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Agares Tretiak

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Posts posted by Agares Tretiak

  1. ...given that I am hispanic by birth, and was raised for a while in South America...

    Brazil is widely known for a carefree attitude as far as things like dancing, singing, and nearly a month of freaking carnivals and such. Also there is the education issue to consider. Most of us have had a fair bit of time invested in researching militaries, weapons, or history in general, and that gives us a vastly different idea of what is acceptable.

    We have fun with a structured environment.

    They have fun without one.

    I would not be so arrogant as to presume they are immature or childish. They merely have a very different view of how to have fun with guns, on the internet. Also, they may not have the greatest english skills AND some of our culturally shared concepts may not translate easily over to their own understanding.

  2. It is not a question of who has some influence.. it is who has the most.

    I haven't been around a lot of militaries, but I'm really willing to bet that no military has as much sway and loyalty in its members as the Ordo Imperialis does. Aryte.. does not realize fully just how much respect he merits, I don't think.

    I think in stead he does realize, but is a general modest, awesome guy who doesn't afraid of anything... but avoids being "I AM THE SATUS, THE PROGENITOR OF ALL YOU SEE AND KNOW" kind of leader.

    In short, it doesn't go to his head.

  3. Membership would certainly decline immediately afterward and things would change, that is for sure, but I think Aryte has done an incredible job making sure there is a -very- solid infrastructure in the Ordo.

    That said, I'd be very sad if Aryte decided to call it quits. :(

    Yes, if Aryte left, the Ordo would be severely depleted and it would not be the same Ordo. But I'm saying that the organization in place would endure, I think, because it is so solid.

    NOTE: I cannot, in the future, see Aryte abandoning the Ordo short of severe and tragic occurrences. I.E. A nuclear war, terminal illness, etc.

  4. What I find quite different about Ordo is that, unlike a group like AN, Aryte can't "step down" and let someone else take over. Without Aryte this group would disband pretty much immediately, even if he didn't actually shut it down.

    Technically not true, however, given there is a set line of succession.

    There are also a number of strong, competent leaders in the Ordo who might be able to take the mantle of Imperator, if (heaven's forbid) Aryte stepped down. Membership would certainly decline immediately afterward and things would change, that is for sure, but I think Aryte has done an incredible job making sure there is a -very- solid infrastructure in the Ordo.

    That said, I'd be very sad if Aryte decided to call it quits. :(

  5. Christoph was not the most influential, he was merely the loudest negative influence. People like Aryte have changed the face of secondlife behind the scenes, creating what we use as the basis for everythinbg we see and do. Christoph's legacy is hiding his homosexuality while dishing out promotions for lindens and sex, where Aryte has faced every single type of slander and remained professional.

    So what's today's moral? Vote Aryte or i will shoot you... no seriously... i know where you live... i see you right now, yes i just saw you look out the window... see that green car? yep... >:O

    I'm with him. Vote Aryte, or you vote your merry little self into the arms of HERESY, REBELLION, AND MADNESS.


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