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Roxxie Sukra

F****** Typical Furries

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See what happens when I leave titan to go out to go shopping in a female avi....

no offense to anyone but really....

[22:53] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: excuse me if i sound rude... but define 97.5% female

[22:54] Roxxie Sukra: heh 97.5% is female the inside is chocolate

[22:54] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ... you have chocolate inside?

[22:54] Roxxie Sukra: mmhmm I injected it into my blood >>

[22:55] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: so if i eat you out you will taste like delicious chocolate? *DONT HIT ME O_O*

[22:58] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: but imma virgin anywya i dont do those things

[22:58] Roxxie Sukra: really couldn't tell :P

[22:59] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: im a virgin in real life at least

[22:59] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i may be the only one

[22:59] Roxxie Sukra: naw

[22:59] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i never meet any

[23:00] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: you one O.o

[23:00] Roxxie Sukra: I know a few and I'm not gunna tell you personal info >>;;

[23:00] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and thats a no. you arent

[23:01] Roxxie Sukra: well or I could be lying so you dont hump my leg like most furverts

[23:02] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: remember.. not all male furries are "furverts" my last ex 1 year ago dumped me because i wouldnt pay "attention " to her cuz i wasnt ready to go "further"

[23:02] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and i havent dated since cuz i realise i cant win either way

[23:03] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: its either the girl that wants sex or the guy never at the same time

[23:03] Roxxie Sukra: when playing a game with a alwys lose XD

[23:03] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: yes.. love is a game to females

[23:03] Roxxie Sukra: most anyways

[23:04] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: no... all

[23:04] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: every fucking one

[23:04] Roxxie Sukra: I would love to have a girl friend but they scare me

[23:04] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i take it you are male irl

[23:04] Roxxie Sukra: nope I'm a female in rl but if you dont beleive me you can call me and I'll talk on voice

[23:05] Roxxie Sukra: just kinda looking for parts....

[23:05] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: id rather not bother grabbing a headset

[23:05] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: parts?

[23:05] Roxxie Sukra: parts for more avi mods

[23:05] Roxxie Sukra: and I'm to lazy to plug my headset in

[23:05] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: meh

[23:06] Roxxie Sukra: my avi is a mod I made

[23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: its cute

[23:06] Roxxie Sukra: also made a panda...

[23:06] Roxxie Sukra: but i love my purple kitty

[23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: so just our of curiousity

[23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: are you a virgin irl?

[23:06] Roxxie Sukra: like I said I'm not telling you till I get to know you

[23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw walks off

[23:07] Roxxie Sukra shrugs.

[23:07] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: it would help me out by knowing ya know

[23:07] Roxxie Sukra: how so?

[23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: because for almost 5 days ive been depressed off my ass cuz im starting to realise no girl can just WAIT for a change.. because that ex i told you about got dumped by the guy she left me for... she was 5 months pregnent and had the kid 3 weeeks ago

[23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and ive been crying every day cuz its my fault she left

[23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: shes 20 years old -.-

[23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and has a kid

[23:10] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: maybe if i would have paid "attention" to her she wouldnt be in this mess..

[23:11] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i dont know where im going with this at this point *curls up whimpering holding his teddy bead*

[23:13] Roxxie Sukra: some randome rant cause you think all girls are just baby makers and just have babies cause they dont get attnetion

[23:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: are you a virgin x.x cuz i havent met any in like forever

[23:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: meh never mind

[23:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw lights a cigarette and sighs blowing smoke out his nose

[23:16] Roxxie Sukra: like I said for the 3rd time I'm not telling you....cause I just think asking someone out of the blue is pretty rude

[23:16] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: you looked like a person who maybe didnt let sex get to them so i took a chance and asked..

[23:17] Roxxie Sukra: so it gives you the right to be a rude jeark?

[23:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i dont want to pop your cherry or anything

[23:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: yes ^^

[23:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw gags

[23:18] LoneWolf Tigerpaw offfers a cigarette

[23:18] Roxxie Sukra: I dont smoke

[23:18] LoneWolf Tigerpaw offers a teddy

[23:18] Roxxie Sukra: no thanks you touched that

[23:18] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i give up..

[23:19] Roxxie Sukra: good for you, have a nice day k thxz bye ^^

[23:20] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: im sorry..

[23:20] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: this is why i hate females

[23:20] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: they all think every guy is an asshole

[23:21] Roxxie Sukra: well hello you just came out and asked me if I was a virgin? thats' a pretty dick move right there buddy, so I guess you could go gay...

[23:21] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: if you were a virgin youd be proud enough to admit it..

[23:22] Roxxie Sukra: why should I tell someone over the internet? that's like running up to a hobo and saying I'm a virgin

[23:22] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: a hobo only wants change!

[23:22] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: "spare some change for the bus"

[23:22] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: south park.. damn you

[23:24] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: oh well

[23:24] LoneWolf Tigerpaw holds up a lil baggie of catnip above your head

[23:24] Roxxie Sukra: .....

[23:24] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: cats love catnip !

[23:25] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ... dont they

[23:25] Roxxie Sukra: .....just....

[23:25] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: what..

[23:26] Roxxie Sukra: what the hell I'm gunna say it, fucking typical furries....

[23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: do you like guns and stuff in second life

[23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: oh

[23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ordo never mind >.<

[23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: better than mercz at least

[23:29] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: wanna mess my friends gun shop up with me :o

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: -.- and you blocked me -.-

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: well anyway if you get this message

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i really am sorry

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ive had a rough week

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and yes im fucked up i guess

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i thought maybe youd be cute or something

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: just a bitch to me like anyone else

[23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ill leav you and your shitty avatar alone

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Whoa the same person hit on me also

[2008/07/02 2:08] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: can i touch your bunbunbits

[2008/07/02 2:08] josey Bingyi: hey

[2008/07/02 2:08] josey Bingyi: 0.o

[2008/07/02 2:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: pretty please

[2008/07/02 2:13] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: aw come on o_o

[2008/07/02 2:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw begs

[2008/07/13 0:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: are you straight O.o

[2008/07/13 0:16] josey Bingyi: depends

[2008/07/13 0:16] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: on what O.o

[2008/07/13 0:16] josey Bingyi: the person

[2008/07/13 0:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw licks at your cheek

Thats me hinting I'm not gonna do anything with him :P

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Aeriese Descenna wrote:
Karlhockey Forte wrote:

Where did you find this person? I want to go up to him and make him feel horrible that he will never have a chance :)

Karlhockey wants to do some flirting :3

I am going to crush someones dreams.

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Roxxie's first post and thread on our forums is to troll a common occurrence and ask for moral support from peers that she hardly sees and talks to. Obviously this "LoneWolf Tigerpaw" has issues, and she has proven that she obviously also has an issue that forced her to troll the guy/girl/thing. I believe the better person wouldn't dwell on a situation like that, no? Be the better person and turn the other cheek. Moving on.

And, Roxxie, you may of overlooked this, but you're not the only one who has to deal with people like that. We all do. And when we do, we don't go trolling it on the Ordo forums. If you were actually around and had a post count greater than 3 and a few more hours clocked into Titan your random troll in the Off-Topic wouldn't be so out-of-place.

I have seen many, many trolls in my forum going days and this one is no different/better/deserves a pat on the back.

Thread Locked

I guess it's almost time for me to write that "READ-ME BEFORE POSTING" thread. This is the 5th thread this month that I had to lock/delete because it lacked a sensible topic.


Or get someone else to do the moderating dirty-work work for me.

/me looks around for Trevor. >_> <_<

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