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Hunter Abrams

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Everything posted by Hunter Abrams

  1. I miss meetings ;-;

  2. Didn't you have to kill all the enemies or turn a leaver or some crap. I can't remember.
  3. Shooting, Ill bring the guns and ammo Fishing, ill bring the poles Beer, Nah Vodka Six Wheeler, lol wuts a sax whalers? Cutting down a tree with my bare hands, im not Chuck Norris Fire, WILSON! Hotdogs, Yes. More Beer, im not buying. Weed, weed is wack like crack Sing, yeah... no Yes im from Missouri
  4. Got hit by a nasty virus. Was finally able to kill it lastnight. I had less than dialup speeds for like 3 months.
  5. Thanks guys. Sorry im late to respond to this. Got hit by a nasty virus. Was able to finally able to kill it lastnight. I had less than dialup speeds for like 3 months.
  6. This music ranges from differnt styles of metal but still metal. These are not the normal songs i lisen to as most sing only about death, despair, war etc but same groups/bands/whatever. Ruoska - Mies yli laidan /> DREAM EVIL - The Book Of Heavy Metal /> ARCH ENEMY - Nemesis (OFFICIAL VIDEO) /> Amon Amarth - The Pursuit of Vikings /> DevilDriver - Pray For Villains /> Funker Vogt - City of Darkness /> ICED EARTH - Retribution Through the Ages /> Bolt Thrower - Wolrd eater /> Austrian Death Machine "Get To The Choppa" /> Leatherwolf - Dr. Wicked />
  7. This is the Dog that barked every time Aryte talk. />
  9. I still have my beard.... If I wear my ski cap thing dealy mahbob I look like a terrorist :D
  10. HAHAHAHAHA........ HAHAHAHAHAHA..... HAHAHAHAHAHA..... Ok.... Ok..... Im ok.... What a emo retard. I have done more damage to a wall with my bare foot...
  11. I will agree on a few key points. 1. Listen to the OIC/NCOIC/SOG. For one you don't really have a choice if you stay on sim. 2. When a call comes out don't keep talking or for that matter argue with the person rquesting help. Those tat argure in group chat (you know who you are) thats your best ticket to getting a CIR. Just get on base if you want and help. 3. if you go afk just do it in the base not on the walls. Going afk makes our numbers still look big and deter attackers On second thought that was all the key points. And here is my point please do not just log in and say "hai guys im OIC now" Please use the proper way and inform the current OIC/NCOIC of you intentions through IMs.
  12. Steam Profile My loads change constantly. But this is what I am currently using.
  13. This is old 2008-01-16 17:28:24 [17:24] Jayce Iredell: lol, ang you look like an Anime Emo Zombie that has seen to much sunlight. [17:25] Thunder Rahja: haha [17:25] Jayce Iredell: O.O Wrong channel. [17:25] Ixiom Vhargon: LOL. [17:25] Gunau Sodwind: ROFL [17:25] SoulBinder Wolfstein: nice. [17:25] Kazuhiro Schnyder: LMAO [17:25] Underdog Sonic: GG Jayce... [17:25] Thunder Rahja: x3 [17:25] Vasili Debevec: ...The stance reminds me of a combine guy with a stunstick. [17:25] Aleksandr Laryukov: PWND. [17:25] Jayce Iredell: *xang [17:25] Jayce Iredell: *xang [17:25] SoulBinder Wolfstein applauds [17:25] Thunder Rahja: hahaha [17:25] Xang Xiao: please TP to me so I can beat you jayce [17:25] Vasili Debevec: rofl [17:26] Jayce Iredell: Nu D:< [17:26] Xang Xiao: Jayce wins the "mistake of the week" award [17:26] Xang Xiao: congrads lol [17:26] Vasili Debevec: LOL [17:26] Thunder Rahja: \o/ [17:26] Gunau Sodwind: it oculd have been worse [17:26] Kazuhiro Schnyder: X3 [17:26] Xang Xiao: I can only imagine... [17:26] Gunau Sodwind: like "jayce rams your vagoo with his dick" [17:26] SoulBinder Wolfstein: Sir, you can't beat delegate twenty others to do so. [17:26] Gunau Sodwind: like that [17:26] Xang Xiao: soul... beat him [17:26] SoulBinder Wolfstein: Thank you for that image Gunau. [17:26] Thunder Rahja: lol [17:26] Vasili Debevec: Lmfao
  14. [3:41] Sykes Foxclaw: lil Aryte is super sekrit spai [3:41] Lil' Aryte: im the fork in my icing yahrhrghh [3:41] Lil' Aryte: but i support rhodesia
  15. Shame my last report was a copy past from Mercury that Aryte gave me. Acording to this. Even mercury is wrong in its format. I will say this I have been doing the Titles wrong.
  16. [0:58] Hunter Abrams: Rise and Shine... [0:58] Hunter Abrams: Mister Freeman... [0:58] Hunter Abrams: Rise... [0:58] Hunter Abrams: ...and Shine... [0:58] Hunter Abrams: So, Wake up! [0:58] Hunter Abrams: Mister Freeman... [0:58] Hunter Abrams: Wake up and... [0:58] Scarlet Flaks: Goddamnit I just woke up and I hear 'Rise and shine mister freeman'.

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