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Ordo Formal Policy: New Jessie

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Ordo armor, attire, regalia necessary in New Jessie. Until today, we've not been really treating New Jessie as a formal arena. After review . . . most every other military does! In order to properly participate with our respectable allies and friends, we will be treating New Jessie as a normal combat area-- with one exception! You may, at any time, still visit and participate within New Jessie's combat. Do not call up a raid to hit New Jessie! Participation must be random as before, unless a specific raid is called up through sanctioned channels.

Proper New Jessie etiquette:

- Respect the flag ownerships of allies: do not capture allied flags.

- Work together with allied parties, even during random events!

- Uphold the Ordo: standards apply; do not embarrass us!

- NO ORDO HEAVY WEAPONRY (Adjudicator, Minigun).


- Treat New Jessie as an arena. Combat here must be respectable, but unless a "raid" is called officially, there's no real bearing. In other words, feel free to try to be Rambo and 1 v 20-- if you lose, the Ordo isn't "losing." Have fun!

- RESPECT and understand ALL NEW JESSIE rules. Abuse will be documented and held against you-- several Ordo ARE admins there! NJ regulations as of 21FEB09 are attached.

Welcome to the Republic of New Jessie!

Feel free to check out the combat museum and displays to learn a little about the history of SL combat, or visit the armory to pick up some free guns or buy others to help support our sim. Once you step off this hub platform, you are in an open combat zone. If you require a weapon, there are freebies placed inside the building for your use.

Join our group - "Republic of New Jessie - Friends" to set your homepoint in our sim, on the landing pad in the hub.

Enjoy your stay!


I. The Basic Rule of New Jessie

We ask that while you are in New Jessie that you respect and follow the rules we have set up. Failure to do so will result in a warning and/or ejection. Repeated violation will be followed with a ban.

We know most of you will never read this document in its entirety. What this document is, is not a set of iron rules to be memorized and acted upon, but the codification of what a lot of people would call conventional and balanced combat. We will call you out if you break the rules, but if you fight conventionally and with our most basic rules in mind, you'll probably be fine - but if you break one of the rules here, you can be called on it regardless of if you've read them or not. Just use common sense and good judgment.

That said, the more complex and flashy stuff you use, the more likely problems are to arise. The best policy is to keep it simple and fair. But feel free to ask an admin or the President about whether your weapon is okay to use. We are always happy to help.

Second Life combat is divided into people who believe in all-encompassing treaties with mathematical formulas, and people who think treaties are stupid. So we have tried to hit a middle ground with a series of clear rules and a strong admonition against putting yourself in situations where you will need to call on specific rules of bomb size and so on. Let's just keep things simple so we can go back to doing what we logged on to do - shoot stuff, create new things, and hang out - and everyone will have a good day.


II. If you have any questions, please refer them to the following people.

Caine Constantine - President

Aeron Kohime - Admin

ariesviper Barbecue - Admin

Fellon Miles – Admin

Kristian Kit - Admin

Leon Makarov – Admin

Likmai Woodget - Admin

Masamune Anansi - Admin

Sami Luukaanen – Admin

Tenyth Hirano - Admin

Tsume Xiao – Admin

If you have any questions, contact an admin and they will be happy to help.


III. New Jessie: Basic Standards and Practices

-Combat is perfectly allowed, and while we ask that you respect the wishes of others who are visiting and non-combative, you may fire at will unless damage is turned off. Below we have placed a few rules to encourage fairplay.

-Harassment or inappropriate conduct is not allowed and will be dealt with at the staff here. If you want to goof around and call names, do it in the drama room. Otherwise, you may be removed for it. We are trying to create a drama free-environment. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

-You must be wearing clothes. No shirt, no pants, no combat. This counts for humans, furries, nekos, and whatever else is out there in Second Life. Nakedness is not okay here.

-Abuse reporting anything with regard to anyone's conduct in New Jessie to Linden Lab without prior approval of the President means a ban from New Jessie. Threatening to abuse report or inciting others to do this is also grounds for a ban. Talk to an admin or to the President - not to Linden Lab.

-The only rules that matter in our sim are ours. Rules, treaties and conventions of any and all other military groups or combat organizations have absolutely no say here. If we had no say in making the rules, we will not enforce them.

-Capturing the flags with airplanes or by repeatedly parachuting to them is frowned upon, though not a technical violation of the rules. They are not the end-all be-all of combat; merely there for you to use as an objective. If you think what you’re doing to capture them is cheap, consider something else.

-We will do everything we can to warn and talk to everyone about issues that arise before banning people. Accidents happen sometimes on both sides.


IV. New Jessie: Rules of Engagement

-Our rules here are based on that of conventional combat, and a balance of allowing people to use what they want to use – including their own fine creations and anything they may buy or receive from others – while also keeping a fair and balanced combat environment free of major lag.

-Remember that just because we do not have it explicitly written, does not mean something will always work. A constantly changing combat scene like Second Life demands flexibility, so sometimes we may have to make judgment calls. We can't cover everything in a written document, so this is the basics. Thank you for your cooperation.

-These following ten categories should cover most everything a normal combatant would ever see.


1. Basic Conduct in New Jessie


-The platform where you arrived on is the hub - a no -combat zone. You can test weapons, provided they won't damage the sim, on the roof of the armory, accessible by teleport button. Otherwise, firing is not allowed.

-AV flying and sithacking is not allowed in the region.

-Use of technical violations to these or any of our rules will not fly – for example, a single wooden prim labeled "aircraft" is not an aircraft, and sitting on it does not make it one.

-Please use reasonable judgment.


2. Guns, Bullets and Clip Sizes


-Visible damage bullets are the only acceptable form of bullets in our region. Explosives like grenades, bombs, rockets, and things like that are okay – but a bullet fired from a pistol, for example, can’t be in “explosive” mode. Megaprim bullets and railguns may not be used.

-Excessive spam of text, bullets, particles, explosives, prims, and so on is not allowed. Chainguns and miniguns require permission before use. Dual wielding is allowed under some conditions, but you may never use more than two weapons at once. Clips should have 100 rounds or less for almost all guns.

-There is no shooting into spawn points or shooting from spawn points allowed. Knives are also not to be used in spawn points, and if you are using an autokilling knife then it is critical that you be careful in moving into and through spawn points. Repeated spawnkilling will lead to a ban.


3. Dual Wielding


-Infantry can dual wield lighter weapons, like pistols, assault weapons, and light or submachine guns. They cannot dual wield heavier weapons, like shotguns, flamethrowers, machine guns, grenade launchers or rocket launchers. So two pistols would be okay. Two machine guns would not. And if you cannot dual wield a weapon, you cannot dual wield it with anything. So a machine gun, which could not be wielded, could never be used with anything else – it would have to be used solo.

-No more than two weapons may ever be used at once.

-Ground vehicles must alternate in whatever weapons they fire. Firing a stream of bullets and cannon at the same time would be overkill, for example, and no more than two guns could be used on a tank at once.

-Common sense is required in making some of the finer delineations that will surely arise, so ask an admin if you have any problems and we will do our best to hammer out a solution.


4. Aircraft


-Use of any aircraft is restricted to air on air combat for the most part, with some exceptions below. Targeting at infantry from the air is not allowed. For those wishing for a decent dog-fight, feel free.

-Aircraft and infantry may almost never fight each other. The only exception to this rule comes when aircraft stray too close to the ground, as in the case of a landing or a bail out. Infantry can shoot at aircraft that are within a few meters of them, due to the risk that pilots will bail with weapons ready. This is meant to keep aircraft in the skies and off the ground.

-In turn, aircraft may almost never shoot at infantry for any reason, with one single exception. Infantry parachuting from the hub may be shot at from aircraft, and may shoot back at them. But once they hit the ground – combat between them ceases.


5. Ground Vehicles


-Ground vehicles of all sorts and aircraft of all sorts may fight one another, as well as fight infantry.

-Ground vehicles may never enter buildings and areas in which they don't naturally or physically fit. For example, towering mechs and tanks cannot use doors meant for infantry if they won’t fit inside of them. A parking garage, on the other hand, where vehicles fit would probably be open to tanks, but not to mechs who could not pass the ceiling clearance.

-Armored ground vehicles – tanks and other wheeled or tracked vehicles only, in our current design – have special rules to accompany their special status.

-Tanks in New Jessie must have a one-hit, one-damage rule.

-Tanks cannot heal themselves. Once they are hit, they cannot recover.

-Armor must be visibly displayed, and capped at 100 damage.

-Tanks must follow the same rules of multiple weaponry as others here.

-Tanks must have a reload time for their weapons.

-Once the tank is destroyed, the person inside of it must be killed as well.

-A tank must not be traveling inside of buildings, up stairs, through windows, and so on.

-Tanks cannot jump or use jetpacks or glide or fly or so on.

-If you have any further questions, ask Caine Constantine for the special notice on armored combat in New Jessie.


6. Parachutes, Jetpacks, and Other Movement Enhancers


-Parachuting may only be done from the hub, and may only be done with an actual parachute. Parachutes may not have a boost on them.

-Jetpacks, gravpacks, jumppacks, movement enhancers, jump boosters, speed boosters, or anything that makes you faster than normal or able to jump higher than normal is not allowed. The only exception here are short combat rolls, and then only if they do not work in mid-air.

-While we were once tolerant of the use of jetpacks as parachutes or as decoration, continual abuse of them means we ask you to remove them altogether while you are in New Jessie.


7. Explosives


-Minor explosives, as opposed to explosive bullets, are allowed. However anything larger than 10 meters in diameter, equal to 5 meters in radius, is prohibited. Explosive bullets are prohibited; only damage bullets are allowed for use in the sim. We ask that all explosives have a 5 second reload/recharge time.

-All explosives must be visible in the normal layer, and not just in the alpha layer, and all explosives that are placed instead of thrown (land mines or C4s as opposed to grenades) must be able to be disabled.

-They cannot be put into or inside of prims. This means for example that you must be able to cut a wire so that a bomb is defused, or shoot a mine so that it blows up. Explosives can never be left on a spawn point or within explosive range of one. You need to be near where you will be placing this explosive when you place it. Altcamming to place mines is not legitimate.

-While accidents happen, repeatedly and purposefully using explosives to blow people up on the other side of walls is not acceptable here. Repeated accidents will require you to use nonexplosive weaponry.


8. Walls and Shielding


-Shielding, unassailable vehicles, or point to point teleporters are not allowed. You must be able to die at any time, and must cross space from point A to get to point B. One exception here would be a tank with armor. Please see our armored combat guidelines for more on that subject.

-Rezzable barricades made of prims are fine, provided they do not block up doorways. If you block up an entire doorway so that there is no way through it by jumping, or no way through other than being hurt, then you must remove the barrier.

-Purposely using the rez offset of a weapon or exploiting the Havok4 bug to fire through walls is not allowed. There is never any justification to shoot through walls.


9. Melee Weapons and Special Devices


-Any type of melee weapon should never exceed 5 meters at the very most.

-Wallcrawlers are fine provided they work slowly. They may only be used by infantry; not by ground vehicles, including mechs. A grapple that shoots and pulls you immediately to a target would not be allowed, but if it pulled you up the side of a buildnig slowly, it would be fine. If you can fire a gun while you’re crawling up a building – admittedly a very difficult task – then it’s probably not legitimate.

-Calling in artillery strikes and ion cannon blasts or other things from far in the sky down to hit the ground is not allowed in the current sim design at the present time.


10. Improving the Combat Experience in New Jessie


-We ask you to remove any copybotted/leaked weapons, armor or other items that are out and in use.

-If you are completely wiping the floor with someone and you’re using a particularly good weapon, consider using something weaker. If you kill someone ten times in a row with your heavy machine gun, then they’re just going to decide not to come back. It’s ultimately your call, but you’ll get more fighting in the long run if you give everyone a chance.

-If you're wearing any especially prim-heavy additions to the body - like giant wings or things like that - and battle heats up, we may ask you to go to the drama room or remove the items to keep client lag lower here. If your combat armor gets especially prim intensive, it may also be a problem. This usually will not be an issue though with most standard uniforms, and this line is here primarily to be clear that we ask all our visitors keep lag down so far as they can.


Thank you for reading the rules here and we hope you enjoy your time in New Jessie!

-Caine Constantine and the New Jessie Staff

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As for calling in those raids as keller asked

Pretty much the same regulation goes as before, which probably means you can ask friends to come along as friendly combat, you can't ask people over comms to claim new jessie for the Ordo as in an ordo raid.

In short:

You can ask your friends

You can't ask Ordo's

Defining them in 2 categories, your friends can off course be ordo's but if you want to bring buddies then it should be your buddies and you shouldn't be bringing in fellow Ordo's for the sake of establishing ordo superiority.

At least, that's how i interpretated Aryte's words.

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Calling it a raid is just that . . calling it a raid.

If you say over /2 com. "Hey dudes, let's go hit New Jessie." That's a raid.

If you're standing on defense with ten others and say aloud, "Man, no one's gonna attack us. Let's go to New Jessie." That's a raid.

If I organize a team to hit New Jessie, that's a raid.

If you go to New Jessie with a couple other Ordo friends to go smash some faces, that's partaking in the arena in a-okay.

If you IM a couple people privately and ask them to help you in New Jessie, that's a-okay.

If you run into four other Ordo who went to NJ and team up to smash faces, that's a-okay.

The difference is more founded in impact, I'd say: if you publicly call up an Ordo party to go attack NJ, then it's crossing into the raid realm. The point of doing it privately is . . well, not to neglect defense or make the assault seem like some sort of official Ordo beatdown on New Jessie. Consider NJ an arena, and an area to skirmish in. Unless I call up an official beatdown!

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