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Guest Xan Xanthos

The Mad Reporter Present's ABUSE!

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Guest Xan Xanthos


This is the kind of stuff Ordo Imperalis seems to allow within their own secondlife community/Army of secondlife. One of my Good friend's was accused, and slandered today by an officer, with something they have no valid evidence about, or anything. We/Her, and I, ect. Do not tolerate this Crap from anyone, and Expect to here an answer in 24 hours of what is being done.

Yes, Ordo Imperalis has the right to reject anyone for any reason, But Allowing an officer to decline someone for filling out an application with the truth is not a Valid excuse, and Judging them based on the past is not a valid excuse either, So here is your Choice, Resolve this within 24 hours to resolve it in peace, or forever hold back, and not respond to her at all, and this goes to the public news on secondlife.

Local Chat Log

[4:35] Lestat Umarov: Can I help you?

[4:36] IM: Lilium Supermarine: he's in charge of titan now.

[4:36] Lestat Umarov: I noticed you put in an application, after I denied you.

[4:36] IM: Lilium Supermarine: higher rank

[4:36] GothGirl Demonia: dont know just chilling

[4:36] Lestat Umarov: Question, why would you think to submit an application ?

without contacing me as to why your were denied?

[4:37] GothGirl Demonia: i contacted someone about it earlier

[4:37] Lestat Umarov: You seem to be under the impression that we think you're a ?


[4:37] GothGirl Demonia: I dont know who to contact in ordo about it

[4:37] Lestat Umarov: Who?

[4:37] Lestat Umarov: I'm the schola vice commandant.

[4:37] GothGirl Demonia: A principlies

[4:37] Lestat Umarov: That's an NCO.

[4:37] Lestat Umarov: They have nothing to do with schola.

[4:37] GothGirl Demonia: well i figured i should go to the lowesr rank possible

[4:38] GothGirl Demonia: becuase higher ranks usually have things to do

[4:38] GothGirl Demonia: nah im not a spy, I transfered from the teen grid 4 days ?


[4:38] Lestat Umarov: Well, the lower ranks can't do anything for you.

[4:38] Lestat Umarov: I didn't say you're a spy.

[4:38] GothGirl Demonia: well I figured thats what you all thought because of my ?

interest in military affairs

[4:39] Lestat Umarov: You said that you weren't tho in your 2nd application. Which ?

makes me think you're under the impression that the denial was specially written for ?


[4:39] Lestat Umarov: It's not.

[4:39] Lestat Umarov: That form has been given to everyone who's been denied to the ?

ordo, which is 85-90% of all applicants.

[4:40] GothGirl Demonia: Yeah its fine, I just thought it was because i listed all ?

my teen grid details as someone told me i should do so i filed another without all ?


[4:41] GothGirl Demonia: But no, I dont take it personal lol.

[4:41] Lestat Umarov: Frankly, you're application wasn't up to the ordo standards. ?

I looked at it and your profile and they screamed. So no, you're probably not ?

going to get in.

[4:41] GothGirl Demonia: ah well I understand, its perfectly fine

[4:41] GothGirl Demonia: There was a lot of drama where i came from

[4:41] GothGirl Demonia: i never erased my old stuff

[4:42] GothGirl Demonia: so yeah I just labeled it old teen grid

[4:42] Lestat Umarov: So how long have you been here?

[4:42] GothGirl Demonia: 4 days now

[4:42] GothGirl Demonia: and yeah main grid seems way better

[4:42] Lestat Umarov: I mean talking with lilium

[4:43] Lestat Umarov: ?

[4:43] You died and have been teleported to your home location


Private Chatlog Disclosed.

[4:54] Lestat Umarov: The details don't matter. You were denied because you don't meet the ordo standards.

[4:54] GothGirl Demonia: Well that is not what you just told me

[4:54] GothGirl Demonia: You told me I was denied because you read my profile.

[4:54] Lestat Umarov: You misunderstood what I said.

[4:55] Lestat Umarov: I read your application and your profile and denied you based off of that.

[4:55] Lestat Umarov: You got ejected from new rome 10 times

[4:55] GothGirl Demonia: So you are judgeing me based on my past, and Something you have no idea about is that it?

[4:56] Lestat Umarov: Yes.

[4:56] GothGirl Demonia: Isn't that kind of a rude thing to do as a leader?

[4:56] Lestat Umarov: Nope.

[4:56] Lestat Umarov: You obviously have no idea the way the ordo is run and are too immature to accept rejection.

[4:57] GothGirl Demonia: Im not too mature to accept a rejection, its the way your wording things, and the way your judging this whole matter, based on something you have no facts about.

[4:58] Lestat Umarov: I don't care about the facts, or what I don't know. Your manner of speaking, and your application were enough to deny you.

[4:58] Lestat Umarov: It wasn't professional at all the way you wrote it.

[4:59] GothGirl Demonia: Well, If i explained everything it would be very very long

[4:59] Lestat Umarov: I

[4:59] Lestat Umarov: don't

[4:59] Lestat Umarov: care.

[4:59] GothGirl Demonia: Well just for your information, I am reporting this to your officer for abuse.

[5:00] GothGirl Demonia: I feel that what you are doing personally is not right as a leader, If they see it the same way maybe they will do something.

[5:00] Lestat Umarov: You have fun with that.

[5:00] GothGirl Demonia: Okay, well Its too bad we couldn't be nicer friends, hell I just met you, and you judge me based on past, and you have no idea.

[5:00] GothGirl Demonia: or maybe we still could, its your call.

[5:01] Lestat Umarov: No, you just go ahead and write up your report.



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Deleted user "Xan Xanthos" because this name isn't a valid Second Life name/does not exist in Second Life (Website Registration Rule #1 in big bold letters and size 20 font, all users see it on website registration, morons usually over-pass it). Also deleted this exact post from the Quotes thread. User Xan Xanthos is urged to re-register with his real SL name.

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Disclosure of a private IM chat log without the consent of all parties involved is a violation of the Second Life terms of service.

Harassment is a violation of the Second Life terms of service.

Off to a bad start here on the main grid.

Well, technically, that only applies to in-world disclosures of things like private IM logs. Since this forum is not contained in-world, it doesn't count as disclosure.

However, a post of this nature is probably not going to help this individual's prospects of being recruited into the Ordo in the least.

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i even told her lestat was in charge >_>'s clearly visable in one of the pictures.

Upon entering the sim, she messaged with asking why she was denied. I forwarded it to lestat but stayed in conversation with her as she seemed to be polite. I allowed her to approch the wall but no further (was only one on sim at time :((((((((((( ) After an hour of her telling me of her teen grid escapades lestat arrived to meet her questions.

Edited by Lilium Supermarine
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Well, technically, that only applies to in-world disclosures of things like private IM logs.

I'm not sure that's accurate, as people have been banned for posting on the SLEX forums. However in either case, this poster is a "good friend" of hers. ;) So she must have given this chat log to him in world before he posted it here... right?

But yes, whatever the plan was in posting this log, it has backfired spectacularly. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior and just one more reason that this person will never be accepted.

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I particularly like the apparently somehow legally binding or something, CAPSLOCK OF UNDENIABLE ACCUSATION there at the top. That's my favorite part, because it is the most ridiculous nonthreatening thing ever. The only thing that could possibly be any more retarded are those worthless disclaimers that people keep putting in their profiles. :thumbsup:

All in all, good for a chuckle.

Edited by Akurei Sieyes
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Well, this isn't going to get deleted any time soon. Ordo has standards, and she didn't meet it, like 80% of the other applicants. Could've been quiet about it like the rest and tried again later, but, well, now we have an example of how NOT to take denial.

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Now, If your friend wished to appeal she could have waited until I had finished Dinner. But you didn't, therefore I'm not going to listen to her appeal for showing impatience. I have a life outside Second Life, I have a job and family.

This is the Adult Grid. We are not obligated to be nice to you. We are not obligated to be your friend. We are not obligated to include you in our group and activities. I do not know how they do things in the Teen Grid since I was never of an age since it was launched to take part in it, but here you are dealing with people who are not under LL policy to be nice to each other.

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This threat is patently ridiculous. Your friend was denied for completely valid reasons. When applying for a job, someone looks at your past references, your work experience, your criminal history. In the Ordo, we don't have anything nearly that meticulous, but it is still valid to research and discover something about the person who's applying, to see if they will be a good addition to the group or a bad addition.

What I see is someone who apparently thinks we are compelled and have been compelled, in the past, to disregard common sense and not use our better judgement, longer experience, and given discretion to deny an application. We do not, nor ever have had to disclose why someone is denied, yet Lestat went out of his way to explain carefully that your friend was not up to the standards we are looking for.

This juvenile attempt at blackmailing the Ordo is also outright laughable. Your childish behavior brings to question any validity to your statements. As Kitsy stated, your great impatience has also cost you the benefit of much respect or courtesy from the Ordo, because we have a process, one you nor your friend tried to use to their advantage or discover existed.

And to wrap it all up, even though the real SecondLife has news reporters and blogs that rely on rumor and questionably biased information, the entire military community would laugh you out of town because many militaries would likely have turned down that application, if you submitted it as truthfully as you had to us.

All in all, sir/madame, your efforts only prove you don't have a leg to stand on.

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