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Rei Kuhr

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Everything posted by Rei Kuhr

  1. I'm actually for restrictions. Why? Because technically those restrictions are already in place. The only difference is where the restriction is coming from, either the OIC or from the unlock regulations. I myself am getting tired of watching our sim bog down because 7 people are all using miniguns on a single person. And I think that leaving it unrestricted would make unlocks be even less rewarding. Why, say, put a lot of effort into earning unlocks when with just a little cash you can buy equivalents? Look at a lot of other militaries. They often restrict outside weapons entirely. We're a bit more lenient, but I still think there should be a line somewhere.
  2. Same thing happened with Erebus. This isnt new to us.
  3. Reminds me how long I've been an O-2 now >.<
  4. I loved it. I want more. MJ I wish I had your skills. I've always been a bit of a moviemaker at heart when it comes to games. Years ago, I got into it myself with scriptwriting and voiceacting. I've only pulled off a single movie scripted and voiced myself, but I was in a few others as a voice actor, and I've always had the urge to pen another screenplay. If you ever want to work on another project, I'd love to help.
  5. Wow, I havent been in that avatar in a while.
  6. [21:31] Capn Robonaught: some of the targets dont respond for me [21:31] Capn Robonaught: so i poop two or three [21:31] Rei Kuhr: ... [21:31] WolfJoya Furse: try turning down the velocity [21:31] Rei Kuhr: I'm so quoting that
  7. I do not want to get off topic, but jetpacks are just one facet of the overall issue. The problem with combat is, of course everyone wants to get the advantage. In real war, that's the point. To kill the enemy without getting killed yourselves. The problem is, this is not real war. Now, can we make it as close to the real thing as possible? Sure. Do we want to? Of course not. Do you want Curia writing an email to your parents that you were shot on an online game? Sounds stupid, really. So keep in mind, it's a game. We do this to have fun. To have fun, we have to make concessions to the people that come to Titan to battle with us. Keep this in mind. All we need to take out a hostile is a single bullet. We do not need anything else to do the job. However, we have an arsenal in place to be able to match firepower with firepower. If they bring a jet, we bring a Praeda or a Nemesis. If they bring a mech, we bring ours. If they decide to use a RPG, we have our pilum. Match force with force. I'm not asking anyone to handicap themselves for the enemy. But keep in mind, the object here is not to obliterate all hostile forces so they never return. If we did, then we would have no enemy left to fight. And no enemy to fight means we will come to Titan every single day to have nothing to do but sit around watching an empty spawn. So if you want to flex your e-muscles, then dont think of how to best a hostile with firepower. Use what you got already in a better manner. Trust in your teammates to help you out. And do not get frustrated because you got shot. We all have had it happen to us. It's not a big deal.
  8. If I hear furries snickering in there and making murry noises, I will set it on fire.
  9. We should designate a small closet for people to afk in. Yes, I know people are going to point out the obvious derogatory comment about being in the closet, but disregard that. A simple small room where people can stuff themselves to go afk. That way, it keeps them out of the way, and too, it concentrates the green dots on the minimap so it looks like we're about to go on a raid 24/7.
  10. If you're going to go afk for an extended period of time, please do it offsim. Right now it's difficult to tell the people who are AFK and who are just ignoring defense duty. Also, mind the surroundings. If it's late and few are on guard, migrate out of the outpost. Especially during the night hours. If there are five people on sim, then all five need to be on the wall. Not just one person with the rest loitering inside the outpost. During an assault, there should be only one person inside the outpost, the OIC. Everyone else needs to be defending the base. The OIC should be posted at the radar room to keep track of movement and to handle the alarm.
  11. Scientific, it's level 5 now.
  12. I just wanted to point out that the Mexican government said it was over 100 deaths, while WHO have denied that figure and have stated no more than 7 people have died so far in direct relation to the swine flu. Either way, I dont want people coughing on me. Swine flu or not.
  14. I doubt Raideur even knows about this, due to his status. It was probably made by his staff without his knowledge. Either way, I have a feeling when Raideur does come on, he's going to be incredibly upset with his staff.
  15. Gunny, I'll help out. Just give me a time and day.
  16. Another thing. I will start appointing SOGs every time I am OIC. This person may be anyone from E-1 to W-2. I'm going to expect that person to handle contacting all incoming people, and to keep a timely watch on the actual grounds. As an OIC, your best position is not on the wall. Go to the radar room. Be the eyes and ears of the sim. Direct your forces. Everyone else, keep in mind, we all understand watching over an empty spawn is boring. But by hanging back and not even trying, that means all those that do get more stressed, having to sit for longer periods of time, watching everyone else have fun while they wait. Everyone pitch in and help out.
  17. It's been that way since I've joined. Ordo armor was always disallowed except during Ordo functions. This means being on base, on assaults, or in defense of an allied sim. There have been only a few other exceptions, such as the rare recruiting run or various social functions. The only difference between back then and now is, we have a nice little database that tells us where it's being used, instead of having to keep our ears open for any reports.
  18. [22:44] maxxie Waffle (COM): Anyone on thats a magister for schola? Cyphe wants to finish schola tonight [22:45] maxxie Waffle (COM): Nobody? [22:46] Jester Spearmann (COM): sex [22:46] Jester Spearmann (COM): sec * [22:46] maxxie Waffle (COM): . . . [22:46] Jester Spearmann (COM): no comment [22:46] maxxie Waffle (COM): Dear god man, look before typing [22:46] Rei Kuhr (COM): ... [22:46] Rei Kuhr (COM): Quoted [22:46] Jester Spearmann (COM): fuck
  19. I'm at work and I still read the forums.
  20. It doesnt cover nearly all the Disney movies. And I doubt they really are as lazy as depicted. However, it is interesting how closely they recycle things between movies. Then again, I dont find it that big a deal. I mean, we've all seen these movies, and did we ever notice before?
  21. Note though the important othre fact stated. Titan is our first priority. This means that if there are only three people guarding Titan, it's not the best time to go visiting Badnarik. It's up to the OIC to decide what is prudent for night defense to maintain status quo. And dont forget, always be prepared to be recalled in case of a night attack.

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