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Kytec Switchblade

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Everything posted by Kytec Switchblade

  1. Sounds like me. I do a days work in an hour and post on ordo forums and go here -
  2. really epicly done, shame he left us :<
  3. arch will probably talk me into it for a week or 2 lol
  4. Dragon's in with us now. I'll be putting down 256 for me and faron, then like $200 for food and booze which is $20 per night per room or a bunch of booze, only gonna have 750-800 ish since i have to pay $100 for parking at the airport Dx leaves me with $300 for food art energy drinks and other random unnecessary things.
  5. The age of people who are bored of organization. People who are afraid of commitment, who have no pride in a collective, but seek individual fame, sheltered by the comfort found in being protected through rigorous work and dedication by their superiors until they take their positions for granted moving against those who work so hard to give them an enjoyable experience in SL. It's human nature I suppose, to want to break free of the norm and become something great, while neglecting to see the structure, procedure, and difficulty of doing so, especially on your own. Organization comes from three means; Skill, Fear, and Money, and at that you can only survive on your own if you have any combination of two. Ordo has TI - money, Ordo has skilled indeviduals, Ordo is feared by its enemies. Look at UU, they have some skilled indeviduals, ex ordo, but they have no real source of income other than whoever's paying their land tier out of pocket, they will not last. Everything else falls along these lines. If you have money without the skill to use it, and nobody fears or respects you, you will get trolled and end up penniless. If you have skilled individuals who can operate, command, teach, you will last untill your money runs out and your members leave with no fear of consequence. If you are feared, but have no skill in keeping people together and no money to operate, you'll likely be mass AR'd and age banned by some trolling teens. With skill and money, but are not feared or respected, you will end up with a working yet lacking system. With fear and money people will tend to work for you without much chance of them trying to skrew you over. With skill and fear, you're men will cover your expenses, people will do favors to be in your graces, you will last until you are destroyed or overthrown. ex. VG is skill and fear, if nothing else Christoph has a sharp tongue and is skilled at praying on peoples' weaknesses.
  6. [17:09] Williamca Zenovka: [14:07] ribena Homewood: GAH [14:07] ribena Homewood: WILLIAMCA IS GAAAAY [14:07] Williamca Zenovka: RIBENA IS A SPY [14:07] ribena Homewood: YES HE IS [14:07] ribena Homewood: WAIT WHAT [14:07] ribena Homewood: NO [17:09] Kytec Switchblade: xD [17:10] Kytec Switchblade: We must take action upon this matter! [17:10] Williamca Zenovka: YES [17:10] Kytec Switchblade buys you a fishnet shirt [17:10] Williamca Zenovka: Must alert aryte! [17:10] Williamca Zenovka: ...
  7. and please don't listen to the strangely overwhelming support of a rainbow theme site xD go for blue, like arctic blue maby have a fixed background image of titan that isn't ridiculously contrasting with semi alpha tables that scroll over the fixed bg
  8. Dx needs something atleast. maby see if thers a metal theme with bolts and such
  9. Jim from work had surgery. His arm is in a giant brace. Amidst the bionic man jokes i've come up with this. Just thought i'd share xD
  10. calendars are for birthdays and holidays, important weekly info deserves a thread with flashing lights and arrows pointing to it. On another note, we should have 5 newest threads, 5 most recent posts thread, and 5 most popular thread back on the homepage D: but intus will rageface at me shortly for posting this here
  11. bump oldest thread is old historical value
  12. i get people like that all the time. They want me to spam my friends list to promote their club or something. Pisses me off
  13. It looks exactly like every other free korean mmo, jut realy detailed and badass. They just need to work more on getting away from the exact carbon copies of the concept art. The colors are all some variant of the bland gray they seem to use in their concept art pastels, making up for it with beautiful landscaping. I'd rather have a long black trenchcoat, a battered marred silver war helmet with tufts of white hair poking outand a 10 ft long 900 lb greatsword with bloodstains and giant earth shattering style effects, not 4 different shades of gray and a hint of blue when i attack. blade and soul looks pretty win, still really asian, but its alright
  14. pretty sure everyone got tired of it and quit. Was too much like WoW without the content. Shame because it had so much potential, if only they made it work like dark ages instead of WoW
  15. Lestat's room, first 8 people $128 for the entire trip, $64 if you're listed after the original 8 (to be determined by lestat) just so Lestat can pay off the room. I'll be covering extra expenses. Me and lestat are covering a good amount of food and beer. Also Lestat has 2 artists staying in our room, they are doing comissions for the room as payment.
  16. New mission, get skype on my LG vx8300 already managed to get it to play videos
  17. nuh Crash is the liar, just look at him, its obvious.

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