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Lanny Ansar

Ordo RL weapons thread

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  On 1/9/2011 at 4:08 PM, Agares Tretiak said:

I started working on a pattern for a lorica segmentata made from thin sheets of like...tin or something, but never had the cash to purchase the materials...

Pretty sure a side of vegetable-tanned leather is about $120 (last I looked into it). You should be able to make a lorica out of one of those, since it's just rectangles of different lengths.

My torso piece was made with a little less than half a side (since I'm pretty skinny). Including the cost of buckles, straps, and rivets, it was about $60 worth of materials. Doing it myself saved me a ton in labor costs.

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Turns out, my Dad decided to keep these. I was happy.

(Left to Right) two Browning M1919 .30cal MG's, one chambered for the original .30-06 round, and the other chambered for 7.62x51. To the far right is the Browning M2 .50cal in semi-automatic (To prevent having to spend $1000 a month on a Federal Destructive Devices License).

But, he sold this one. I was heartbroken when i had heard, but when he explained, i felt better.

This was our cherished prize. A Springfield Armory M21 SWS. It was custom-built to match up in serial numbers to the rifles of its timeline, including the PVS Night-Vision Scope on it. (We also had a normal 12x scope). The original Rifle itself when first purchased was classedas the "Springfield M1A" with a black polymer stock and only Ironsights and a 10-round box mag, priced at around $1000. This one was sold for $2500 to pay for my father's dental work.

It was sold to a retired Colonel of the United States Marine Corps, who saw it over some images and over Now it is a functioning display piece in a roaming display for Springfield Armory that travels all over the country.

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Updated picture of my DPMS AR-15 Sportical

Front and Rear flip sits. (ARMS)

Forward vertical grip {The Mako Group)

Holographic sight (Eotech L-3)

320 rounds of 223/5.56mm

Quad rail aluminium (forget who made it)

Flashlight Mount (flashlight not show)because I was using it to take the picture.)

I forget what they call the sling. But it hangs my rifle at my hip.


Edited by Hunter Abrams
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  On 1/9/2011 at 8:35 PM, Cyphre Iredell said:

Oh that poor AK! What have you done to it's butt!?!

  On 1/9/2011 at 8:36 PM, Aryte Vesperia said:

It came that way. >:[ Getting a wooden stock for it.

One day that little rifle just stove pipe jammed on him. Aryte got so angry at it because he didn't give it permission to do that. He then grabbed the hot barrel (so much of a boss he didn't notice it was hot) and swung it as hard as he could. and needed a quick fix and that children is why the dinosaurs died out the end.

Edited by Hunter Abrams
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Guess which will have this Katana of Japanese officer of the 2 War?






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  On 3/19/2011 at 6:28 PM, Pat Vinciolo said:

Guess which will have this Katana of Japanese officer of the 2 War?






Damn, that's like a museum-quality shin gunto there. :dowant:

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According to my Internet searches, this katana Shin gunto would be a blade forged at the end of the war.

Raw material to start to miss, therefore the sleeve and the pommel of Katana are to manufacture of “less noble” matter (Here it is to manufacture with skin)

Do somebody know each other there in Katana?

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  On 3/21/2011 at 7:24 AM, Eriksson Foxtrot said:

Still a very very nice Katana you have there, Pat!

Thank you Sir but I it board not yet. It will arrive at home in a few weeks. I think that a very good counterpart of Shin Gunto is right (Because of too the good quality of leather, one would say that leather is new). But as I still have a doubt, I try to find somebody who knows himself there to have his opinion

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