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Keystone Gray

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Everything posted by Keystone Gray

  1. Kaku then explains that a metamaterial is a mass which produces effects such as negative refractive indexes and reversed Doppler effects, and that they have been produced in laboratories. The problem is that a metamaterial is entropic; each and every atom within a metamaterial handles waves of light differently, and in order to produce invisibility, each atom must be manipulated to "thread" light through on a path. More videos: Expanding Human Lifespan />
  2. Gunau, welcome back. First things first; you really need to come over tonight and ███████ with the ██████████ in my ███. I'd really appreciate some ████████ as well, because I miss that part of you the most... I also haven't given you a nice long ████████████ yet, and it'd make my week if I could have that opportunity! :D <3
  3. I think I wrote a list of everyone from Ordo who I met there. Sera Tandem Trevor Hokusai Aryte Aelus Fen Lestat Alexander (Stawberry) Kytec Firefox Karlhockey Liana Seb Melna Vincent Tsume Icedphoenix Zrazor And yours truly, Keystone. I'm sure there were more, but... Fffff. Thanks memory.
  4. I think a lot of fox furries could get into this thing, too.
  5. String Theory Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Quantum Computers (The future of computers) /> My favorite scientist, explaining the physics behind string theory. Michio Kaku (A renowned theoretical physicist.) hosts a weekly show on the radio, Explorations, which I listen to each Saturday morning if I'm able, in which he explains multiple sectors of theoretical science. On my plane trip to Pittsburgh for AC, I bought and read his novel, Physics of the Impossible, and it was a gripping read. In it, Kaku lays out how science fiction technology may be possible. Given the number of incredible intellectuals within our community, I felt compelled to share. This guy is a genious, and so much as hearing him talk is actually fairly enjoyable!
  6. [media]
  7. They also burn very well, especially when you add an accelerant like gassoline. Is it possible to burn the Internet? o.O
  8. You can try, but don't spam in the process. ;) Post count isn't as important as the content in the posts you're making.
  9. I am sad. No one invited me to that lineup. >.<
  10. Spy's sappin' mah AnthroConsz. <3 We're coming back tomorrow, everyone. :>
  11. I decided to try some of that OxyClean stuff, and sorta got dizzy when my whole house smelled like Billy Mays. D:
  12. Valve likes tossing curve balls and surprises. They're pretty shifty like that. When they announced L4D 2 I was pretty pissed; when I looked at it, it looked like a L4D1 with new weapon models and added melee weapons. And honestly, a chainsaw in a zombie game? That's cutely original. I was a part of the growing boycott due to my frustration at the growing possibility of having to pay 50 dollars for a booster pack, EA style. But what if it's not a "as-is" product? What if Valve releases another "box" product packaged with Half-Life Episode 3, Left 4 Dead 2, and another little trinket game? It's a possibility; think they'll do it?
  13. Heh. I was behind Sera when this happened, slightly off-camera to the left. I saw Sera wander over there and was like, *Facepalm* "I know what's going on." Knew he was trying to get in on the filming. I was surprised as hell when we came across this on CNN; Trevor, Tandem and I were looking at CNN's website because we noticed that the film crews in the area (such as the one filming the opening ceremony) were marked with CNN's logo. We didn't expect to actually see Sera in that footage, we ran down the hall to Lestat's room to break the news. Was fucking amazing. At time of writing I haven't run into Sera yet to actually discuss it with him. Heh. He did look fairly intimidating though. That's the look he gives me when I poke him. :D
  14. Today is the Imperator's birthday! Ftw! Shout-outs in dis house!
  15. Zero, your steadfast determination to Schola has never ceased to amaze not only myself, but my also a lot of our friends as well; the sheer amount of effort you pour into phase training is entirely commendable, and I can safely say that you're the best suited for the position. I want to both congratulate and thank you for the service. I know you'll fit into Lestat's old shoes well. :)
  16. Around 20 members left EU for the new group, Tetra Combine, the official/unofficial EU splinter group. No complete list has been made yet.
  17. Yeah, I think the best course of option is to send a support ticket. I wasn't making fun of Trevor, I was just trying to make light of the fact, just to make him feel better about it. :<
  18. Dayum, this guy's more hardcore than me! He got all these in the same day.
  19. Meanwhile, the rest of Frumentarii scatters as the lights come on, hissing as they move for what little shadows there are. ;) Seriously though, as long as it works, I don't mind. The old one was good, if we can get something similar to that then all to better.
  20. FA-GT-LS-ER-5 And Trinity, they didn't say, but I think you wouldn't have different color hair as much as you'd have a mustache and a goatee. ARYTE FOR JANITOR 2010!
  21. I basically showed Sera pictures of her mother having sex with the Red Spy; she couldn't help but seek revenge. Oh, if only she knew...
  22. Just a heads-up: you don't have to register on the TWL website to post here! You also don't need to be good. Just love L4D? Hop in. :D

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