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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. This sounds ideal for something i wanted to place into the schola training outline. Options as showlookat in the advanced menu and how to debug settings and other fancy tools would be a great addition to out troops knowledge.
  2. Yup i was here the day you made the current group.
  3. *closes the hangar doors* YOU WILL NEVER HAVE OUR PRAEDA'S!!!
  4. Kristian does not approve of this message... *sighs* . Well it was good to have you around failius and it is a pitty that you are leaving.
  5. Someone end this discussion...please for bloody sake lol
  6. Our Banner will grace their capital tower soon Imperator.
  7. *Salutes* Allright .I am sorry to hear you made this decision , you are a part of Ordo's furniture so to say. You've earned my respect.
  8. Okay lets just shove those guys with their face over the concrete so they can start whining that we should take enemies of our own size and strength just like Sparta. If they do start whining about something like that it would be the best evidence we have to consider the ascended iniative as a less influential alliance than the Iron symphony.
  9. O-1 [optio] Frumentarii/Astra Grey Munitorum, Schola Commandant,Apostle
  10. A White wolf in the white house...if you do make it you should end the alliance navy :P
  11. Allright good luck with solving the problems Rei.
  12. I am not going, except for the fact that Bruno probably considers me as one of the most evil Ordo's after all the discussions we've been trough do i think that Bruno will start throwing mud in our direction during his speech. It is the only thing Bruno feels comfortable taking about "How evil his enemies are".
  13. Can someone please post it or something?
  14. Was that customly made for you?
  15. Bruno makes my second life so much funnier. Seriously it makes me giggle to think that he is sitting in his chair ,noticing he even fails in a virtual world where everyone has equal chances of success and start bitch crying as a kid that lost his candy to a bigger kid. I stopped caring about Bruno long ago.Just let him believe he is Bruce All mighty. I am sure that even he knows he will never get laid.
  16. Mhmm, A lot of officers including myself have mixed the Terra,Astra and officers to one piece of attire. It is also an approved modification.Tho i believe that only goes for the officers armor and it is not allowed to mix astra and terra as an enlistee.
  17. Wasn't churchill against the germans instead of the french?
  18. Well last thing i will say on vegna. I respect your decision to leave the Ordo. I can imagine Ordo isn't fit for everybody. That can either be because it is to hard,disciplined or maybe because you simply don't like the way we roll. Everyone is free to go wherever he pleases, we are also free to pick whoever we want for our group. That is something i want you to realize. 90% of the applicants get a denial and i think it would be safe to call it an achievement to get selected at all. Reapplying decreases your chances even more. Well you applied to a military that is run by a person that got banned for greifing on his last acount, that has been suspected of copybotting multiple items. The first thing you did after you left was open sourching information you knew that was classified .At least i expect you to know we would consider leaking our exams as a big "No no "even despite the fact the rumors that it has been open sourched already, If it was we woulnd't be using it. In short you could expect people to get angry when you do this. We don't care if you leave the Ordo, you are free to do that but please don't try to cause us harm by leaking info.
  19. Mhmm i've personally been in phillips position for both the mercz and the Ordo.Everytime i negotiated with sparta about several topics bruno always was the moron that was't willing to co-operate. I underline every word in this letter. Sparta is good ,Bruno isn't.
  20. I hope to see you back soon jester
  21. He didn't left the ordo, we kicked him from the Ordo because he leaked Information issued in Schola. I guess it is important to know when we host phase 1 and 2 apparently.
  22. Rofl i have one of those hats. But then again, i'm from europe.
  23. least he said something negative about AN for once and he didn't banged his head to the wall and screamed when you said "Ordo". And i am lolling about the rule of not swarming enemies. That is easy for a group that has no proper force to swarm anyone.

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