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Posts posted by Xoza

  1. Since we've no community meeting this week, use this thread to discuss ideas, matters and post any updates or relevant information...


    I'll start...

    • 6 new forum registrations this week...

    • More ArmA? (details from ArmA command?)

    • Neverwinter's rolling and recruiting, well done.

    • Star Wars picking up more again on teamspeak.

    • Planetside activity growing every week.

    • Planetside 2 and Star Wars Updates this coming week that I know of.

    • Forums are more public now (use member/enlisted section for more private info)

    • Use the Calendar for planning events, everyone can use it.

    • Keep an eye out for training in your section, don't forget to RSVP to em.

    • Other sections encouraged to create similar events throughout the week.

    Now go play Planetside 2, like we usually do after a meeting!








    2nd Generation Intel® Core™ i7-3820 (10M Cache, Overclocked up to 4.1 GHz)


    Windows 8, 64-bit, English


    16GB (4 X 4GB) Quad Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz


    NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2GB GDDR5


    500GB SS Hybrid MAIN + 1TB 7200RPM Storage



    Ordered it today. Should recieve by end of next week. I got a pre-built instead of myself simply because it will allow me to finance it instead of buy it out-right. Itll cost me more in the end but it allows me to have it sooner than later, keep savings in my savings, and will allow me to work faster all around :D



    Looks good...

  3. When I first saw the website launch, their art and stuff, I thought also "Great, another WoW and a more kiddy/cartoony one at that." But after watching their videos, the fact they swear in them and knowing the reason for the animation style, I'm interested now!

  4. usually an AMD person but since itll be more for work than play I think the stability of intel/nvidia would be fine.

    Currently have HDRadeon6570 

    Nothing -too- off brand for memory ect. I dont wanna get it for cheap only for it to die in a few weeks :P

    Also, I think I can salvage my power supply, so dont include that. 

    • i7 Intel (I use AMD, but I've been hearing a lot of good things about i7, Achtai's next compy will probably have one)
    • Geforce GTX 6?? Ti? something
    • Corsair for your memory
    • Corsair H80 self contained water cooler
    • Hard Drive?
    • Opticals?
    • Whatever Motherboard you like > $150 should do well enough (I use MSI and avoid Asus myself)
    • I have a Corsair case that 'won' my cooling capability spreadsheet math.

    Ive got about a 1100-1200 budget. I need a new PC terribad. I wont have said-budget till about mid june after sim + a few weeks of store moneys ect. 


    NEED at least a quad core, with 16GB ram. 32GB Preferably. This wont just be for gaming, itll primarily be 3D modeling and rendering. Which takes a ton of resources. My PC crashes and gimps along as-is. 


    Optional Items:

    • New cooling efficient case
    • self-contained liquid cooling. Not the large sets with tubes everywhere. Just the fans that have a individual set.
    • In terms of Graphics Card, It doesnt have to be top of the line. I can upgrade that later. Just something relatively good.


    Right now nothing from my current case is salvageable. The Graphics card -maybe- but in reality even that could use an update.


    Any company/brand you prefer?

  6. Mine's a complete mess...  Working on making a Rainmeter skin to spiff up my desktop a little.  Also, all thems random notepad documents...


    Ghost Recon Online any good?

  7. It'd be better with dubstep and tons of camera effects and like 20 lense flares IMO.


    EDIT: I totally need to make an Ordo video like this now.



    I was thinking that too! I was surfing YouTube for some good battle musicz.. 

  8. Atari

    Atari PC (I know, not a console, but I only really gamed on it)


    Sega (was my sisters, but she never played it)


    Gameboy Advanced


    Another Xbox (modded)


    Xbox 360

  9. Have you improved your house, home, room or helped with a project, got some cool new furniture or something along those lines that you just want to brag about. Post here! (with pics if you can).





    I've rented a room from a really good friend for several years now. Achtai moved in and we just needed more space (obviously). Recently we FINALLY got one of our roommates to move out the rest of there stuff and acquired another room for ourselves.


    Since she moved in, I've put up 15 shelves, hung a TV, put up two ceiling fans and rehung a door. Put together a new bookshelf, headboard, bedframe and some other things. I know that's not much to some, but something to be proud of.

  10. Like we did in PS2, this could be a good place to gather some new faces through the beta, even if we lose some later or if players lose interest. The challenge is getting the word out there!


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