[16:43] Razor Lykin (zrazor.rozenstrauch): Ordo generally relies on its membership to report rule infractions or inappropriate conduct, so if you see someone misbehaving, it's up to you to report them. [16:44] Razor Lykin (zrazor.rozenstrauch): However, since infractions vary in severity, the best thing to do is use the chain of command. [16:45] Razor Lykin (zrazor.rozenstrauch): The chain of command is a 4' length of rusty metal chain, which is used to enforce discipline by way of flagellation. [16:45] Dirty Spaceman (vipps.feden): Exciting! [16:45] Razor Lykin (zrazor.rozenstrauch): XD [16:45] Dirty Spaceman (vipps.feden): I assume you all use the Spoon of Justice as well? [16:46] Razor Lykin (zrazor.rozenstrauch): Naw, we go straight for the Ladel of Penitence. We don't Ffff around. I am the best Schola instructor ever.