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Mikael Khalamov

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Everything posted by Mikael Khalamov

  1. It wouldn't be the Jessie Journal we know and love (loathe?) otherwise.
  2. Dynamic Drinkwater is in it too. Just saw him today.
  3. He murdered my babies and stole my women!
  4. Oh man I remember that. Hahaha. Wow.
  5. [6:43] Samia Perun: It's true. It's unacceptable to throw your poop at people.
  6. All the world's air traffic over a period of 24 hours. Just look at the United States and Europe. Hot damn.
  7. What Frumentarii are you eating? The Frumentarii I eat tastes like pancakes.
  8. Game? What game, good sir? Does anyone else know what this guy is talking about?
  9. Kinda sounded like a brand of oatmeal to me.
  10. I live about 30 miles south of San Francisco.
  11. Things can leak from the forum, too. There's no realistic way to prevent leaks. We'd just need to live with it and not worry ourselves into a self-imposed quarantine.
  12. NationStates 2 is already out, y'know.
  13. I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult. If the ratio was kept fairly high (say 10% of the Ordo as Frumentarii), it wouldn't be exceedingly difficult to distribute the workload. It would be quite easy to gather information on the more open individuals, and the more "closed" ones could eventually be worked out through careful deduction and reasoning. Naturally this is all hypothetical, but I'm just saying it wouldn't be mind-blowingly difficult to do.
  14. YOUR NAME IS BRETT?! My best friend IRL's name is Brett.
  15. Oh man I wish those were used just so I could see what my profile would be like.
  16. Just a teensy thing. It was 2006, not 2007, in which AN/Mercz/Ordo alliance existed.

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