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Everything posted by RazorFox

  1. I went and saw that in theaters with my friends and some woman brought a little kid into the theater and the kid kept trying to get her mom's attention so she's sitting there like "MOM? MOM? MOM?" over and over so we all started doing it too and then some other people started doing it until half the theater was doing it until she took her kid and walked out of the theater.
  2. Uncle Grandfather is superior />
  3. [4:03] Zacharias Bardasch: So now I break out the competant english skills. [4:04] Tinintri Mistral is Online [4:04] Zacharias Bardasch: Periods, capitalization and sentance structuring abound! [4:04] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: SENTANCE STRUCTURING [4:04] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: GG
  4. This would come out as soon as I actually get money to spend. :madfrown:
  5. ^ Is lying < Is actually very hungry but not eating v Should bring < some food >:C
  6. [1:14] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Goddamn I need a smoke but it's so cold outside ;-; [1:14] Kristian Kit: :S? [1:14] thatguy Andel: ZRAZOR [1:14] Tenaki Kupferberg: Quit [1:14] thatguy Andel: WHAT DID YOUR MOTHER [1:14] thatguy Andel: TELL [1:14] thatguy Andel: YOU [1:14] thatguy Andel: ABOUT [1:15] thatguy Andel: SMOKING [1:15] Mercury: Lost contact: Disraeli Calderwood [1:15] Kimmy Maktoum is Online [1:15] Mercury: Lost contact: Ruin Nefarious [1:15] thatguy Andel: DID SHE NOT REMIND YOU THAT I WILL DO TO YOU WHAT I PLAN TO DO TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO DONT PLAY DOW? [1:15] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I HAVEN'T SPOKEN TO MY MOTHER IN FIVE YEARS, BUT YOUR MOTHER TOLD ME IT WAS BAD FOR ME [1:15] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: BU-ZING! [1:16] thatguy Andel: SPEAK TO HER DAMNIT, AND DONT SMOKE AGAIN. [1:16] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: THEN SHE MADE ME PANCAKES [1:16] thatguy Andel: D:< [1:16] thatguy Andel: GOD DAMNIT [1:16] thatguy Andel: THE HAPPY FACE ONES? [1:16] Zacharias Bardasch: x3 [1:16] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: WITH CHOCOLATE MOTHERFUCKING CHIPS UP IN THAT SHIT [1:16] thatguy Andel: FUCK, THOSE ARE MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE [1:16] Zacharias Bardasch: oh snap [1:16] thatguy Andel: GOD DAMN YOU MOTHER [1:16] thatguy Andel: WHY [1:16] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: THEN SHE TOOK ME TO SEE A MOVIE] [1:16] thatguy Andel: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [1:16] thatguy Andel: NOOOO [1:16] thatguy Andel: THATS WHAT WE WOULD DO [1:16] thatguy Andel: EVERY SATURDAY [1:16] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: AND SAID WE'D BETTER NOT INVITE YOU OR YOU'D GET JEALOUS [1:16] thatguy Andel: AFTER PANCAKES [1:16] thatguy Andel: NO [1:16] Mercury: New contact: Trinity Heckroth [1:16] thatguy Andel: NO [1:16] thatguy Andel: NO [1:16] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT MOVIE IT WAS [1:17] thatguy Andel: THIS IS A NIGHTMARE [1:17] thatguy Andel: HWO COULD YOU NOT REMEMBER?! [1:17] thatguy Andel: GOD DAMN YOU! [1:17] Garinovitch Raviprakash is Online [1:17] Zacharias Bardasch: Trinityyyyyy! :D [1:17] Trinity Heckroth: :D [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: BECAUSE I GOT BORED FIVE MINUTES IN SO SHE GAVE ME A BIG HANDFUL OF QUARTERS AND I JUST PLAYED CRAZY TAXY FOR FOUR HOURS [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: AND SHE HAD FUN ANYWAY [1:17] thatguy Andel: NO [1:17] thatguy Andel: NO [1:17] thatguy Andel: NO [1:17] Sykes Foxclaw is Offline [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: YES [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: YES [1:17] thatguy Andel: THATS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: YES [1:17] thatguy Andel: NEIN NEIN NEIN! [1:17] Ordo - Astra 'Nemesis' Fighter: Checking inventory.. [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: THAT'S HOW I ROLL, SON [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: WITH YOUR MOTHER [1:17] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: STEVE [1:18] Ordo Elite Jetpack: Checking inventory.. [1:18] thatguy Andel: DAMNIT, YOU KNOW HER NAME TOO [1:18] thatguy Andel: NOOOOOOOOOOO [1:18] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: STEVE SAYS SHE WISHES YOU WERE BETTER AT CLARINET [1:18] thatguy Andel: WHAT?! [1:18] thatguy Andel: NO! [1:18] thatguy Andel: SHE LIED TO ME THEN [1:18] thatguy Andel: STOP IT! [1:18] thatguy Andel: STOP TALKING! [1:18] thatguy Andel: GO AWAY! [1:18] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: NO SHE SAID THAT ALL THOSE LESSONS WERE A WASTE [1:18] Nivanglus Aya is Offline [1:18] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I still got it. [1:19] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: ;D
  7. LET'S NOT REPEAT THIS DISASTERPIECE Also IP.Warrior disagrees with my browser something fierce. If it's changed, I'm gonna be sticking with Fury for sure.
  8. Fuck your viking wizard dragon shit. /> This is metal in its purest, most concentrated form, untainted by teenage angst, nerd fantasy, or fretboard masturbation. This is just brutality in sonic form.
  9. Thanks Kastrenzo, now I have a boner. @.@ However, I did know most of that already.
  10. Yeah, that kinda pissed me off. The AK-47 was phased out of the Russian military in 1974 and replaced by the AK-74. I believe that's since been replaced by the AK-101 and AK-102, which is a 5.56mm NATO variant. Russian ground forces also still see some degree of use out of the AN-94, which is a really interesting gun, both mechanically and functionally. But y'know, Call of Duty has to keep things familiar to gamers, who are used to Desert Eagles and M82 FIDDY CALZ so the Russian army naturally invades America with 7.62mm AK-47s (which are appropriately inaccurate as hell, which is dumb because the more modern smaller-caliber AKs are actually very low-recoil and about as accurate as your average US issue M4), but decked out with the kind of fancy plastic furniture you buy for your MAK-90 from Tapco to make them more "modern" cuz it's Modern Warfare, right? However, that I can forgive just because they put a FAL in there and kept it semi-auto. I fucking love the FAL enough that it makes up for the oversights regarding the Kalashnikov and the dual-weilding bullshit and the goddamn Desert Eagle. On that note, fuck the shit out of the goddamn .50 AE Desert Eagle. It's absolutely not good for anything you could ever actually use a gun for. It's too heavy and unwieldy for combat, too bulky for concealed carry, too powerful for home defense, too inaccurate for hunting, and too expensive for plinking (the gun itself is about $1500, and .50 AE is up to $2.50 per bullet).
  11. Make a Wii version and use the Wiimote to simulate sawing a leg off of some poor unfortunate kid from Georgia without the aid of morphine or sanitary medical instruments.
  12. Man, that sounds like one of those things that sounds like a great concept that could be really fun, but is bogged down by things like buggy AI, shoddy interface, poor level design, etc.
  13. Oh shit, is it? That's anywhere from the 50s to the 80s though. Anywhere during that time period would be a nice changeup from all the tacticool rail customization and go back to things from the 50s like big huge primitive infrared snooper scopes on M2 carbines, or one of those Russian APS guns that shoots underwater. Seriously, imagine an entire mission where you swim around in a frogman suit and shoot people underwater.
  14. It's free on Steam and I don't think you have to own Half Life 2 already. I don't know how many people still play it but back in the day I took part in some pretty epic line battles.
  15. Battlegrounds 2: A Revolutionary War mod for Half Life 2 Used to play it a lot back in the day, it's surprisingly well-balanced and a lot of fun.
  16. To be fair, the "three things" rule has been left up to Gulliver to tweak as he sees fit so even that's not concrete.
  17. Rygads: Dude, I'm kind of perplexed by something. Me: What's that? Rygads: Well, my ex-girlfriend just texted me and asked me for my phone number. :durr:
  18. So Rygads is in his room teaching himself how to juggle and he's getting frustrated... Rygads: All these balls do is fly away from you, it's impossible to keep them where you want them to go. The only way to do it is to go to FAGGOT CLOWN SCHOOL AND LEARN TO DO IT LIKE A REAL LIFE FUCKING FAGGOT CLOWN. Zrazor: You know this is how Insane Clown Posse was formed, right? Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope were trying to learn to juggle and be legitimate clowns and they went INSANE. They became a posse of insane clowns. Rygads: Fuck! I wanna sing about being myself and killing people!
  19. Y'know, this suddenly has me thinking I should buy some new leatherworking tools and start taking commissions from LARPers and shit because I'm not half bad at making leather armor.
  20. I have actual experience building leather armor, but that's always been like, medieval/fantasy stuff rather than futuristic 40k.
  21. RazorFox

    AC 2010

    . . .I totally knew that.

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