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Posts posted by Xoza

  1. I would spend the extra to get something that will last longer, the GTX765M doesn't sound like it's dedicated though... you'd have to look at the details or ask to make sure.

  2. I like MSI, I would go for 8gb or more on the ram and make SURE its video card has it's own dedicated memory, or a 'dedicated card', which it looks like it does. GTX 600 series I hear is epic (I think Akara has a 680?). With all the online storage now days and cheap external drive options, 750GB HDD may be more than you need if you're looking to cut costs, but then I'd also aim for an i7, which would probably raise the price quite a bit. Overall though you'd have yourself a fine lappy.

  3. From the first version to the last, Mercury has always been a fascination of mine and I thank you for working with me to help me integrate some features and ideas. Every time I think of you, I think of Mercury, Mercury I think of you and not just the bot... The amount of time you've given to Ordo, even offline and whilst at work, you have been selfless in your endeavours, having asked for nothing. Thank you for all you've done to not only improve our lives but to your loyalty and honor.

  4. I'm sure you were accepted, we've been in the process of updating our application process and want to apologize for the mix up or data loss. We'll throw you an acceptance letter and encourage hanging out on Teamspeak, even if your mic'less. We'll see you there and welcome!

  5. Recording(s)

    Chat during Meeting

    <19:04:59> "Xoza":
    <19:05:41> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": I filled that one out.
    <19:05:55> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": I FILLED IT OUT.
    <19:06:03> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": I also filled this one out.
    <19:06:15> "Odin047": its a wacky form of currency
    <19:06:24> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": I filled that one out, too.
    <19:06:26> "Shizzerk Kostolany": Its the only currency in Neverwinter lol
    <19:06:43> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": Guess who filled that one out? Me.
    <19:07:28> "Shizzerk Kostolany": Exploding fist bump
    <19:07:29> "Angelin01": you can use, it has a list randomizer thingy
    <19:07:46> "Odin047": will the fist pump sound like the NC roman candles?
    <19:07:56> "Shizzerk Kostolany": Lmao
    <19:09:26> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": Linden dollars, gogogogogogo.
    <19:09:33> "Shizzerk Kostolany": NO
    <19:09:54> "Odin047": They gave up on updating it
    <19:09:55> "Shizzerk Kostolany": They stopped updating
    <19:10:40> "Odin047": The channel had quite a few people in it earleir today
    <19:10:49> "Odin047": Warframe is not a PvP game
    <19:10:59> "Shizzerk Kostolany": Its a PvE space ninja dungeon run game
    <19:11:03> "Shizzerk Kostolany": With guns
    <19:11:03> "Odin047": and theres no server selection
    <19:12:11> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": Does that make Inoue Pepper Potts to Aryte's Tony Stark? He pays for it, but doesn't know how it's run...
    <19:12:33> "Odin047": videos uploading currently
    <19:13:15> "Odin047": you can have keller talk about warframe now if you want
    <19:13:16> "[MLG]xXCarcan0wn3rXx": Aryte talks about people not paying attention while playing with his iPhone.
    <19:14:37> "Odin047": I'll add you next time I launch it
    <19:15:14> "NuzzyLus": Is Warframe still repeative?
    <19:15:35> "Shizzerk Kostolany": They improved it
    <19:15:39> "Angelin01": Does it have more "ninja" than when it came out?
    <19:16:29> "Wolf Shaman": [link hidden, contact for info]
    <19:16:37> "Kellervo": (also holy @#$! who got 50,000 Salvage while I was gone? I <3 you)
    <19:17:02> "Odin047": the 1 ring to rule them all
    <19:17:31> "NuzzyLus": May Claw4oo get an invite to the clan?
    <19:17:43> "NuzzyLus": WArframe
    <19:18:02> "Kellervo": Invite sent!
    <19:19:36> "NuzzyLus": ieremiya is Krow's and Loki's child
    <19:19:41> "Aryte - Meeting at 6:00 PM": LOL
    <19:20:09> "Odin047": whose ready for some bangers and mash?
    <19:20:13> "Angelin01": LoL
    <19:20:17> "[sUB3] Judge Conquest": I'M THIRD PRESTIGE IRL M8
    <19:20:18> "NuzzyLus": keep this in the recording :D


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