have a ring around a US football-shaped ship, we could create the warp bubble that we know is mentioned in Star Trek, having us go faster than light, and it uses less energy than we first thought.

  2. <snip> Please note that to upgrade laptops, you gotta take it apart. If you want to replace fundamental parts (HDD, the monitor, CD/DVD drive, GPU (although these are optional, in most cases)) you have to take it apart completely. You also have to make sure you're properly handling the laptop; static shock can kill electronics. By the way, I know, RAM is fundamental; it's just a lot easier to change than those listed above.<snip>

    Actually, the newer laptops make it easier to remove the HDD, RAM, Optical Drive and Wireless cards. In some cases, you just need to remove one or two doors, unscrew 2-4 screws, and in some cases, disconnect something to gain access to another (Like mine, remove the HDD to gain access to the wireless/bluetooth combined module). In most cases, you'll need to replace the mainboard to upgrade the GPU.

    And my current and previous laptop, I can remove a door to gain access to the HDD and RAM (my previous laptop is from '05, current from '10).

    However, to replace or clean, either be prepared to remove a shitton of screws (10-26+) and have time on your hands, or hire someone to do that for you (and pay about $50).

  3. If you shop around for a new computer, know that laptops just aren't made for gaming. <snip>

    Actually, it should be -most- laptops aren't made for gaming. There are gaming laptops, just look for the "High Performance" or "Media" laptops, as they often will have good video cards (mine has an nVidia GeForce GT230M and can run SL at high, around 20-30 FPS).

    The core issue with a laptop is that you can't upgrade it easily. And there is no way to upgrade the graphics card on one.

    This, is most often the case. There are some where you can upgrade the graphics card, but otherwise, you're upgrading the hard drive or RAM (You may be able to get a new graphics card by getting a new mainboard, but that's it).


    It's basically a cold war-like game, set in the real world, but "augmented," requiring the use of a tablet, smartphone, and/or a PC. You control a "cell," and all interaction is through the game interface on either of these three devices. The kickstarter video explains it better than I can at the moment.

    Also, MMARG = Massively Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game

  5. And to contribute to this, when my family got the news (the first plane hitting any tower), my father was listening to the radio in the kitchen, and everyone was awake at that point (I had to be at high school by 7:22 a.m., so I woke up at 5:30 a.m.). We then immediately turned on the TV, and just a few minutes later, saw the second plane hit.

    What shocked me, is that I literally guessed where the last plane was going to hit before I got told about the one hitting the Pentagon (I theorized the final plane was going to hit the White House).

  6. *chuong.tamatzui clicks on the Aryte Plush in the spawn area*

    [19:26] Chương Chó Sói (chuong.tamatzui) has left the region.

    [19:26] Chương Chó Sói (chuong.tamatzui) has entered the region (115.34m).

    *repeats it at a distance, multiple times*

    [19:27] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) What part of "Detroyer of Worlds" don't you seem to get. :c

    [19:27] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) *Destroyer, rather.

    [19:27] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) I'm just playing with it from a distance.

    [19:27] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) Also

    [19:27] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!

    [19:27] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) That first time didn't seem to be much of a distance.

    [19:27] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) I didn't know before.

    [19:27] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) Further more, the song is called "Gangnam Style"

    [19:27] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) Oppah is part of the chorus, but not in the name.

    [19:28] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) i knowz :P

    [19:28] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui)(1) on

    [19:28] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) if only the script has pelvic thrusting in the elevator XD

    [19:29] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) And that dance animation is a lie.

    [19:29] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) i know

    [19:29] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) someone gave it to me

    [19:29] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) Ok.

    [19:29] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) And.

    [19:29] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) debating whether or not should I seize Ordo's vital regions.

    *Aryte plush explodes again when the person is close by*

    [19:29] Chương Chó Sói (chuong.tamatzui) has left the region.

    [19:30] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) What was that? I was too busy liquefying your vital organs.

    [19:30] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) Oh. Right.

    [19:30] Chương Chó Sói (chuong.tamatzui) has entered the region (113.98m).

    [19:31] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) okay you asked for it

    [19:31] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) 후하하하하

    [19:31] Radio: (Chuong Tamatzui) draw

    [19:31] Radio: (Tsume Xiao) COME AT ME BRO

    EDIT: Added context

  7. <snip>he Ordo is used to having medium sized teams in a 512 x 512 square, not 1000s of kilometers. Sticking sixty people in a channel like we do in Second Life will only work for so long.

    I think you mean 256 x 256 square

    Anyway, good points are being brought up here. Yes, Galaxies shouldn't be heavilly relied upon, but if we have a large (16+) squadron (and once we have a good PS2 air corp going), we could just have one team be air only, the air commander be either in the Galaxy or in one of the fighters, and we could achieve air dominance AND ground dominance that way. The Galaxy should always have at least one to three gunners manned at all times, and the Galaxy pilot should be ready to take off at a moment's notice.

  8. I already got mine, in the special Kickstarter brown brushed metal finish color, and one controller. can pre-order, with FOUR controllers, for the price of about $200 ($210 USD for those outside the US).

    ((I just need to order three more controllers. >.<))

    Also, I have yet to get my username set up. Will be later this month (and yes, I will have the FOUNDER emblem on it).

    EDIT: Also, I think the OUYA was in development a little longer than the Q has been out...

    EDIT 2: AND...there is going to be an exclusive game for it (Human Element)...AND XBMC...AND Namco/Bandai may be bringing games to the OUYA, and there will be Plex support.

    EDIT 3: If you're interested in the stuff I'm backing, click here for my profile.

  9. That is a well-composed speech. Couldn't say anything better myself.

    I would argue that the SLMC is just going through a rough patch, but I am also going to be optimistic. With some of the tools that are coming out and have been out, we may see the SLMC reinvent itself. Such as pathfinding and mesh.

    I'm replying from my phone at this time, but I'll elaborate in a different thread when I get home.

  10. Same and not a big fan of medieval fantasy... also NO MONK.. so not interested :p

    ...and I'm thinking of The Gamers: Dorkness Rising when you say that.

    I have it, but I have yet to start at a server.


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