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Posts posted by Xoza

  1. It was discussed that we should plan something on the calendar or something, everyone is always free to plan something they're willing to run! We joked about a lot of members not maximizing the us of the forums, but in any case we should use it to get the ball rolling to encourage it.


    The 'task' I had was for everyone to get a mag-gun for the +10's

  2. I run GeForce myself, so it kinda depends on the amount you have to spend and preference of card company/build... I'd say anything with DDR3 1GB of current average releases and over $60 or so, would be enough for your objective... But again, all depends...


    I run GTX 550? (I think) not the BEST and don't get superior FPS, but it does what I need at tolerable FPS with decent settings.

  3. Meetings can be found here, fully converted and ID'd.

    Xoza's notes

    • Website media - We've a website, we like to show off our adventures, post em here!
    • Forums members - In the last week, we've had 6 register. Doing well, last week was a little higher, keep spreading the word.
    • Teamspeak - Slightly different layout, Permissions are now only needed to join the Admin channels and combat operations.
    • Social Communities - Remember, we have Facebook group / page, Google+ community / page, and Steam Community.
    • Involvement - We're always keeping an eye out for managers, leaders, artists and talent for various side jobs to help out with the community and sections within. If you're interested in pitching in, say so!
  4. xoza the NDA police

    Just checking, professional testers and developers know how important it is.

    I do hope to get into Arma myself a little, don't have the money at the moment though.


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